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Write A Poem 4 :)

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20:25 Sun 27 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
a_j said:
I've got the bug i have to say
It's really quite addictive
Finding words tho is a prob
i find it quite restrictive

Paula gives us all support
She really is a treasure
And her loyalty to this thread
Is something we can't measure

I will try my best to have a go
and keep her dream alive you know
Hipps, iv'e made fun of your pink outfit
but i love your phrase 'Keep er Lit' !!! lol

I luv it!!!!
Posts: 13,570
00:30 Mon 28 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
welcome a_j i like yer style,
yer poems really made me smile,
so keep er lit and do some more,
am sure you may become hardcore!
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02:28 Mon 28 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thank you Gareth, glad i made you smile
Good to know my poems, have been so wothwhile
I've done my bit for today
Now i'm off to bed without delay
Work tomorrow is where i must go
I need my rest or on my face it will show (baggy eyes) lol
So Goodnight all, a fond goodbye
For tomorrow night i'll give it another try

Nite Nite Anne x
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18:43 Mon 28 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Away for the weekend, I came back here today,
To find a list of new poems, and well - what can I say!
With Paula typing poems, with smoke from her fingers,
Around this here thread is the place that she lingers.

With Anne also here, I think you praise me too much,
I don't think I'd be great at poetry lessons as such.
Usually I just type, and out come the words,
Whether its on the weather, a loved one, or the trees and the birds.

It's just a fun thing to do, that's a secret of mine,
A place I visit to chill out, and spend some of my time.
Some people on here, hold this dear to their heart,
Especially one person that's been there from the start.

So to new posters here, maybe young maybe old,
A lengthy fun poem, is a sight to behold.
Therefore, don't be shy, if you just read the rhymes,
To stick down your own lyrics, and post a poem sometime.
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22:09 Mon 28 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Boy meets girl
You were my dream,my world
But i was blind
You cheated on me from behind
So on my own
I feel so all alone
Though I know it's true
I'm still in love with you

I need a miracle
I want you to be my girl
Give me a chance to see
That you are made for me
I need a miracle
Please let me be your boy
One day you'll see it can happen to me
Posts: 38,214
02:33 Tue 1 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Fab Fab Fab!

(Just posted this on a birthday thread ive made on general chat too)

Im here to do a special poem, for someone on here
He's listened to me lots lately, he's been quite sincere

But this verse is not because of that, its really just to say
I'd like to wish him all the best, for today is his birthday

Many a time ive forgot his day, he has never forgot mine
So i thought id make more effort and post this little rhyme

I was going to do it in chapters, make it sound all nice
But something in my mind said no, making me think twice

Was gunna leave you something here but decided to make you wait
For now you'll have to with a loud "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" mate

Good news you will get prezzy's and you will get plenty
However i need to make you wait till the chapter twenty!!!

All please now raise a glass from your comfy seat
Join in with me when i say have a good one PITBULL_PETE

Hope you have a great day bab *HUGS*

~Paula~ :-)
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02:46 Tue 1 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
What a class poem! I still remember the one you wrote to me last year when you forgot :O haha

Posts: 38,214
02:50 Tue 1 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
:O Ha didnt forget this time tho

Title for Ste: Pitbull_Pete
Posts: 13,570
08:00 Tue 1 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
sleep deprivation can trouble a nation,
but i just sit up and play pool,
battlin it out for the tournies and points,
and sometimes actin the fool!

the craic can be good and the company too,
as there are certainly some characters it's true,
but when it comes down to the fact,
that this game's sometimes crap,
coz am wishin to just be with you.

for my cheeser
Posts: 12
13:07 Tue 1 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
hippy ur poems are funny and ur girlfriend loves them to
but all the normal punters are making fun ov u
they see them as garbage not nearly as good as mine
my poems are class and have a real touch of true divine
to woo a girl like ur trying to do tell her with surprise
then u will have the girl you love ur own special angeleyes
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13:20 Tue 1 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
heres a short poem from mufty D
oh yes thats totally me
i just popped into say hi
now im off, good bye
Posts: 13,570
14:01 Tue 1 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
as strange as it may seem and am sure you know why,
for i haven't a clue and don't care to pry,
but have been here for ages just doin my thing,
gettin grief all the time with no kind of inkling.

the 'garbage' i write yes you may have your say,
but when it comes down to opinions yours simply don't sway,
has no impact on me for i'll still be here writin,
so no apologies from me if ya don't find it exciting.

so let it be known and don't stop all your keek,
for hippesville's still writin whether strong or just weak,
my heart's in this thread with many others who care,
am not makin ya read 'em but i will always share.

here endeth the lesson until the next time,
for this ain't the end of my ramblings and rhymes,
i will always look forward to readin new posts,
on this our wee thread that i really love most.

Posts: 13,570
14:02 Tue 1 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
wcfa2011 said:
heres a short poem from mufty D
oh yes thats totally me
i just popped into say hi
now im off, good bye

go ahead sam, don't hold back m8
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14:04 Tue 1 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
this poem is very short
so now i shall abort
Posts: 13,570
14:11 Tue 1 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
a man of many words is he,
our sam the poet can't ya see,
too many words would wreck his style,
but still his ditty's make me smile.

keep er lit m8
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14:14 Tue 1 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
hippo hippo you are right
to many words and il reach a new height
wreck my style it shall do
because il be to true
Posts: 13,570
14:16 Tue 1 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
hip hop,
sam don't stop,
not too many,
in case ya flop!
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14:18 Tue 1 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
hipster hipster i shall not stop
because if i do il get a writers block
Posts: 13,570
14:22 Tue 1 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
wcfa2011 said:
hipster hipster i shall not stop
because if i do il get a writers block

lmao i thot that always occurred.........
especially after 15 words!!!!!!
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14:23 Tue 1 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
well i now must go to college
to learn some new knowledge
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Write A Poem 4 :)

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