Killer pool for cash
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06:04 Sat 24 Jan 09 (GMT)
Would anyone be interested in killer pool for money?
Amounts would be variable, but imagine a couple of pounds entry with the winner taking the pot.
It's just an idea at the moment, but I'm interested to know what people's thoughts are.
Amounts would be variable, but imagine a couple of pounds entry with the winner taking the pot.
It's just an idea at the moment, but I'm interested to know what people's thoughts are.
06:07 Sat 24 Jan 09 (GMT)
good idea , its wat killers all about , quid a man most pubs , might get complicated with exchange rates and the like and i can imagine some arguments kickin off , but yeah id give it a go
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06:08 Sat 24 Jan 09 (GMT)
I totally agree lemsip you should give a go Nick.. It would be very interesting to see what happens.
06:29 Sat 24 Jan 09 (GMT)
Oh yes, sounds good, it would also be nice to play the skilled games such as 8 US for cash too
06:37 Sat 24 Jan 09 (GMT)
Hang on!
This arguement came up aaaaaaaggess ago...
The website is meant to be a family website... Isn't this classed as gambling?
So... Lets say gambling is introduced (Totally against it) then how will we moderate who is of legal age to gamble?
Then how are we going to get money to enter? (Fair play, through paypal, but then that leads to kids stealing credit cards from parents or whatever)
Which in turn leads to kids getting addicted to gambling cos they may win one...
And the cycle continues... [U][B]This is a family website![/U][/B]
Sorry Nick, quadruple thumbs down here... (even with my toes).
(I've read your arguements before... you are contradicting your own principles... [:P])
[i]Edited at 12:46 Sat 24/01/09 (GMT)[/i]
This arguement came up aaaaaaaggess ago...
The website is meant to be a family website... Isn't this classed as gambling?
So... Lets say gambling is introduced (Totally against it) then how will we moderate who is of legal age to gamble?
Then how are we going to get money to enter? (Fair play, through paypal, but then that leads to kids stealing credit cards from parents or whatever)
Which in turn leads to kids getting addicted to gambling cos they may win one...
And the cycle continues... [U][B]This is a family website![/U][/B]
Sorry Nick, quadruple thumbs down here... (even with my toes).
(I've read your arguements before... you are contradicting your own principles... [:P])
[i]Edited at 12:46 Sat 24/01/09 (GMT)[/i]
06:48 Sat 24 Jan 09 (GMT)
Ah, balls with that ratty, if this comes in I may not have to work for a living, best news I've heard in ages
07:02 Sat 24 Jan 09 (GMT)
Gaaaaaah! I'm gonna battle this with my life!
That thread was capped.
Cityfan84 said:
Yeah it's against funkypool rules as we don't have a liecense to gamble
That thread was capped.
1_eye said:
I'm always 100% against this site turning into a site where people can gamble, no point calling it FUNkypool if that happens in my opinion!
1_eye said:
I think this is a bad road to go down, and i believe you would have to remove the fun from funky! My personal feelings on gambling is that it's a bad thing, just like most addictions!
Cool_dude said:
Most people on this site are of a young age and incouraging them to gamble wouldn't be a good idea in my view.
07:02 Sat 24 Jan 09 (GMT)
sm_rat, participation will obviously be restricted to 18 year olds and over and it would be on another area needing a full sign up (eg with address and date of birth details).
I have never said I disagreed in gambling, or that it wont be introduced so I'm not contradicting anything. We've always had gambling related adverts on funkypool, for instance.
I have never said I disagreed in gambling, or that it wont be introduced so I'm not contradicting anything. We've always had gambling related adverts on funkypool, for instance.
07:04 Sat 24 Jan 09 (GMT)
How will we know if a user is 18???
Forgeries on the internet are easy nowadays!
This will send the young generation down a slippy slope Nick.
Younger users will feel left out! And so find any means to participate!
Edited at 13:06 Sat 24/01/09 (GMT)
Forgeries on the internet are easy nowadays!
This will send the young generation down a slippy slope Nick.
Younger users will feel left out! And so find any means to participate!
Edited at 13:06 Sat 24/01/09 (GMT)
07:06 Sat 24 Jan 09 (GMT)
Don't forget, as brought up many times before, that its only gambling if you're betting the money on someone else.
Whats being discussed here is entering a prize competition. You already do it with your rank points everytime you play a ranked game, this would be no different.
Edit - its up to a user to verify they are 18, if they commit a breach of contract, that is their (or their parent/guardian's) problem, not the site's.
Edited at 13:09 Sat 24/01/09 (GMT)
Whats being discussed here is entering a prize competition. You already do it with your rank points everytime you play a ranked game, this would be no different.
Edit - its up to a user to verify they are 18, if they commit a breach of contract, that is their (or their parent/guardian's) problem, not the site's.
Edited at 13:09 Sat 24/01/09 (GMT)
07:08 Sat 24 Jan 09 (GMT)
"Gambling is the wagering of money or something of material value on an event with an uncertain outcome with the primary intent of winning additional money and/or material goods. Typically, the outcome of the wager is evident within a short period."
How can a tournament not be gambling?
You pay money and lose money (unless you win).
EDIT: So are you saying that a Bingo tournament or a Poker tournament isn't gambling Spinner?
Wow! I better get playing...
Edited at 13:13 Sat 24/01/09 (GMT)
How can a tournament not be gambling?
You pay money and lose money (unless you win).
EDIT: So are you saying that a Bingo tournament or a Poker tournament isn't gambling Spinner?
Wow! I better get playing...
Edited at 13:13 Sat 24/01/09 (GMT)
07:13 Sat 24 Jan 09 (GMT)
I don't want this to go off topic - if you generally disagree with gambling that is fine, but right now I'm just asking for whether you would be interested and don't want this to become a debate on gambling.
Gambling would not take place on this server and would be a separate area.
Gambling would not take place on this server and would be a separate area.
07:14 Sat 24 Jan 09 (GMT)
Edited gambling discussion for another thread, so yes, I'm all for this, with a view to prize tournaments for other game types down the line.
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07:17 Sat 24 Jan 09 (GMT)
Love it, love it, love it!
Great idea Nick.
Sm_rat, it's getting put on a different server so whats the problem?
Great idea Nick.
Sm_rat, it's getting put on a different server so whats the problem?
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07:17 Sat 24 Jan 09 (GMT)
Would be one of the best ideas this site has had for ages seein' as killer is dead compared to the likes of 8 ball Uk, the US games...and golf is not much better.
07:19 Sat 24 Jan 09 (GMT)
Ok, I'll shut up now...
But one last thing, say I was playing on FP as it is now. Would the option come up to join a paid tournament amongst the normal tournaments??
Or would there be a whole separate game window just for the gambling?
nick said:
I don't want this to go off topic - if you generally disagree with gambling that is fine, but right now I'm just asking for whether you would be interested and don't want this to become a debate on gambling.
Gambling would not take place on this server and would be a separate area.
Gambling would not take place on this server and would be a separate area.
Ok, I'll shut up now...
But one last thing, say I was playing on FP as it is now. Would the option come up to join a paid tournament amongst the normal tournaments??
Or would there be a whole separate game window just for the gambling?
07:24 Sat 24 Jan 09 (GMT)
Yay, I could get a backer, who pays my entry fees for tournies, can give them 20% of me winnings, need an agent, a stylist, a PR person....
All together now,
All together now,
07:27 Sat 24 Jan 09 (GMT)
For anyone wishing to debate the subject of gambling -
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Killer pool for cash
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