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15:55 Thu 24 Jun 10 (BST)
I've always thoughted it better to have 1 or 2 less clans to have the rest of them much more reliable
As for no limit, would be too much strain on league runners to keep tabs on that many players in one clan for many clans
(would be argued that some clans currently struggle with low numbers but sometimes this is due to the fact that they hit the limit and could sign players and chose the wwrong ones)
As for no limit, would be too much strain on league runners to keep tabs on that many players in one clan for many clans
(would be argued that some clans currently struggle with low numbers but sometimes this is due to the fact that they hit the limit and could sign players and chose the wwrong ones)
16:08 Thu 24 Jun 10 (BST)
The most significant drawback is that there are only so many total, sufficiently reliable players on this site, regardless of who plays for which clan. So the direct consequence of allowing larger clans would be that there would have to be fewer of them. If tall he current clans were to try keep going after allowing larger clans it would simply mean you'd get a larger percentage of unreliable players in those clans. I'm sure the more popular clans would be fine, but the less known ones would probably struggle to keep enough reliable players at all.
Is having fewer clans but more reliable ones a bad thing?
At least 14 would be better than the rigid 12 which is restrictive.
janmb said:
The most significant drawback is that there are only so many total, sufficiently reliable players on this site, regardless of who plays for which clan. So the direct consequence of allowing larger clans would be that there would have to be fewer of them. If tall he current clans were to try keep going after allowing larger clans it would simply mean you'd get a larger percentage of unreliable players in those clans. I'm sure the more popular clans would be fine, but the less known ones would probably struggle to keep enough reliable players at all.
Is having fewer clans but more reliable ones a bad thing?
janmb said:
The conclusion after this same debate ahead of this season was to keep it at 12. I realize that sometimes leads to lack of players to sub in, so how about trying a careful increase for next season, 14 for example? Not enough to be any disaster for any clans, yet hopefully enough to address a large part of the "no players left to sub" problem.
At least 14 would be better than the rigid 12 which is restrictive.
16:35 Thu 24 Jun 10 (BST)
yes no limit is stupid, in my snooker clan league the limit is 15, maybe thats better?
EDIT: with no limits on snooker there are only about 6 or 7 clans and only 3 of those i consider reliable ones.
Edited at 21:45 Thu 24/06/10 (BST)
EDIT: with no limits on snooker there are only about 6 or 7 clans and only 3 of those i consider reliable ones.
Edited at 21:45 Thu 24/06/10 (BST)
16:39 Thu 24 Jun 10 (BST)
Debatable at least
horse10000 said:
Is having fewer clans but more reliable ones a bad thing?
Debatable at least
16:52 Thu 24 Jun 10 (BST)
Theres nothing stopping those unreliable players joining the clans anyway, which is the problem as clans dont have adequate cover for unreliable ones
An increase in clan size at the very least means that 2 'unreliable' players get into a clan, which then would be able to provide some cover to the other reliables (There is less chance that an unreliable player means a match isn't played as an unreliable player who is just online at the time can be subbed in)
Also the amount of reliable players can increase, More space in the better clans means that those clans should be filled meaning more space in the 'lesser clans' where those players who may not have been given a chance to play do and can prove themselves reliable
janmb said:
it would simply mean you'd get a larger percentage of unreliable players in those clans.
Theres nothing stopping those unreliable players joining the clans anyway, which is the problem as clans dont have adequate cover for unreliable ones
An increase in clan size at the very least means that 2 'unreliable' players get into a clan, which then would be able to provide some cover to the other reliables (There is less chance that an unreliable player means a match isn't played as an unreliable player who is just online at the time can be subbed in)
Also the amount of reliable players can increase, More space in the better clans means that those clans should be filled meaning more space in the 'lesser clans' where those players who may not have been given a chance to play do and can prove themselves reliable
18:28 Thu 24 Jun 10 (BST)
i duno shooters wouldve folded unless i stepped in
in hindsight i wonder wether that was the right thing
iv had 3 deactivations a puta down nd 2 people dont like getting beat and left.
all players were reliable, look at the state of shooters,
ive signed more players, hopefully to see us through till the end of the season. if i cudve signed 14 or 15 players at the beginng of the season we wouldnt be in this mess we are in
players who wanted to join are reliable in clans they joined as we couldnt take them
im sorry for the defaults being made by ourselves however other teams leaving it until the last days of the 2 weeks is stupid it dosnt help anyone.
i hope our team makes it now till the end of the season.
sorry for the inconvience to you guys , but im trying my best and it is my 1st season as captain.
Edited at 23:30 Thu 24/06/10 (BST)
in hindsight i wonder wether that was the right thing
iv had 3 deactivations a puta down nd 2 people dont like getting beat and left.
all players were reliable, look at the state of shooters,
ive signed more players, hopefully to see us through till the end of the season. if i cudve signed 14 or 15 players at the beginng of the season we wouldnt be in this mess we are in
players who wanted to join are reliable in clans they joined as we couldnt take them
im sorry for the defaults being made by ourselves however other teams leaving it until the last days of the 2 weeks is stupid it dosnt help anyone.
i hope our team makes it now till the end of the season.
sorry for the inconvience to you guys , but im trying my best and it is my 1st season as captain.
Edited at 23:30 Thu 24/06/10 (BST)
18:37 Thu 24 Jun 10 (BST)
Hopefully if they increase the number of players mate we wont have this situation you are in again.
I wish you all the best for the rest of the season.
Maybe the rule about new players being unable to play in a set of fixtures needs looked at as well so teams that have problems have a chance as it is the good players that are left behind with the mess that suffer.
doubted2 said:
i duno shooters wouldve folded unless i stepped in
in hindsight i wonder wether that was the right thing
iv had 3 deactivations a puta down nd 2 people dont like getting beat and left.
all players were reliable, look at the state of shooters,
ive signed more players, hopefully to see us through till the end of the season. if i cudve signed 14 or 15 players at the beginng of the season we wouldnt be in this mess we are in
players who wanted to join are reliable in clans they joined as we couldnt take them
im sorry for the defaults being made by ourselves however other teams leaving it until the last days of the 2 weeks is stupid it dosnt help anyone.
i hope our team makes it now till the end of the season.
sorry for the inconvience to you guys , but im trying my best and it is my 1st season as captain.
Edited at 23:30 Thu 24/06/10 (BST)
in hindsight i wonder wether that was the right thing
iv had 3 deactivations a puta down nd 2 people dont like getting beat and left.
all players were reliable, look at the state of shooters,
ive signed more players, hopefully to see us through till the end of the season. if i cudve signed 14 or 15 players at the beginng of the season we wouldnt be in this mess we are in
players who wanted to join are reliable in clans they joined as we couldnt take them
im sorry for the defaults being made by ourselves however other teams leaving it until the last days of the 2 weeks is stupid it dosnt help anyone.
i hope our team makes it now till the end of the season.
sorry for the inconvience to you guys , but im trying my best and it is my 1st season as captain.
Edited at 23:30 Thu 24/06/10 (BST)
Hopefully if they increase the number of players mate we wont have this situation you are in again.
I wish you all the best for the rest of the season.
Maybe the rule about new players being unable to play in a set of fixtures needs looked at as well so teams that have problems have a chance as it is the good players that are left behind with the mess that suffer.
11:35 Fri 25 Jun 10 (BST)
I've seen that happen to some good clans in this past year Craig!
Needs to be sorted out!
Needs to be sorted out!
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18:05 Wed 30 Jun 10 (BST)
Proposed Idea for next season:
You know after the end of a season usually does not matter what sport it is, players are sent down to waivers. I know a contract idea was proposed earlier but was not passed since of the reliability issues and how this is a fun site. I proposed to you a new idea which will involve some action at the end of the season, which will change it up and add more fun and variety to clans. I propose at the end of a season each clan must put one player of their clan on waivers, this player must have played the full season to them. The waivers will be separated by division, so it is fair that players do not switch to poorer clans. For the divisions, the clan that finished last place with points gets the first pick for players on waivers, and then continuing with 2nd last until all clans have acquired a waiver player. To qualify as a waiver player you must have played the full season with your old clan, at least played one match and not have an inactivity problem. Teams going up or down a division are allowed to bring their waiver player from their old division into their new division. This is my proposed idea, to switch up the league at the end of the season to make it fun and challenging to clans. Please consider the idea league runners, I am open to ears.
You know after the end of a season usually does not matter what sport it is, players are sent down to waivers. I know a contract idea was proposed earlier but was not passed since of the reliability issues and how this is a fun site. I proposed to you a new idea which will involve some action at the end of the season, which will change it up and add more fun and variety to clans. I propose at the end of a season each clan must put one player of their clan on waivers, this player must have played the full season to them. The waivers will be separated by division, so it is fair that players do not switch to poorer clans. For the divisions, the clan that finished last place with points gets the first pick for players on waivers, and then continuing with 2nd last until all clans have acquired a waiver player. To qualify as a waiver player you must have played the full season with your old clan, at least played one match and not have an inactivity problem. Teams going up or down a division are allowed to bring their waiver player from their old division into their new division. This is my proposed idea, to switch up the league at the end of the season to make it fun and challenging to clans. Please consider the idea league runners, I am open to ears.
07:59 Thu 1 Jul 10 (BST)
so what your saying above is people move in to a clan that maybe they dont want to be in
instead of the 2 month rule why not have people remove all newbie tags or something else
instead of the 2 month rule why not have people remove all newbie tags or something else
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08:10 Thu 1 Jul 10 (BST)
What I'm saying is, yes some people might move they dont want to be in, but it will be your captain's decision so if you really do not want to be in another clan then u will have to talk to your captain.
Qpounder, 2 months is fair as removing all newbie tags can only take a week or under to do so.
Qpounder, 2 months is fair as removing all newbie tags can only take a week or under to do so.
08:11 Thu 1 Jul 10 (BST)
That's a good idea mate
qpounder said:
instead of the 2 month rule why not have people remove all newbie tags or something else
That's a good idea mate
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08:13 Thu 1 Jul 10 (BST)
Deactivated players will come back faster, not much of a punishment eh.
08:14 Thu 1 Jul 10 (BST)
something needs to be done, as i'm a new team looking towards the new season and my vice decided to leave for a better team in warriors. It's really annoying
08:18 Thu 1 Jul 10 (BST)
but for those that want a new name or for some other reason need a new account 2 months is harsh getting rid of all newbie tags in the disaplines that count shows dedication enough
more than 2 months would in some cases
some mite not hardly play in 2 months that is not dedication
or should the word dedication be changed to addiction lol
Edited at 13:21 Thu 01/07/10 (BST)
more than 2 months would in some cases
some mite not hardly play in 2 months that is not dedication
or should the word dedication be changed to addiction lol
Edited at 13:21 Thu 01/07/10 (BST)
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08:22 Thu 1 Jul 10 (BST)
Waiting for 2 months instead of cramming games in a week to lose newbie tags also shows dedication
08:24 Thu 1 Jul 10 (BST)
First of all - waiver basically means a release (so a clan releasing a player) as some people in uk may not know what that means - this does not happen sports over here
Basically what you're saying is a clan at the end of a season gets rid of their weakest player and picks a new player from a pool of the weakest players in each clan
Thats not a good idea IMO as you would just end up with mostly the same players (especially in Div 2) and that would not be good, as they would maybe be given 1 game and be released again at the end of a season or just kicked from the clan and a better player signed
also those clans with 8 players may lose a more reliable player and gain a player who doesn't want to play for them so just leaves meaning they lose a player, also players may leave anyway and may leave no one who has played the full season or just the captain which it would be very umpractical to get rid of
Basically what you're saying is a clan at the end of a season gets rid of their weakest player and picks a new player from a pool of the weakest players in each clan
Thats not a good idea IMO as you would just end up with mostly the same players (especially in Div 2) and that would not be good, as they would maybe be given 1 game and be released again at the end of a season or just kicked from the clan and a better player signed
also those clans with 8 players may lose a more reliable player and gain a player who doesn't want to play for them so just leaves meaning they lose a player, also players may leave anyway and may leave no one who has played the full season or just the captain which it would be very umpractical to get rid of
08:33 Thu 1 Jul 10 (BST)
it does not show they are dedicated to playing the game regularly enough if they only play 30 games or so in 2 months not enough action for a league but they would get in and most probs let it down not being online enough maybe a senario that wont happen but you know what i mean i hope
does that make sence im not sober
does that make sence im not sober
08:37 Thu 1 Jul 10 (BST)
Yeah it does, however the 2 month rule was brought in to stop people deactivating and getting back in for a name change
I think that a combination of minimum number of games played and 2 month rule (of course once a player has been accepted into the league then they shouldn't need to minimum games played part as they may reset stats)
I think that a combination of minimum number of games played and 2 month rule (of course once a player has been accepted into the league then they shouldn't need to minimum games played part as they may reset stats)
08:43 Thu 1 Jul 10 (BST)
i see well what about if someone gets a new account inbetween seasons they should be allowed to play it just the same a a legal transfer then when the league starts eny new accounts after that not allowed till next season that would still stop people doing what the 2 month rule came in for
new active accounts
new active accounts
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