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Write A Poem 4 :)

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Posts: 38,214
01:20 Fri 18 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Am scared! haha

Im there..and im nervous!!!!
Posts: 38,214
01:40 Fri 18 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Feeling scared, nervous yet glad
Because your here, argh its mad
My emotions are actually runnin high
I dont know if to laugh or cry!
I'm not quite sure if its you
Only one way to find if its true
Answer the Q's on gen chat
See where we will go after that

Posts: 38,214
02:16 Fri 18 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'm getting edgy checking this thread
Mad thoughts running through my head
Remembering things from years ago
Like how we loved this banter so
Talking every day and night
Playing pool and playin it........crap :P
How we shared stories from real life
Talked about our troubles and strife
You were the 1st person i did trust
There was even a lil bit of lust (ooer haha)
You left this site but didnt leave me
Cos u were always in my heart Ste


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04:07 Fri 18 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Soppy girl you are Jay, Ess, Gee.
i laughed so hard i had to pee.
Not done one in a while so thought i'd try
been busy looking for sausages to fry
So how's things Paula, hows things?
Does red bull really give you wings?
Poem skills are crap but it's worth a shot
Better get better or i will lose the plot.
Is your broadband running at 20 megs?
and are you still addicted to cream eggs?
Do you still like things that begin with SH?

Well, i cant rhyme that because that's just silly.
Posts: 13,570
05:30 Fri 18 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
the plot it has thickened,
questions to ask,
is he for real,
a blast from the past,
i wouldn't know,
am quite new to this game,
just write for a laugh,
try and use my brain,
but this geezer has appeared,
to paula's surprise,
she's feelin a bit strange,
she don't want it to be lies,
so i hope that its a story,
paula's fairytale may be,
the marvellous return,
of that great poet.....ste??!!!!!

Deleted User
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18:49 Fri 18 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ste is correct, nice to meet you Hippes,
To this here very thread, I've made hundreds of trips.
It seems I'm forgiven, and that Paula believes,
That it isn't a stranger that is here to deceive.

Although it took some convincing, in general chat,
Where she asked me some questions, even one on my cat.
That only I'd know, including herself as well,
I passed with flying colours, and all is now swell.

It's just been a long time, since we spoke on this site,
Where we'd log in and stay here, late into the night.
I never get nervous, but I did comprehend,
That I might, when I contacted a long lost friend.

So here's to a new start, many new folk to meet,
I'll be writing here often, so please take a seat.
Or write some of your own, as I love to read too,
Any poems or thoughts that come from all of you.

Thanks for the poem P, it was ever so sweet,
It put a smile on my face, and curled the toes on my feet.
I guess some of us have some catching up to do,
So let me start off first, with two words - Thank You!
Posts: 38,214
18:59 Fri 18 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Im sooooooo happy ur here yano Ste

mr_mcquiston said:
Soppy girl you are Jay, Ess, Gee.
i laughed so hard i had to pee.
Not done one in a while so thought i'd try
been busy looking for sausages to fry
So how's things Paula, hows things?
Does red bull really give you wings?
Poem skills are crap but it's worth a shot
Better get better or i will lose the plot.
Is your broadband running at 20 megs?
and are you still addicted to cream eggs?
Do you still like things that begin with SH?

Well, i cant rhyme that because that's just silly.

Soppy about some poems Dave
Tho with yours i dont really rave (ha)
An whats with the sausage input (pmsl)
No that wasnt meant as smut!
Things are really ok with me
My feet are still a tiny size 3 :P
Your poems skills will improve
If off your backside you just move
My broadband it is running cool
Cream eggs, still make me drool
ts not really SH but really the S
And to that Q the answers yes! ;)
Loved you trying a poem for me
Its me now laffing so hard i could wee!

Posts: 38,214
01:29 Sat 19 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
hippesville said:
the plot it has thickened,
questions to ask,
is he for real,
a blast from the past,
i wouldn't know,
am quite new to this game,
just write for a laugh,
try and use my brain,
but this geezer has appeared,
to paula's surprise,
she's feelin a bit strange,
she don't want it to be lies,
so i hope that its a story,
paula's fairytale may be,
the marvellous return,
of that great poet.....ste??!!!!!

He's real for sure that much is true
Even tho he's back out of the blue
He's the reason that i'm still here
Cos my word to him was really sincere
I said id not let this thread die
And i havent so twas no lie
It was a surprise i did feel strange
But now i cant wait to engage
In the fun we used to embrace
When to the garage we would race
A fairytale that will have no end
As i know he'll forever be my friend

Posts: 13,570
03:42 Sat 19 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
reunions make ya smile,
so glad at the surprise,
catching up with others,
talkin how the time flies,
so ste it's a welcome,
coz i never knew ya then,
am sure if you stick around,
like paula we could be friends.
Posts: 38,214
03:53 Sat 19 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Awwwwwww that was lovely that Hippes, he'll like that.

Ohhh im excited for titles!!! Do ya think YOU can do titled ones?
Posts: 13,570
04:03 Sat 19 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
not sure about the whole excitement thing,
unless ya change a letter,
for changing t into an i,
might make yer post much better
Posts: 38,214
04:16 Sat 19 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Haha Hips you make me laugh
With your thoughts of crudeness
Am not changin me letter
To make you feel better
So behave an stop this rudeness!!

Posts: 38,214
17:09 Sat 19 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Just a quickie.....(STS) lol

I couldnt hardly rest last night
Twas late and i tossed and turned
My head raced
The ceiling i faced
For some sleep i yearned

My thoughts where kinda weird
Whirring round in this silly brain
But i'll tell this now
That i know somehow
Never a night like that again!!

Posts: 13,570
23:57 Sat 19 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
last night i sat till 6am,
i shooda went to bed,
today am scrubbed and good for nowt,
No change! that what u said???

now paula she be restless,
too much goin on in her head,
she needs to turn that brain off,
and watch cartoons instead.

in this state am useless,
like a chocolate fireguard,
am strugglin to be imaginative,
so will stop tryin to be a bard......
Deleted User
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00:36 Sun 20 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Here is just a quick one, it's been a couple of days,
But I'm struggling to come up with, a suitable title or phrase.
So this shall be a ramble, a Saturday night funky treat,
Stick the kettle on, fluff up a pillow, whilst taking your favourite seat.

Stick on the television, or get buried inside of a book,
Pick out a movie for later, or pick out a nice meal to cook.
There's still time to get ready, maybe you could hit the town,
Or maybe it's time to just lay on your bed, wearing that fluffy nightgown.

Either way it's the weekend, and the time belongs to just you,
So make sure you enjoy, whether girl or a boy,
Whatever it is, you choose to do.
Posts: 13,570
00:48 Sun 20 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
keep er lit ste
hippes of gazereth verse1

i choose to sit on funky,
but does that make me bad,
locked into this little screen in front,
i ask u am i sad????

coz every night i come here,
i play our favourite game,
i also chat to others,
not even sure of names.

so tell me when ya know someone,
to trust and then confide,
its difficult i tell ya now,
to then find out they've lied!

so play yer game.....enjoy the craic,
be who you wanna be,
coz when it comes right down to it,
people see just what you want them to see.

here endeth the lesson

lmao am off on one
Posts: 13,570
02:16 Sun 20 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
is hard to deal with what ya want,
when things don't go to plan,
expectations always there,
just how to play yer hand.

time will tell ya where to turn,
only usually far too late,
the ifs and buts may go to hell,
spose i'll just have to wait.
Posts: 13,570
06:58 Sun 20 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
here i am again on this thread,
with absolutely nothing in my head,
am wondrin why i started this,
should be with u for a hug an a kiss!
Deleted User
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15:08 Sun 20 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Keepin' her lit too hippes, nice one!

I've just about figured, what makes me decide,
To write on this thread on a whim.
A certain musical artist from years gone by,
With the most intricate lyrics, he sings.

Some might say a little out of my time,
And not the greatest voice in music.
But his style of making all those lyrics rhyme,
Is ever so candid and slick.

Many albums released from this musical great,
Although his early stuff is surely the best.
I was introduced to his music from a very close mate,
And his music just eclipsed all the rest.

Now don't get me wrong, my tastes are current also,
And it is rather tough to explain.
Just how much his music has allowed me to grow,
As I listen again and again.

At first I didn't even like him! Too political for me,
Never fitting into the groove of my youth.
It took a few years for me to finally see,
That what he poured into his songs was the truth.

Whether it's a romantic ballad, or a tragic song,
This guy influenced today's music no end.
For me this artist just can't do no wrong,
So this is a 'Thanks' to my friend.

With his distinctive voice, and complex attitude,
He'll be remembered for the contribution he's made.
In a second, a song of his can just change my mood,
When I hear his voice, and his guitar being played.
Posts: 13,570
23:14 Sun 20 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
*hippes quotes above*

omg i didnt realise u'd heard me play!!!!!!!
and jeeez ya met my's the counselling goin then?

are we gettin a clue ste?
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