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Write A Poem 4 :)

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Posts: 13,570
00:27 Tue 19 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
its been tough but we try
and we simply cannot deny,
that without yer wee ditty's
this threads been quite

but now that yer back
and ready to write
we obviously won't
have to put up with that

Posts: 13,570
00:37 Tue 19 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
a beautiful lass called kayleigh
was so bored she learnt ukelele
but then in walked mr hippes
with sweet words from his lips
and she smiled at the thought.....hmmmmm......daily
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00:40 Tue 19 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
hippesville said:
a beautiful lass called kayleigh
was so bored she learnt ukelele
but then in walked mr hippes
with sweet words from his lips
and she smiled at the thought.....hmmmmm......daily

PMSL Pure genius...Thank you
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00:51 Tue 19 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Two great clans have hung up their cues,
No one can ever fill their shoes,
Ups and downs, good times and bad,
They lit up the stage, of that we are glad,
By many they were held in high esteem,
Of their success, others would dream,
Would be nice if they'd come back someday,
And teach us a lesson on how to play

Farewell FPB & MVP
Posts: 13,570
01:16 Tue 19 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
am sorry smurf
but have to say
there's 1 u lost
i can't betray
a fine bunch they were
aaron and co
wipeout were awesome
am sure yawl know.

was proud to play
and enjoyed the ride
some great players
it can't be denied
the name will live
in memories of mine
thats if they're not blurred
by bottles of wine

Posts: 13,570
01:18 Tue 19 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
cmurphy said:
Two great clans have hung up their cues,
No one can ever fill their shoes,
Ups and downs, good times and bad,
They lit up the stage, of that we are glad,
By many they were held in high esteem,
Of their success, others would dream,
Would be nice if they'd come back someday,
And teach us a lesson on how to play

Farewell FPB & MVP

you may feel liam's love very soon!!!!!!
Posts: 13,570
01:33 Tue 19 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Love is.......

chaos she loves drinkin grog,
and in the mornin she talks to the bog,
she don't like no pills,
to cure all her ills,
she'd rather have hair of the dog!!!!!!
Posts: 5,201
01:35 Tue 19 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
hippesville said:
Love is.......

chaos she loves drinkin grog,
and in the mornin she talks to the bog,
she don't like no pills,
to cure all her ills,
she'd rather have hair of the dog!!!!!!

HeHe funny boy xx
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02:30 Tue 19 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
hippesville said:
am sorry smurf
but have to say
there's 1 u lost
i can't betray
a fine bunch they were
aaron and co
wipeout were awesome
am sure yawl know.

was proud to play
and enjoyed the ride
some great players
it can't be denied
the name will live
in memories of mine
thats if they're not blurred
by bottles of wine


an smurfs
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21:18 Tue 19 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
I feel the ground beginning to shake,
Stronger than a massive earthquake,
I stop to look and wonder why,
Suddenly, a terrific crash in the sky,
I see the faces filled with dread,
As the sky begins to turn blood red,
As the Prophet of Doom starts to draw near,
They begin to scream and shout in fear,
They never thought they'd see the day,
When Smurf would finally come out to play
Posts: 38,214
12:47 Wed 20 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Ive read each and every single poem
I thank you lot for keeping it goin
As you know it holds memories dear
For me and people who used to be here

We used to post here every night
On this thread on this great site
It truely is a part of the reason
I still visit Funkypool every season

From Swing Squeezy and Mr G Ste
Stellaman Jill and Simon Tiddly
To Stephy Bob Smurf and Pit
Loads of peeps have said theyre bit

So many more new members now
They caught the poem bug somehow
Some are fantastic some are not
I dont care as i read the lot

But no matter whoever decides to post
Its still poem thread i luv the most
I'm hoping to read them yr after yr
So keep on typing your words of cheer


(Hippes..i think i found what you was on about ha)
Posts: 38,214
14:53 Wed 20 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
One time i posted a poem
About a complaint i'd had
I had good people around me
At the time i didnt feel bad

I needed to go to hospital
The Dr was lovely and kind
He explained things to me
It really eased my mind

So i let time pass freely
I was happy and never sad
That was until i felt a pain
In my tum, it was so bad

Rushed to theatre that same day
Thoughts buzzing through my head
An operation was over and done
Now i needed to rest in bed

Visitors came to see me
So i wasnt left all alone
But all i wanted really
Was for me to be back home

Home i went to get well
I was made to recuperate
With some tender love an care
I started to feel great

To treat me they booked a holiday
But not for nights of wild fun
T'was just hol for me to relax
In some hot glorious sun

Now home again fit and well
Back to my old self some ppl say
I just hope i never feel again
The way i did that dreaded day

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00:44 Fri 22 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Paula hun, those poems where great, I love them and i still love this thread, i remember and love the old days where we where on here all night every night, and miss them loads, hope you are ok hun and hope we can have a good chat again soon...

Love you xxxxxx

Stephy xxxxxx
Posts: 13,570
00:50 Fri 22 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
miss_steph said:
Paula hun, those poems where great, I love them and i still love this thread, i remember and love the old days where we where on here all night every night, and miss them loads, hope you are ok hun and hope we can have a good chat again soon...

Love you xxxxxx

Stephy xxxxxx

come on then steph!
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16:29 Sat 23 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
hippesville said:
miss_steph said:
Paula hun, those poems where great, I love them and i still love this thread, i remember and love the old days where we where on here all night every night, and miss them loads, hope you are ok hun and hope we can have a good chat again soon...

Love you xxxxxx

Stephy xxxxxx

come on then steph!

Come on then steph what?
Posts: 13,570
04:01 Sun 24 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
miss_steph said:
hippesville said:
miss_steph said:
Paula hun, those poems where great, I love them and i still love this thread, i remember and love the old days where we where on here all night every night, and miss them loads, hope you are ok hun and hope we can have a good chat again soon...

Love you xxxxxx

Stephy xxxxxx

come on then steph!

Come on then steph what?

come on steph its a poem thread u know,
so hit us with some lyrics or rhyme with a flow,
just one wee ditty it don't have to be witty,
just as long as you take part in the show
Posts: 38,214
14:53 Sun 24 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
miss_steph said:
Paula hun, those poems where great, I love them and i still love this thread, i remember and love the old days where we where on here all night every night, and miss them loads, hope you are ok hun and hope we can have a good chat again soon...

Love you xxxxxx

Stephy xxxxxx

(awwww luv ya too)

Oh how i miss those days too
Laughin and joking all night thru
In the garage with Pit and Ste
Dave, Lovepump, you an me

Remember when i sang to Nick
To give more posts was the trick
We begged, sang, pouted and posed
He relented and postin limits rose

Fun and games threads were alive
With us lot posting they did thrive
Stella was funny when i heard
About teasing you on Link-a-word!

Jill with her crazy poem lines
OMG haha they never rhymed
Ste tho, he was the poem master
But hey its still here, no disaster

But people change and times move on
The majority of ppl i knew are gone
But Just like me, you dont regret
The times we had with those we met


(Do a Stephy poem, haha go ooonnnn)
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17:59 Sun 24 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
haha me do a know im....well not very good should i say lmao!!

ill have a think and try and post one later!! hehe xxxxxxx
Posts: 13,570
01:36 Mon 25 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
divine inspiration will hit her no doubt,
she'll hit us with something so sweet,
as we all stand in awe,
at the brilliance of it all,
and fall back in to our seats
Posts: 38,214
14:56 Mon 25 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Okies Stephy!

Hippes youve not seen her poems
You havent been here for years
Although she will try
You'll laff till you cry
Her dittys will have you in tears!!

I said DITTYS haha!!

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Write A Poem 4 :)

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