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Deleted User
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20:28 Sun 24 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Chips n gravy out.
Deleted User
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22:40 Sun 24 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
mich sorry I missed your 5 hours ago post but looks like it has been sorted now, sorry you felt like you had to fold CnG... I hope that isn't you quitting for good, as you have grown on me like athlete's foot
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:46 Sun 24 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
mich sorry I missed your 5 hours ago post but looks like it has been sorted now, sorry you felt like you had to fold CnG... I hope that isn't you quitting for good, as you have grown on me like athlete's foot

How on earth is it sorted now; has Mikee resigned? It wasn't just CnG that had a problem with no subs from Eagles; it's the majority of clans.
Deleted User
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23:01 Sun 24 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
No, Mike has not resigned. It has been sorted since Chips have folded, not how it should have been resolved but that is how it is.

I am aware there are problems with subs and Eagles but for the last time, I cannot force a captain to do anything and he has not racked up enough defaults to be removed from the league.

Wish people would get that and stop complaining at me! My hands are tied!
Deleted User
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23:04 Sun 24 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
No, Mike has not resigned. It has been sorted since Chips have folded, not how it should have been resolved but that is how it is.

I am aware there are problems with subs and Eagles but for the last time, I cannot force a captain to do anything and he has not racked up enough defaults to be removed from the league.

Wish people would get that and stop complaining at me! My hands are tied!

I am complaining at you saying that it is sorted when it is not. Whilst that incompetent captain is at Eagles it is not sorted. You are implying that CnG were at fault when you know full well that it would have been 6-0 all round if they had gone to default.
Deleted User
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23:10 Sun 24 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Excuse me! I have never implied that CnG were at fault, I have been talking to mich for the past 2-3 days about this and I have assured him about the potential defaults.

Fighting Eagles had no defaults in set one and only 2 in set two, that is not a high enough level of defaults required to be removed. They aren't even the clan with the highest defaults this season.

You may have difficulty with Mike, but I cannot remove him based on dislike.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:13 Sun 24 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
I haven't once asked for him to be removed, just pointed out that he is useless.

The way defaults are done it would have probably been 3-3 or 4-2 to them anyway.

You keep burying your head in the sand saying that "it's all sorted".
Deleted User
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23:18 Sun 24 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Like I said, I spoke to mich about the defaults and he knew that CnG were favourable to win although I don't like to discuss defaults before they happen.

You keep waffling on about me burying my head, despite the fact I have already explained everything, I shall explain no more.
Posts: 7,974
23:32 Sun 24 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
the problem with the top teams now is they play for defaults first and playing the games second, a general statement not aimed at any one

just read the threads, is it really worth it anymore
constant hassle thats why mikee and others dig there heels in, ive first hand experience of it
ive now become one, its ridiculous, does anyone do anything........... no they dont season after season and its getting worse

but when it was shooters or as of late sinners all hell broke loose, nothing appears on threads anymore warning teams to back off

clans are folding teams are loosing players
because the fun is going, its all hassle,

dont be surprised if others follow suit
its a general statement but threads dont lie, ive tried my damdest this season to keep off threads, does it stop others not a chance

default info 1st games second that cant be right well done pixie for trying to sort it early in the season
Posts: 10,109
23:49 Sun 24 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
the problem with the top teams now is they play for defaults first and playing the games second, a general statement not aimed at any one

just read the threads, is it really worth it anymore
constant hassle thats why mikee and others dig there heels in, ive first hand experience of it
ive now become one, its ridiculous, does anyone do anything........... no they dont season after season and its getting worse

but when it was shooters or as of late sinners all hell broke loose, nothing appears on threads anymore warning teams to back off

clans are folding teams are loosing players
because the fun is going, its all hassle,

dont be surprised if others follow suit
its a general statement but threads dont lie, ive tried my damdest this season to keep off threads, does it stop others not a chance

default info 1st games second that cant be right well done pixie for trying to sort it early in the season

Which top teams play for defaults?? I've not witnessed Pro's or Snooks doing it, and we had no problems with Chips either.

Clans fold every season and always have, and Chips even admitted themselves at the start that they probably wouldn't last long! And as for losing players, at Uprising we're having to turn down players all the time because I simply can't fit them in. If all captains concentrated on active members rather than inactive quality players - there would be no issue.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:34 Sun 31 Mar 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Well as i am sure i am the most disliked Vice captain in the leagues.but all this harrasment should be stopped by some 1 either a mod are the league runners.with foxy it was none stop posting bad things about me. im to old, to stupid, and on and on.i have been a captain for years,i have forgot more than he ever new about running a clan.And Craig has admitted at 1 time was as bad as foxy.the more you post on are thread the more i will delay things.and as far as subs are conscerned I sent them atleat 5 eligible subs.and did not receive any from them till almost deadline.I have always got a long with mich but badger is nothing but a trouble maker.i do not go around just posting rubbish just to have something to do lol.and unless you have games with any clan stay off there thread a no brainer.
Posts: 22,512
17:39 Sun 31 Mar 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I don't see what the above post is even posted for Mike as that was nearly two weeks ago? Jema did what she could to calm the situation down but there is only so much a league runner can do, when it comes to threats and other things that is when admin and moderators take over and rightly so.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:55 Sun 31 Mar 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I can assure members of the FBL that I will not tolerate harassment of players, warnings and even league bans will be issued if things don't settle when asked.

I would ask that if you have an issue with someone stay away from their clan thread and don't incite arguments. If you end up having to play someone you don't like, wait the initial no subs period and request/make a sub.

I am confident in players to act maturely if they need to come across each other, I don't like receiving complaints about "he said / she said" playground rubbish.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:03 Sun 31 Mar 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Makes Me laugh looking at such crap, the guy is a liability to his clan, forgot more than jimmy knows about clans now u are making me chuckle as you don't even post results in correct places mike now act your age not your shoe size.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:06 Sun 31 Mar 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Makes Me laugh looking at such crap, the guy is a liability to his clan, forgot more than jimmy knows about clans now u are making me chuckle as you don't even post results in correct places mike now act your age not your shoe size.

Is that completely necessary? This is exactly what I am talking about.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:07 Sun 31 Mar 13 (BST)  [Link]  
To me it was completely necessary as I believe it's the truth that's my OPINION and freedom of speech is still allowed even if most other things ain't.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:08 Sun 31 Mar 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I am constantly working with Mikee to ensure he does things properly, give the guy a break Matty, he tries his best.
Deleted User
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18:12 Sun 31 Mar 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Ill leave it for now :-)
Posts: 3,846
18:23 Sun 31 Mar 13 (BST)  [Link]  
what size shoe are u mikee
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:29 Sun 31 Mar 13 (BST)  [Link]  
what size shoe are u mikee

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