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Killer pool for cash

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19:14 Sat 7 Feb 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
But it will be very hard to implement.

And in the end, exchange rate will always come into it.

Because if someone in England had to pay 1GBP to get 1 credit and I had to pay $3.50AUD to get the same, then I may have to pay $3.70 the next day and then the next day after that, I may only have to pay $3.30 just to get 1 Credit - so exchange rates will always come into it.

And then you would have to figure it out in other major currencies like in the US, Canada, Euro's and for other countries where lots of people come from to play FP.

I think just having it straight out exchange would be a lot easier to implement.

But at the end of the day, it will be to expensive for some and not worth while to pay for a single game of pool where they may be eliminated in 3 shots - but otherwise im still for it
Posts: 10,415
03:53 Mon 9 Feb 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Any news on when we can expect to see this

The best idea since nick thought, "oh ill make a pool site" FACT!
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19:04 Mon 9 Feb 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
I am a little lost with the discussion of currencies,i am aware that they go up and down regarding value but its only a very minor %,i play poker on pokerstars using my currency GBP and get it converted to USD when i cash out my winnings i dont see the problem.

Would be nice if more people declared there interest in this!!! hint hint
Posts: 31,220
19:07 Mon 9 Feb 09 (GMT)  [Link]  

Isn't online gambling illegal in the USA? Well not strictly in that sense but would killer for cash fall under the same interdiction over there as poker?
Deleted User
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21:50 Mon 9 Feb 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
poker and pool in my opinion are not classed as gambling as they require skill and only a certain amount of luck alone for eg roulette,fruit machines are classed as gambling as they require only luck and no skill

?This software will give users of all skill levels the opportunity to play against these poker champions for fun or for real money where online games of skill are permitted.? The implication is that the poker games available will only be offered in states where games of skill played for money are legal.

Pretty much a gray area as there is a continued argument as anti-gambling campaigns class it as gambling and poker players class it as skill

Edited at 03:52 Tue 10/02/09 (GMT)

Edited at 03:55 Tue 10/02/09 (GMT)
Deleted User
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12:06 Wed 11 Feb 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
anymore thoughts on this nick? seems as though its been layed off?
Posts: 2,683
12:17 Wed 11 Feb 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
I like it....
Deleted User
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09:46 Sun 15 Feb 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
it would be good if i could make money off it...but who wants to vs bastihla and lordpool etc when there is money on the line???

im intrigued to see it happen
Deleted User
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11:53 Sun 15 Feb 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
daveygee said:
I am a little lost with the discussion of currencies,i am aware that they go up and down regarding value but its only a very minor %,i play poker on pokerstars using my currency GBP and get it converted to USD when i cash out my winnings i dont see the problem.

Would be nice if more people declared there interest in this!!! hint hint

... We're in the middle of a recession. It only takes common sense to understand the pound is very weak at the moment.

Exchange rates wouldn't be a problem in the slightest. Dont' talk silly. You use standard currency. Let's say it was 1GBP a credit; the GBP being your 'standard currency'. Americans/Australians; it'd filter your currency that exact second and it'd cost you the equivalent. If you don't want to pay when the exchange is higher then don't play on a website that'd use GBP as it's standard currency. Simple as that.

This is how virtually every international gaming site works in regards to gambling. Not that I play for money anymore but I'm sure it's still the same.
Deleted User
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06:07 Thu 19 Feb 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
obscurity said:

Exchange rates wouldn't be a problem in the slightest. Dont' talk silly. You use standard currency. Let's say it was 1GBP a credit; the GBP being your 'standard currency'. Americans/Australians; it'd filter your currency that exact second and it'd cost you the equivalent. If you don't want to pay when the exchange is higher then don't play on a website that'd use GBP as it's standard currency. Simple as that.

im not talking silly - im talking the truth. I agree with you - it will be expensive for people to play one round of killer, thats all i have ever said.

but even if we had the option to pay in one of three currencies, say the Euro, Pounds or US dollars - because on some days it would be cheaper to buy USD then to buy the Euro for credits....maybe that could work.
Deleted User
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09:42 Thu 19 Feb 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Reading over the whole thread, it's pretty much all positive. Nick created it to get your opinions on what you think, so in my opinion due to the positive posts this is already under construction. So watch this space.....
Posts: 4,751
13:00 Thu 19 Feb 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
aflumpire, yes currency fluctuations could certainly affect any money you had held in a foreign currency (be it a bank account or on any website account). There's not really anything anyone can do about this.

nick said:
Nick created it to get your opinions on what you think, so in my opinion due to the positive posts this is already under construction

Yes, the feedback has been very positive but I'm afraid to say it's not under construction. You'll see a new patch in the next few days with some game improvements (optimisation and error fixes which I don't want to discuss here and take this off topic).
Deleted User
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22:26 Thu 19 Feb 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
obscurity said:
daveygee said:
I am a little lost with the discussion of currencies,i am aware that they go up and down regarding value but its only a very minor %,i play poker on pokerstars using my currency GBP and get it converted to USD when i cash out my winnings i dont see the problem.

Would be nice if more people declared there interest in this!!! hint hint

... We're in the middle of a recession. It only takes common sense to understand the pound is very weak at the moment.

Exchange rates wouldn't be a problem in the slightest. Dont' talk silly. You use standard currency. Let's say it was 1GBP a credit; the GBP being your 'standard currency'. Americans/Australians; it'd filter your currency that exact second and it'd cost you the equivalent. If you don't want to pay when the exchange is higher then don't play on a website that'd use GBP as it's standard currency. Simple as that.

This is how virtually every international gaming site works in regards to gambling. Not that I play for money anymore but I'm sure it's still the same.
i was lost with the discusion not the understanding of exchange rates and conversions,i play in usd regardless of the current finacial situation as it is converted back,over a small period of time hence only fluterates minimumly,it would be a concern if it was over a long period of time but that is not the case as it is not a savings account so its not something i have to keep on eye on
Deleted User
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06:54 Sun 22 Feb 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Im against it if the money is not capped i think that could lead to a down hill spiral.

I wouldnt mind 50p a pound per game though
Deleted User
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11:02 Mon 23 Feb 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
You have to think also you'd only be gambling on per say 80 pence as FunkyPool would need to earn a fair bit of money to keep it running.

I'll be honest and say the member base is far too small for gambling, and, without being mean, far too dumb. Sure, you guys reading this who can put literate sentences together don't come under that category; but there is a large percentage of members who mistake the chat rooms for just that, chat rooms; totally ignoring the fact they're chat rooms amongst a billiards website.

I don't think it'll work. It's a huge gamble, Nick... but I personally think you'd be taking a loss somewhere.

Ideally you want to make a living from FunkyPool. Let's be honest; it's never going to be bought for the prices Last.FM and Facebook are currently worth, but there is enough value for self-sacrifice.

I'd just make premium membership and standard membership as you'd had planned. Maybe one day you could implement a small gambling feature for premium members, weather it be real money or not. Totally sacrifice the standard membership game to Google, tease them, as such. "If only all these freakin' adverts were gone." God, let them flash across the screen when you're taking a shot.

Premium Membership? The total opposite. Give premium membership new features monthly, priority in the moderation queues, y'know? £1 a month, £10 for a year or £25 for lifetime. Something like that is what I'd do if I had your experience in these commercial websites.

Edited at 17:07 Mon 23/02/09 (GMT)
Deleted User
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06:35 Thu 26 Feb 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
it works for poolsharks,why not here? i think its a great idea and playing for cash will make it a whole lot more interesting as i dont agree with gambling on luck alone.
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Killer pool for cash

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