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Ranked tournaments? Plus new UK table

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Posts: 4,751
14:13 Tue 26 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
The changes today included an updated secondary UK table, some slight updates for server, plus some code cleanup which should have no impact.

However there is also the ability to have ranked tournaments, where each frame is ranked as a normal ranked game. Currently this is disabled, but we can try a ranked tournament later.

Edited at 11:19 Tue 26/10/10 (BST)
Posts: 974
14:16 Tue 26 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Nice changes nick as per usual!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:19 Tue 26 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
i think the ranked tournies are a great idea as it will mean that people will want to win more and there will be alot more competition within tournaments,

i have yet to see changes to the uk table ill modify my post when i do.

Deleted User
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14:20 Tue 26 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Can't wait for the first ranked tourny, will be good and the sooner the better!
Posts: 5,201
14:28 Tue 26 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Will we have a choice to play ranked tourney as in when invites taken choose ranked or unranked ? , or will it be set ? I don't like the idea of ranked tourneys sorry
Posts: 38,097
14:30 Tue 26 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
if its 2 a day or something no one can complain as you have a choice if to enter or not, ranked random tournie would be good, not only will you know rank you get but you won't know game type either.
Deleted User
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14:32 Tue 26 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
I think it will be in the title, like Us8 ranked tournament.

You wouldn't have to join if you didn't want to but I believe it would be awesome and may stop a few people sitting on 800.0 rank
Posts: 974
14:33 Tue 26 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
chaos_ said:
Will we have a choice to play ranked tourney as in when invites taken choose ranked or unranked ? , or will it be set ? I don't like the idea of ranked tourneys sorry

The whole tourny would be set as ranked. Only a small % are going to be ranked i presume, don't see the problem in simply not playing in the tourny if you don't want to play rank.
Deleted User
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14:33 Tue 26 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
I actually think using the same ranking system will put a few off entering tournaments even though it shouldnt - but we'll see.

Unless of course there are to be completely separate tournament ranking score tables and I have misunderstood.
Posts: 38,097
14:35 Tue 26 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
they will use same rank system, will there be an extra tab on profile e.g.

Friendly Tournament Wins 5
Ranked Tournament Wins 3
Posts: 974
14:35 Tue 26 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
No you've understood fine (unless we've both mis-understood)

It'll only put people off entering a small amount of tournys.
Deleted User
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14:36 Tue 26 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
eemad said:
It'll only put people off entering a small amount of tournys.

So we agree on that then - I just don't think that should ever be the case.
Posts: 5,201
14:42 Tue 26 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
I'm not totally against the idea but , if i want to play ranked games i will , its there for the taking , the tourney's are fun because there's nothing lost if you lose, something to gain if you win , were not all cowboys ya know
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:43 Tue 26 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
I believe if you can beat someone confidently in a friendly tournament, you can do so in a ranked tournament, the only difference is the winner is being rewarded, the only thing that would be wrong is say onua is 950 rank and wins 2-1 vs a 720 he would lose points...

However that is the risk he is taking should he play them in ranked anyway and knows the risks involved when joining the tournament as it would say ranked. As long as the players are warned before hand I don't see such a big problem. There is obviously a big call for ranked tournaments as there is often threads asking for them, wouldn't mind a trial run.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:51 Tue 26 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Once again mich if everyone had that attitude then great - in reality they don't though.

I just believe a separate tournament ranking would be better all round - however it was done.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:01 Tue 26 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Well I think we would need a trial run to see the popularity, and how well it went to see whether they should be implemented so hopefully some time today,
Posts: 8,939
15:28 Tue 26 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
There will be several trials and if popular, ranked tourneys will be introduced among the existing lineup.

Don't forget, many people were opposed to 8 and 9 ball games being added as tourneys, then opposed to marathon tourneys, then speed toruneys, then random tourneys etc..

But if we were to scrap any of those now there would be an uproar

To clarify - no changes, no special ranks, no different stats, the only difference is that all games in the tournament will be ranked.

Ranked tournaments may have been the most requested feature over the years dating way back to pool sharks, so it will be fun to see it in practice at last.
Posts: 509
15:51 Tue 26 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Your going to get a lot of fake newbies entering these tournies just to P people off!

Could be fun!
Posts: 4,195
16:37 Tue 26 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
LOL bill, thing is with that if you do get a user who purposefully plays 100 games and has a low rank, then enters a tourny and hustles all the top players, the top player is gonna lose a fair few points. I do like this idea it just should be thought about a bit more like you should gain points for how far you reach in the tourny?
Posts: 8,149
16:39 Tue 26 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
You mentioned a secondary UK table, where is it?
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Ranked tournaments? Plus new UK table

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