mr guevara's (and FJ's) booze cruise 2 (contd.)
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06:11 Wed 5 Mar 08 (GMT)
Look 'im.......yellow belly bob doing one
Deserter......go on, go and learn how to play rugby
*blows a raspberry*
*consoles paula and puts a comforting arm around her dainty narrow shoulders*
Dont worry petal we will get stella awake then we will be fine
*gives stella another big slap with the Halibut*
Looks round and sees bob....where did you come from? welcome abord all is forgiven
Edited at 12:13 Wed 5/03/08 (GMT)
Deserter......go on, go and learn how to play rugby
*blows a raspberry*
*consoles paula and puts a comforting arm around her dainty narrow shoulders*
Dont worry petal we will get stella awake then we will be fine
*gives stella another big slap with the Halibut*
Looks round and sees bob....where did you come from? welcome abord all is forgiven
Edited at 12:13 Wed 5/03/08 (GMT)
06:21 Wed 5 Mar 08 (GMT)
*Sniffs Thanks Tids*
TROUT! Use a Trout that'll wake him her love a bit of 'ole trout
TROUT! Use a Trout that'll wake him her love a bit of 'ole trout
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06:29 Wed 5 Mar 08 (GMT)
How about a sausage?
*continues doing nautical-type things*
*continues doing nautical-type things*
06:33 Wed 5 Mar 08 (GMT)
*Ears prik up @ sausage*
Whats he been saying eh? eh?
*Ears prik up @ sausage*
Whats he been saying eh? eh?
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06:35 Wed 5 Mar 08 (GMT)
*holds aloft a sausage*
Look at the size of my sausage!!!!!!!....fnar fnar fnar........
*shoves it in stellas mouth and lights it*
Look at the size of my sausage!!!!!!!....fnar fnar fnar........
*shoves it in stellas mouth and lights it*
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06:51 Wed 5 Mar 08 (GMT)
(sounds painful tids)
*collapses, exhausted, to the deck*
Have we crashed yet? I can't wait for this to be over
*collapses, exhausted, to the deck*
Have we crashed yet? I can't wait for this to be over
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06:59 Wed 5 Mar 08 (GMT)
noooo we are still on collision course
Paula......wake him up, this Halibut has had it and the sausage has shrivelled (sts)
(time is of no obstacle here ya know)
Edited at 12:59 Wed 5/03/08 (GMT)
Paula......wake him up, this Halibut has had it and the sausage has shrivelled (sts)
(time is of no obstacle here ya know)
Edited at 12:59 Wed 5/03/08 (GMT)
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10:55 Wed 5 Mar 08 (GMT)
*wakes up to the smell off fish and meat*
OMGGGGGGG I need a shower now...!!!
*Grabs towel, and runs off pretty sharpish to the shower room*
AAAAAAAAAAAArrgggghhhhhhh Tids !! bloody cold water again!!
*Goes back to cabin pulls on speedos and dives overboard*
OMGGGGGGG I need a shower now...!!!
*Grabs towel, and runs off pretty sharpish to the shower room*
AAAAAAAAAAAArrgggghhhhhhh Tids !! bloody cold water again!!
*Goes back to cabin pulls on speedos and dives overboard*
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14:25 Wed 5 Mar 08 (GMT)
get yer butt back here bob...i mean stella were heading for disaster
we need you too unlock autopilot and divert away from crashing and guide us through the Thames and into the north sea
get yer butt back here bob...i mean stella were heading for disaster
we need you too unlock autopilot and divert away from crashing and guide us through the Thames and into the north sea
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23:33 Wed 5 Mar 08 (GMT)
*Hauls himself back on board*
What is all the panic about eh eh? Call yaself a skipper??
Look !! c'mere hairy one. *points to switch marked AUTOPILOT.......there *flicks switch*.....*tuts*
Now carry on steering up the Thames while i go and wake My Paula up.
*Walks off muttering to himself and shaking his head*
OH!! *Shouts* And put down that bottle of Rum mate, no drink driving, there are River Police round here yanno.
*Opens cabin door* JEEEEEEEEESUSSSSSSS *holds breath* paula What on Earth is that smell!!
Edited at 05:34 Thu 6/03/08 (GMT)
What is all the panic about eh eh? Call yaself a skipper??
Look !! c'mere hairy one. *points to switch marked AUTOPILOT.......there *flicks switch*.....*tuts*
Now carry on steering up the Thames while i go and wake My Paula up.
*Walks off muttering to himself and shaking his head*
OH!! *Shouts* And put down that bottle of Rum mate, no drink driving, there are River Police round here yanno.
*Opens cabin door* JEEEEEEEEESUSSSSSSS *holds breath* paula What on Earth is that smell!!
Edited at 05:34 Thu 6/03/08 (GMT)
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03:12 Thu 6 Mar 08 (GMT)
*stands there speechless and dumbfounded, looks at the BC's terms and conditiions and notices that in clause 23.1.1 it firmly states that the co-captain is the navigator and helms person and must at all times take control when the captain is in panic mode...walks up to an unconcious stella and duck tapes the conditions to his forehead.......goes and makes brekkie*
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10:22 Thu 6 Mar 08 (GMT)
*comes around* What on earth *shakes head*
What the hell is this !! *reads* Pffffft !!
*mutters* I'll give him bloody clause 23.1.1 now.
OIIIII Tids ya Hairy Tway!!! Don't forget YOU are the co-captain of this here vessel, and still take on the are only ACTING Skipper in Ste's absence, so roll that up in your cuban and smoke it!!
*stumbles off for a waz*
What the hell is this !! *reads* Pffffft !!
*mutters* I'll give him bloody clause 23.1.1 now.
OIIIII Tids ya Hairy Tway!!! Don't forget YOU are the co-captain of this here vessel, and still take on the are only ACTING Skipper in Ste's absence, so roll that up in your cuban and smoke it!!
*stumbles off for a waz*
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14:38 Thu 6 Mar 08 (GMT)
*puffs on a fine cuban and blows a smoke ring of an Albatross gliding on the ocean breeze*
And for your information...your the co captain im the stand in captain, but if you want me cap 'n stripes then you can have them, no bloody grattitude some folk
*looks at smooth cuban*
what a fine ceeegar
*takes a measure of rum*
ahhhh thats better
*looks around no one about, has a slash over the side*
Edited at 20:39 Thu 6/03/08 (GMT)
And for your information...your the co captain im the stand in captain, but if you want me cap 'n stripes then you can have them, no bloody grattitude some folk
*looks at smooth cuban*
what a fine ceeegar
*takes a measure of rum*
ahhhh thats better
*looks around no one about, has a slash over the side*
Edited at 20:39 Thu 6/03/08 (GMT)
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23:40 Thu 6 Mar 08 (GMT)
-on the london eye-
What's that rank smell?
Oh ****.
What's that rank smell?
Oh ****.
15:28 Fri 7 Mar 08 (GMT)
*Goes for a lie down*
*Goes for a lie down*
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03:07 Sat 8 Mar 08 (GMT)
*Wakes, kisses his Paula's cheek, and whispers "morning baby"*
*Ambles up to the bridge, takes the wheel, and guides the ship out of the murky waters (Tids fault, he's dirrrrrrrrryy) of the Thames, and into the channel.*
*Puts back on autopilot, and sets off for a run*
*Wakes, kisses his Paula's cheek, and whispers "morning baby"*
*Ambles up to the bridge, takes the wheel, and guides the ship out of the murky waters (Tids fault, he's dirrrrrrrrryy) of the Thames, and into the channel.*
*Puts back on autopilot, and sets off for a run*
04:49 Sat 8 Mar 08 (GMT)
*heads on deck after her morning shower etc etc blah blah*
I see no brekky made for me!
Yano what guys, is there gunna be a time when at least ONE of you think,, aww Poor Paula been the only girl here for a while now, we shud spoil her and cook for her etc? WELL?
Thought not.....
*Makes her OWN toast*
I see no brekky made for me!
Yano what guys, is there gunna be a time when at least ONE of you think,, aww Poor Paula been the only girl here for a while now, we shud spoil her and cook for her etc? WELL?
Thought not.....
*Makes her OWN toast*
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05:00 Sat 8 Mar 08 (GMT)
*hears Paula's whinging on deck*
Hey, I would Paula but I conveniently always wake up after breakfast's been made so I can't
Hey, I would Paula but I conveniently always wake up after breakfast's been made so I can't
05:16 Sat 8 Mar 08 (GMT)
Hey Bob *Smiles* Well...... i only made toast, soooooooooooooo really you cud still make a big huuuuge fat brekky for us all *smiles again*
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mr guevara's (and FJ's) booze cruise 2 (contd.)
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