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Ranked tournaments? Plus new UK table

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Posts: 974
20:42 Fri 29 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Well in the rare situation you could end up with a worse rank when winning a tourny, how about put something in place so it this arises then you go back up to the rank you was before you started the tourny, so you don't actually lose rank but it will still work with the current ranking system.
Posts: 292
22:00 Fri 29 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
This might be out of topic a tiny bit but to be fair rank shouldnt stay at 800 anyways, it should get lower until it reachs 675 again most people might not like that though :/
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22:18 Fri 29 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Or the figures you start at/stick at (ie the par score for want of a better title) which are currently 675 and 800 could be combined to a single score - say 750, 775, 800 or whatever.
Posts: 7,324
22:25 Fri 29 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Make every 9 ball speedy ranked, got a nice 23 points from winning that
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16:25 Mon 1 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Are we going to see ranked marathon tournies soon?
Posts: 13,570
02:46 Wed 3 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
just wondrin...........

i entered ranked tourny earlier and my first round had a 'no-show'. initially i thought when i was awarded the win, then surely i should have had some sort of addition to my rank???

admittedly it aint a big deal and the more i thought about it the less it bothered me but was just a point i wanted to raise.

it would surely deter competitors from entering if they were unwilling to turn up for their match.

drawn a good player and thot nah i'll not bother when even if they do show and get beat, their rank will not be as greatly affected as them beating the better player.

apologies if this sounds like crap but just a query
Posts: 8,939
10:56 Wed 3 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yes, in the even of a no-show then ranks would need to be adjusted accordingly. This is something Nick is aware of.

eemad said:
Well in the rare situation you could end up with a worse rank when winning a tourny, how about put something in place so it this arises then you go back up to the rank you was before you started the tourny, so you don't actually lose rank but it will still work with the current ranking system.

This would not work within the corrent system as the extra rank will have appeared effectively from nowhere.

Also, why should people be given back rank they have lost fairly and squarely? The fact it happened to be in a tournament game and not a normal ranked game is irrelevant.

Edited at 08:59 Wed 03/11/10 (GMT)
Posts: 974
12:09 Wed 3 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Good point. Which idiot came up with that idea?
Posts: 4,751
15:54 Wed 3 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Next patch a no show will give a default loss (single game irrelevant of number of games in match) and an abandonment.

I believe this should be added for all tournaments. It isn't right that people wait 3 minutes for tournaments when someone else has no intention of playing, or is busy playing in another tournament.
Posts: 38,097
16:56 Wed 3 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
default loss i can agree with but adandon i dont simply because you wasnt in the game room so you never played so you never left in the first place.
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17:09 Wed 3 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
I hear what u r saying dgen but in other sports (say football) the team would be awarded a 3-0 win.....

There are many reasons why players don't show for tournies but on many occasions they are logged in and simply do not show and do not send a message to say they are not coming.

I totally agree with what Nick intends.....
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17:12 Wed 3 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
and yes technically the match is abandoned as the opponent failed to show up....
Posts: 504
17:14 Wed 3 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
i disagree though, regardless of if they show or dont show you'd still be playing 3minutes at least depending upon a runout/gb.

most of the time i dont enter is because i've rank afk or in the middle of a game, If you are trying to complete a game which unfortunatly runs out of time for the invite then there's nothing that can be done.
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17:47 Wed 3 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ranked Tournies

I just did a marathon tourny which I was lucky enough to win - IF it had been ranked I estimate I would have lost 9 ranking points (best guess)....

I am intrigued to find out the loading for winning games as I am very much in favour of ranked tournies....
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00:04 Fri 5 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Just a thought but shouldn't ranked tournaments be seeded by rank not by how many tournament wins they have?

Or even have both?

or nevermind
Posts: 31,220
01:21 Fri 5 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Tournaments aren't seeded by tournament wins at the moment; they're completely unseeded and random. The number of tourney wins you see after each name is just a guide to the level of competition in the tournament.
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13:14 Sat 6 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Just done first ranked tournie and +8.1 pts - that said I found it gave an extra edge to the games (i.e more concentration / focus) as there was more at stake lol. Hope to see a marathon ranked tournie soon.....
Posts: 8,939
13:58 Sat 6 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Good point, if you're one (or more) up then it didnt matter if you let one slip, with ranked, every game counts.

The extra rank weighting willl be coming soon, but I've made todays 9 ball marathon the first ranked marathon tourney. We will move it around the disciplines over the next few days
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15:45 Sat 6 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Nick / Spinner

When you look at results of ranked tournament games it doesn't tell you it was a tournament game. It just says...

"8 Ball Pool UK Ranked - bazmeister (0) loses to al_ (3) with 1 ball remaining
RANKINGS: al_ 909.0 (+1.6), bazmeister 840.2 (-1.6)"

Is it possible for it to read...

"8 Ball Pool UK TOURNAMENT Ranked - bazmeister (0) loses to al_ (3) with 1 ball remaining
RANKINGS: al_ 909.0 (+1.6), bazmeister 840.2 (-1.6)"

Thanks Al
Posts: 4,751
16:08 Sat 6 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yes, this will be fixed when I next patch funkypool.
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Ranked tournaments? Plus new UK table

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