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Write A Poem 4 :)

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Posts: 38,214
13:45 Tue 26 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Oh i luv this thread oh so much
Glad it hasnt lost its touch
Still going strong every day
Ppl posting having their say

Bits of banter here and there
Equal measures keepin it fair
Pranks and jokes lots of fun
Laughs giggles plenty of pun

Times ive read and shed tears
Cos its been here over 5 years
Ive read every poem from the start
Some are locked away in my heart

So keep it up :O so to speak ;)
Try Keep 'em coming every week
Bring this site rhyme an cheer
To make me smile while am here

~ Pawla~
Posts: 13,570
19:40 Tue 26 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
justsumgirl said:
Okies Stephy!

Hippes youve not seen her poems
You havent been here for years
Although she will try
You'll laff till you cry
Her dittys will have you in tears!!

I said DITTYS haha!!

pmsl paula
Posts: 38,214
00:15 Thu 28 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  

How dare you enter my bedroom
Going so fast buzz buzz zoom

I really need to know why
Your attracted to me you nasty fly

You know im scared of that im sure
I panic when you come thru my door

I pray you'll fly back out
So that i dont have to shout

But you fly round past my head
As im lying all snug in bed

I'm sure you just try your best
To push my patience to the test

So how to you can i now prove
While your there i wont move

I cant show you tho can i
Cos your just a flipping fly

Oh How i wish was really brave
Then on my wall you'd be engraved!

(Cant wait til its proper freeeezin so they P off!!!)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:42 Thu 28 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
wooo loving ya work paula an hippes
Posts: 38,214
00:44 Thu 28 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Thankyou Potty that means a lot
We give this thread all we got
Well i know i do cos i love it still
Not so sure bout the old Hippesville
Posts: 13,570
00:52 Thu 28 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
just watch yer step, i'll sort you out,
don't wanna hear ya scream and shout,
so paula just you type less cheek,
and no more of this 'old Hippesville' keek!

so wot bout steph can she give it a go?
some lines of wisdom to let us all know
just how she does it, and gets her drive,
just think if she started, how our poems would thrive.

Posts: 38,214
00:59 Thu 28 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Sort me out and i'll hit ya back
I may be small but av got the knack
My size 3's can kick so hard
So listen Mr be on ya guard

Ohhhh i dunno, can you Potty?
Do us a poem ya lil hot totty (:O)
Just a few verses two maybe three
Just speshly for ye old Hippesvilley

Posts: 13,570
01:03 Thu 28 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
am likin yer style
and likin yer speed
give me some cider
coz i need a feed
wot is yer poison
young paula my dear
i'll get some in
for when ya come here

don't expect a lot-ty
from that eejit potty
dont reckon she'll do it
brains soft like a chewit
just let yerself go
and give it a bash
NO! not that kind
you might get a rash!!!!
Posts: 38,214
01:12 Thu 28 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  

Likin me speed an me style
Its cos ive been here a while
Eeee you alki whats with cider
Get me a vodka till i decider
But when i get there i want food
And some slippers and comfy mood....

How dare you diss miss Pot
I bet that girl can top the lot
Lets just wait an see the outcome
She may make this thread more fun

Posts: 13,570
02:04 Thu 28 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
a knob

outsider did turn up 1 day,
and unfortunately had plenty to say,
but in truth he talked keek,
just sounded like a freak!
will he leave........cross yer fingers and pray
Posts: 38,214
12:41 Mon 1 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Been over on Snooker who did i see
Some weird bloke who's name was Jimi
He thought it was funny to skit me feet
Said he'd eat tthem pfft they aint meat!

Posts: 13,570
12:43 Mon 1 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
well its been too long
we've missed our pool,
but went on snook,
and beat some fools

won a tourny
then another,
playin snooks
it aint no bother!

so yes its back
and peeps are happy,
paula's poems
on snooks are crappy (lol).

she threatened me
with size 3 feet!
my size 12's had to admit defeet

welcome back funkypoolers
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11:53 Tue 2 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Paula and Hippes, both are confused,
Their odd conversation has me seduced,
Spending 4 minutes to answer one question,
Their conversation it is interesting though, i must mention,
I'm too tired to join in, but enjoying reading,
As these two have a chat, in their little meeting.
Posts: 13,570
11:57 Tue 2 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
melz is in charge
but neglects those who need,
won't wipe the 'cooties'
or clean those who've pee-ed!
so i ask funkypool
how will we survive,
our mamma-melz aint
gonna let us wee ones thrive.

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:04 Tue 2 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hippes, i may be in charge in the chat room,
I've been at work, cleaning cooties there, to wipe them here would be too soon,
You're old enough to to clearn your own mess,
To see you walk barefoot does cause me distress,
Clean up funky or i'll hunt you down,
Or i'll be a evil mod, resulting in your frown,
I neglect those that can take it, & handle their own room,
So grab a bucket, mop and broom,
Your cooties i fear, i know i should worry,
The idea of cooties, i'm used to, so clean your own, i'll sit and watch, sorry.

Posts: 13,570
12:38 Tue 2 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
melz said:
Hippes, i may be in charge in the chat room,
I've been at work, cleaning cooties there, to wipe them here would be too soon,
You're old enough to to clearn your own mess,
To see you walk barefoot does cause me distress,
Clean up funky or i'll hunt you down,
Or i'll be a evil mod, resulting in your frown,
I neglect those that can take it, & handle their own room,
So grab a bucket, mop and broom,
Your cooties i fear, i know i should worry,
The idea of cooties, i'm used to, so clean your own, i'll sit and watch, sorry.

splendid melz keep er lit x
Posts: 13,570
12:42 Tue 2 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
i no i'm quite big and perfectly able
but we need u for things such as settin the table
lost we would be without yer opinions
helpin us poolers to make the right decisions

so melz i declare that we need lookin after
to stop us from ending up in disaster
so please don't neglect or leave us to rot
we all luv ya really.....keep us all in yer thoughts

Posts: 38,214
13:25 Tue 2 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Haha great stuff!


Hippesville this ones just for you
Its a special one ive thought thru
Paula specials are very very rare
Posting words for others to share
Even though i hardley know you
Sending this is sincere and true
Vast amount of words to find
Its cos i think your really kind
Lovely and even thoughtful too
Likeable guy through and through
Ending ya name dont let ya head swell........

........your still ok tho you sed me feet smell!!
Posts: 13,570
13:35 Tue 2 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
justsumgirl said:
Haha great stuff!


Hippesville this ones just for you
Its a special one ive thought thru
Paula specials are very very rare
Posting words for others to share
Even though i hardley know you
Sending this is sincere and true
Vast amount of words to find
Its cos i think your really kind
Lovely and even thoughtful too
Likeable guy through and through
Ending ya name dont let ya head swell........

........your still ok tho you sed me feet smell!!

am stuck ffs.....cant get head thro' door!
keep er lit paula
Posts: 13,570
14:08 Tue 2 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  

Just when ya think it's all bad,
Up steps Paula when i am sad,
She don't mince her rhyme
Tries hard all the time
Sweet Paula havin met ya
U made me so glad *fingers down throat lol*
Maybe we'll meet some sunny day
Go out for a bevvy i say
I'll buy you a treat
Restaurant....bite to eat?
Love yer poems and words you do play

hmmmm not so sure but hope ya like
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Write A Poem 4 :)

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