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Write A Poem 4 :)

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Posts: 38,214
23:21 Sun 20 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
so tell me when ya know someone,
to trust and then confide,
its difficult i tell ya now,
to then find out they've lied!

If thats about someone youve been close to on here..or online then OMG i can so relate to that...tappened to me and its not nice but our own fault for letting it happen! lol Am here if u need a chat btw :)

Some fab ones there...Ste? who is this person then...oh and Hippes..pmsl @ u going off one one :D

For Ste

I recall the 1st poem you posted,
About a young lad from Leeds
T'was a short ditty
An also quite witty
Involving a packet of seeds!!

From then on i was addicted
To your great ability to rhyme
They cudda been short
Or had loadsa thought
Yet i still read every line

Your verses became somewhat famous
Around this fun funky site
Dare i may mention
They had my attention
Had me loggin on every night!

So heres hoping youve come back
With thoughts for all to explore
Tho not just for me
But for others to see
You compose a whole load more

(Love this thread soooooooo much)
Deleted User
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23:36 Sun 20 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Aww Paula, that was one of your best yet, easily!

You're so much better than when I was here last time

OK who was I on about...the clues are all there! One man act, plays guitar, known worldwide, back in the day...jeeeez

I'll give you a clue...started off acoustic, uproar when he went electric. Massive in the 60's. Mates with the beatles.

Posts: 38,214
23:52 Sun 20 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
writeapoem said:
Aww Paula, that was one of your best yet, easily!

You're so much better than when I was here last time

OK who was I on about...the clues are all there! One man act, plays guitar, known worldwide, back in the day...jeeeez

I'll give you a clue...started off acoustic, uproar when he went electric. Massive in the 60's. Mates with the beatles.


Its thanks to YOU im into poems Ste ...thankyou :)

60's? SIXTIES!!! Kinell i wasnt even a twinkle...

*thinks who plays guitar*

Eric Clapton? Marc Knopfler(?) Jimi thingy haha i dunno
Posts: 13,570
01:26 Mon 21 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
hey Paula.......

For Ste.....fantastic!!!!! def up there with the best of em hun x

its not a surprise when i think,
why paula should use so much ink!!
coz her poems thrill me,
an make me tee-hee,
don't wanna miss em am too scared to blink!!

am hatin my last lines atm
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02:47 Mon 21 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
The Spinster

The time has run out, the chance is now gone,
He waited a good length of time.
It's very clear now, that the whole thing was wrong,
After he tried to work out your mixed signs.

No time for it you said, a rather feeble excuse,
You've been leading this young man a-stray.
After summer had passed, he was to you no use,
You said work would take up all of your days.

No affection you showed him, until you chose to,
Even turning away from his kiss.
Playing games with his feelings, he's now sure what to do,
As he feels like the whole thing's hit and miss.

You tell him you like him, then blank him out for a while,
He feel's like he's being shut out in the cold.
But you think it's all good when you give him a smile,
Whilst to him the game's getting real old.

How can you expect him to wait around for you?
When you choose to see him once a blue moon?
Deep down he know's you feel something for him too,
But his patience has run out too soon.

It's a sad situation, a state of affairs,
That you think he'll follow you along like a sheep.
It's getting to the point where he just doesn't care,
So the memories are for you to keep.

He knows in the next month, when you're at that same place,
That you'll think you can pick up, from the last time you met.
But that flirtatious little look, will drop from your face
When he tells you to simply forget.
Posts: 13,570
06:40 Mon 21 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
time for bed four hours ago,
am gonna be duffed today,
no kids is good,
but the meetings they should,
make me fall asleep straight away!!

so 2mara if anyone sees me here,
after the hour of twelve,
will you hit me a slap,
and tell this daft chap,
get some sleep and look after yerself.

good night all ya funksters, sweet dreams
Posts: 38,214
12:45 Mon 21 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thanks Hippes....and theres nothing rong with the last lines on ur poems lol

Fab that one Ste...Fact or Fiction?

Its defo not ending up dead, this mighty fine poem thread
Its back on page one each day, cos i think Ste's back to stay

But even so if he's not, he gave poems another shot
He's made me relight the flame of posting on this ryhmin game

Yet since he left long ago people still have tried to show
Just how good they can be at doing a poem or three

And so my interest was still here, reading when i could
But i'll admit i didnt post as much as i propbably should

We should all compose some even if not sincere
Just give it a little go an raise a bit of cheer!

Yours make me laff too Hippesville
So keep on posting if you will

Posts: 2,684
15:06 Mon 21 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Just popped over from the sunny-side
PPPaula said I should come and read from toe to head
So I thought I'd come along for the ride
I find someone who's name is the same as the thread

He was the person by whom Pawla was inspired
Writing poems line after line and verse after verse
Her poem writing he really has fired
Unfortunately I got involved and then things got worse

So Poolaa was inspired by Ste
And then she encouraged me and others
So indirectly Ste inspired me
But to me Pauline, is still of the forum the Mothers

So it's too long for me over here in the dark
Now back to Snooks I must creep
This thread now I think I should bookmark
But for now it's time for my afternoon sleep

A big thanks for the poems you guys
Keep writing them, "Keep er lit"
It's time for me to fly
Sorry my rhyming is............ rubbish

Deleted User
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19:58 Mon 21 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ha Paula I shall not say...sometimes my poems are true, sometimes I just make them up!

Branded and labelled, lost and then found,
Loved and then hated, free but yet bound.
Smiling but crying, alive although dead,
Hot and then frozen, behind yet ahead.

Floating yet grounded, not above nor below,
Standing but running, oblivious, in-the-know.
Scathing but pleasant, in love but alone,
Sick but so healthy, small but so grown.

Liked although hated, quiet yet so loud,
Well known in the circle, but a face in the crowd.
Handsome yet ugly, dirty but clean,
Smart although stupid, kind but so mean.

Active but lazy, young yet so old,
Fake although natural, shy but so bold
Bright but so dark, happy but sad,
Single but taken, disappointed yet glad.
Posts: 13,570
20:42 Mon 21 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
g_k said:
Just popped over from the sunny-side
PPPaula said I should come and read from toe to head
So I thought I'd come along for the ride
I find someone who's name is the same as the thread

He was the person by whom Pawla was inspired
Writing poems line after line and verse after verse
Her poem writing he really has fired
Unfortunately I got involved and then things got worse

So Poolaa was inspired by Ste
And then she encouraged me and others
So indirectly Ste inspired me
But to me Pauline, is still of the forum the Mothers

So it's too long for me over here in the dark
Now back to Snooks I must creep
This thread now I think I should bookmark
But for now it's time for my afternoon sleep

A big thanks for the poems you guys
Keep writing them, "Keep er lit"
It's time for me to fly
Sorry my rhyming is............ rubbish

Grae ya big jessie!!!!!!!!!

glad u could join us
Posts: 38,214
00:36 Tue 22 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
writeapoem said:
Ha Paula I shall not say...sometimes my poems are true, sometimes I just make them up!

Branded and labelled, lost and then found,
Loved and then hated, free but yet bound.
Smiling but crying, alive although dead,
Hot and then frozen, behind yet ahead.

Floating yet grounded, not above nor below,
Standing but running, oblivious, in-the-know.
Scathing but pleasant, in love but alone,
Sick but so healthy, small but so grown.

Liked although hated, quiet yet so loud,
Well known in the circle, but a face in the crowd.
Handsome yet ugly, dirty but clean,
Smart although stupid, kind but so mean.

Active but lazy, young yet so old,
Fake although natural, shy but so bold
Bright but so dark, happy but sad,
Single but taken, disappointed yet glad.


I LOVED that poem..really fab it was :)

WOOSI @ Grae posting one
Posts: 38,214
00:29 Wed 23 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
:O This one needs a boost so it doesnt slip

Ste? Wanna Title
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00:33 Wed 23 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yeah go on then, can't think of one myself!
Posts: 13,570
00:56 Wed 23 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
can't think of a title, lost for a start,
like bein put off, by the smell of a fart,

but ste i have faith, yer ability shines thro,
and paula's a friend, i believe will stay true.

can't wait for a title, gawd knows what she'll pick,
the fluff from her toes, omg i'd be sick,

so a title from hippes, a sea that's flat calm,
or the stuff in paula's socks.......let's call it TOE-JAM
Posts: 38,214
01:04 Wed 23 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ive just nearly wee'd hahahaha!!

Hippes, he will do it me he can do a poem from ANY title...the titles i gave him yrs back were mad!!

Deleted User
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01:04 Wed 23 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  

As I entered the room, my nose grabbed a strange smell,
Which is the basis of this sharp little tale I shall tell.

There once was a girl, who had little size three's,
Who would play in the fields, and climb on the trees.
Throughout the whole week, this young girl would play,
Not taking a break, throughout the whole day.

But after a while, people began to feel,
That this girl gave off a whiff that was surely unreal.
It wasn't from her pits, and her breath smelled rather sweet,
It was the stench of deep hell that arose from her feet.

After days of wretching, she went to visit the doc,
Who took real great care in removing her socks.
In between the toes, he discovered toe-jam,
That had the scent of a sewer, and the texture of spam.

Luckily for her, it was healed in a week,
And she could walk the streets happily, as her feet didn't reek.
And that is the tale, of some un-hygienic toes,
Sorry to expose you Paula, but now everyone knows!
Posts: 38,214
01:34 Wed 23 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
OH PMSL!!! I told ya didnt i Hippes hahaha

Nice one SteVEN
Posts: 13,570
01:51 Wed 23 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
awesome ste........

keep err lit!!
Posts: 38,214
02:15 Wed 23 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
hippesville said:
awesome ste........

keep err lit!!

YOU have to do titles an all yano! Yeah??
Posts: 13,570
02:27 Wed 23 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
well what the hell,
try for a laugh,
the random poems,
are sometimes crass.

i'll be back on,
2mara am sure,
but just right now,
am away to snore.

night bards
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Write A Poem 4 :)

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