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Killer pool for cash

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Posts: 9,926
07:29 Sat 24 Jan 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Great idea nick.
Posts: 4,751
07:31 Sat 24 Jan 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
sm_rat said:
But one last thing, say I was playing on FP as it is now. Would the option come up to join a paid tournament amongst the normal tournaments??

Or would there be a whole separate game window just for the gambling?

Yes, there would have to be a whole separate game window and area for cash games. The tournaments could not be mixed.

EDIT: to say, spinner is right in that technically it counts as skilled gaming rather than gambling. It is a subtle distinction that is out of the scope of this thread.

Edited at 13:44 Sat 24/01/09 (GMT)
Deleted User
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09:23 Sat 24 Jan 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
So long as the thought has gone in to the policy and policing, this could work. However anything more than this then I'd really disagree.

I think the cap of money should be kept very low too, otherwise as I've been quoted as saying, it wouldn't be funkypool. Unless your thinking of setting two sites up and running them as two totally different enterties!?
(Is that what you meant by two different servers?)

Edited at 16:12 Sat 24/01/09 (GMT)
Posts: 4,751
09:59 Sat 24 Jan 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Probably. It's just an idea now, if enough people are interested I will look into it further.

And, yes, if it's done it will be done properly.
Posts: 6
10:03 Sat 24 Jan 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
I like this idea.
Deleted User
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10:04 Sat 24 Jan 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
I have to say i don't like this idea mainly because i think funkypool is now at it's best....Bringing the money factor into it may change it way to much and if people who wan't to play for money have no means to get it on the internet may feel left out
Posts: 5,223
10:47 Sat 24 Jan 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
sm_rat said:
How will we know if a user is 18???

Forgeries on the internet are easy nowadays!

This will send the young generation down a slippy slope Nick.

Younger users will feel left out! And so find any means to participate!

Edited at 13:06 Sat 24/01/09 (GMT)

Fine by me. i know i would loose so it wouldnt matter to me
Deleted User
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11:39 Sat 24 Jan 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
In my opinion.

Ive already gone to the bank and got a funkypool account for this!

Will lighten the game up so much more. Brilliant idea Nick!!
Posts: 2,737
12:19 Sat 24 Jan 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Awesome idea!!
Deleted User
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12:44 Sat 24 Jan 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Love it - but it has to be a meaningful wager, a low cap would render it pointless ( guess who clicked through the Ladbrokes ad )
Deleted User
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13:34 Sat 24 Jan 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Great idea!
Deleted User
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13:35 Sat 24 Jan 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
i think its a great idea, every1 is entitled to their own opinion i.e against gambling but at the end of day if you dont like it dont play the Prize pot games!!!!!!!1, everybody should be entitled to do how they please wether they wish to take part in a Prize game or not..
Posts: 10,415
14:12 Sat 24 Jan 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
The mood has changed now Nick has made the thread.......

I think its the best thing you can do with the site at this moment. Personally, having lost interest in this game over the last few months, this would be a great incentive to play regularly.

I have wanted this since my first day on the site but please, please don't make it just for killer. Of all the ranked games, Killer must be the least played (in terms of number of games as opposed to people playing) ranked game on the site, so it wouldnt add as much as it could.

If i was yourself Nick, I would view it as an excellent chance to make more money for the site and yourself. If two people stake ten pounds each on a game of 8ball UK why shouldnt you make anything. Charge an extra pound or whatever on top of the ten staked on the game.
Im sure nobody would begrudge you that.

I think you need to have customisable rules for the bet though. A race to 1/2/3/4/5 etc.....maybe you can enter your own number. Im imagining a weeks wages staked on a race to 100 at straight pool or something.....lmao

But seriously, its a great idea and with the correct consultation of users (which you seem to be doing at this early stage) will become a popular idea.

Maybe my funkypool adult site wasnt such a terrible idea? With it being over 18s only and presumably on a different server (site?) maybe you could get away with the odd curse word or rude joke?

Anyway, I love it!
Posts: 7,324
14:30 Sat 24 Jan 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
I knew this would get madmiketyson posting again!

And I echo the majority of his comments. In my opinion, bringing it in for killer alone is the right idea and the right step...mainly because it will get more people to play it, and in theory, it ought to only attract the better players to play it for money, thus eliminating the huge edge of luck, or lack thereof, that is greatly associated with this game (Myself and clooneman have had many a discussion over the importance of the player two shots before, one shot before, and one shot after you is, and this is particularly relevant if there is a weaker player in those positions smacking the balls around).

Anyway, went slightly off the end of the day, whether people consider this gambling in its extreme form or not, gambling itself will always remain a choice...if people want to have a little stake, or otherwise, on a game of killer, that is entirely their own choice, and nobody else can be held responsible for that. I can't see any reason whatsoever why this ought not to be introduced, fantastic idea in my opinion.
Posts: 2,737
14:33 Sat 24 Jan 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
madmiketyson said:
The mood has changed now Nick has made the thread.......

I think its the best thing you can do with the site at this moment. Personally, having lost interest in this game over the last few months, this would be a great incentive to play regularly.

I have wanted this since my first day on the site but please, please don't make it just for killer. Of all the ranked games, Killer must be the least played (in terms of number of games as opposed to people playing) ranked game on the site, so it wouldnt add as much as it could.

If i was yourself Nick, I would view it as an excellent chance to make more money for the site and yourself. If two people stake ten pounds each on a game of 8ball UK why shouldnt you make anything. Charge an extra pound or whatever on top of the ten staked on the game.
Im sure nobody would begrudge you that.

I think you need to have customisable rules for the bet though. A race to 1/2/3/4/5 etc.....maybe you can enter your own number. Im imagining a weeks wages staked on a race to 100 at straight pool or something.....lmao

But seriously, its a great idea and with the correct consultation of users (which you seem to be doing at this early stage) will become a popular idea.

Maybe my funkypool adult site wasnt such a terrible idea? With it being over 18s only and presumably on a different server (site?) maybe you could get away with the odd curse word or rude joke?

Anyway, I love it!

Posts: 32
15:04 Sat 24 Jan 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
It seems a very good idea. I'll do it!
Posts: 9,456
11:17 Sun 25 Jan 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
I think that would a great addition to the site.

I would suggest keeping the stakes low to start with, but nothing better than playing a game off killer for cash. Well this is the way its done in the pub anyway, just a quid a game winner takes the lot.

Gets my vote

Deleted User
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13:52 Sun 25 Jan 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
It's a great idea as I've said from the start!

A lot of people are interested to so I hope this gets introduced.
Deleted User
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17:12 Sun 25 Jan 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
what about exchange rates etc??

sometimes the Aussie Dollar pays good for British Pounds but British Pounds doesnt pay well for the Aussie Dollar (just as an example, im not a currnecy follower lol)

so would it may not be worht entering if your currency is trading poorly...of course, dont enter, but then thats a bit unfair if you realy wanna go but you may lose money even if you win.

or does it work a different way then for what im thinking??
Posts: 8,940
17:41 Sun 25 Jan 09 (GMT)  [Link]  

No, you wouldnt lose more if you won.

Say it cost £1 to enter, at the current exchange rate that would mean it would cost you 2.08 Australian Dollars to enter, however, if you won, you would win £6, which would convert back to $12.54

Of course there would inevitably be small charges for currency conversions along the line, but these are usually minimal.

Source - < Excellent site BTW
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