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Write A Poem 4 :)

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Deleted User
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22:55 Mon 15 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
hopert hoperty hoperty hop
i like to bounce and hoperty hop

floperty floprty floperty flop
my ears go up and.. floperty flop

twitcherty twichery twicherty twich
my nose goes sniff and twitcherty twitch

i do these things 'cause im a rabbit and not a hare

(p.s im actually a bunny)
Posts: 38,214
22:59 Mon 15 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
My my a bunny thats hype
And OMG the bunny can type
Well miss Bunny rabbit not hare
Post on here ur poems to share

I luv my Wabbit
Posts: 13,570
23:03 Mon 15 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
it seems they're not just randy,
and gettin their legs all bandy,
rabbits writin rhymes,
is a sign of the times,
must lay off all those vodka red bull shandies!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:06 Mon 15 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
some people say im crazy,
some people say im mad,
some people say im bonkers,
but really its quite sad,
for people to think this way,
just because i forgot my pill today,
i threw them all away,
so i could go INSANE!
Posts: 13,570
23:15 Mon 15 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
so was just chattin to folk on this site,
we were talkin bout allsorts of
when a friend said to me,
a lady you wanna be,
and i thought......well you might well be right!!!

just don't know wot colour of dress,
i like pink i have to confess,
but wot size will i be?
can i walk in high heels?
i am likin it less and less!

indecision is takin it's toll,
the thought of dancin round a pole,
think i'll stick to the way,
i've been every day,
and just dream of bein....cheryl cole!!!

best i could do
Posts: 38,214
23:16 Mon 15 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hahahaha! Love them!

My Rabbits his name is Roger
And he is nice and awfully kind
He wiggles round lots
In all kinds of spots
He knows how to blow me mind

Posts: 13,570
23:20 Mon 15 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
baby_bunny said:
some people say im crazy,
some people say im mad,
some people say im bonkers,
but really its quite sad,
for people to think this way,
just because i forgot my pill today,
i threw them all away,
so i could go INSANE!

i have to say yer wrong,
and ive known for soo long,
you've been so daft,
and made me laugh,
and inspired this little song.

it wasn't some that said,
that you were off yer head,
we all agreed,
including me.......
stronger pills you'd be needin fed!

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:27 Mon 15 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
A bather whose clothing was strewed,
By winds that left her quite nude,
Saw a man come along,
And unless we are wrong,
You expected this line to be lewd

There was an old man who sneered
"This is just how i feared! -
Two owls and a hen
Four larks and a wren
Have all built their nests in my beard".

Edited at 21:38 Mon 15/11/10 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:54 Mon 15 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
hipps is a nutter,
nuttier thn peanut butter,
wouldnt you agree?
he got some pills
which never fulfils
the effect thats is needed
he just gets nuttier, believe it
he'll always be a misfit,
poor hipps, hes a half-wit!!

Edited at 21:57 Mon 15/11/10 (GMT)
Posts: 38,214
11:57 Wed 17 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  

A Hippy a Bunny and a Smurf too
Creating poems for me and you

Keepin my fave thread a thriving
Stopping it from a right nose diving

Over 6yrs and ive read every one
Even tho some of the best have gone

New ppl arrive and have a go
Some are genius others are slow

Some poems have been given much thought
While others are funny and kept quite short

As ive said before i read the whole lot
So please keep givin all you have got

Cos it holds a spesh place in my heart
It always has done right from the start

Posts: 13,570
03:12 Thu 18 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
sandi is wanted and sandi is sweet,
and sandi's got cooties that nic wants to eat!
she thinks she is clever and really quite smart,
but then with a zippo she lit up a fart,
so now she is flyin right up to the moon,
and nic is just prayin she'll land...on her balloons!

for sandi
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:40 Fri 19 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
A lovely young guy called Stan,
Was hippesville's number 1 fan,
Til hippes showed his skill,
And thrashed him ten - nil,
Now he's best friends with Dan

Posts: 13,570
02:45 Fri 19 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
for kayles.....

kayleigh's cute and kayleigh's sweet,
she opens bottles with her feet,
but gawd she's blonde,
how do i know?......she picks her nose with her toe!!!
Posts: 13,570
17:29 Fri 19 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
pitbull_pete's been postin,
on every other thread,
he's just ignored the bestest one,
so does he think it's dead?

oh no i hear from paula,
and smurf he does agree,
with hippes and all we shall not fall,
this 'ville' of poetry
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
04:48 Sat 20 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
A lovely pint of snakebite can really wreck yer head,
I've got a massive hangover and can't get out of bed,
Did I say anything daft or end up in a fight?
I try and try to rack my brain but nothing comes to light,
I want to text my mate to ask, but I feel so ashamed,
Scared of what may have happened, scared of being blamed,
Think I'll wait a day or two and hope that he'll forget,
Avoid confrontation, as that's my safest bet,
I feel my head is buzzin' from many ciders and beers,
Only way to cure it - sleep for a thousand years!
Posts: 13,570
16:50 Sat 20 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
lol don't know that pain,
am sure you'll probably meet again,
for i my friend i do without,
hangovers i know nothing about,
so take good care and rest yer bones,
so many others yer not alone,
but will you do it all again?
i have no doubt my drunken friend
Posts: 13,570
19:32 Sat 20 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
surprised to see that u weren't hear,
i thot you'd be a cert!
you must be doin lots and lots,
that dreaded thing....housework!

but no, i say she's only off,
just fifteen minutes past!
t'was maybe just a little rest,
and sat down on her

loon indeed!

Edited at 18:06 Sat 20/11/10 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:54 Sat 20 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
You are the eternal flame,
that inspires my awesome game.
Wish you were by my side,
that way i wont have to hide.

My royal garden is not complete without you,
we should stick together like paper and glue.
I cannot live without you knowing
that my love for you is ever growing.

My blood pumps constantly like a high pressure hose,
please i beg of you to not leave me alone because you are my one true Rose.
Posts: 13,570
20:07 Sat 20 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
stone_henge said:
You are the eternal flame,
that inspires my awesome game.
Wish you were by my side,
that way i wont have to hide.

My royal garden is not complete without you,
we should stick together like paper and glue.
I cannot live without you knowing
that my love for you is ever growing.

My blood pumps constantly like a high pressure hose,
please i beg of you to not leave me alone because you are my one true Rose.

hippesville:*sticks fingers down throat*
it must be love, just makes me wanna
Posts: 13,570
23:37 Sun 21 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
different lives and different places
don't always quite work out,
so many hurdles to get over
it really makes me shout
head is melted
summit up
just cant get it straight
then spoke to you
u made me smile
such an awesome mate
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