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Deleted User
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16:02 Wed 20 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Quick question, underdogs subbed out a player from their uk games and its an eligible sub for the other games except he is ineligible because he has been subbed out of uk, if we agree can we not have that sub made??

erm ya wha?
Posts: 22,512
16:03 Wed 20 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  

Me and Jema are going out the now mate, im sure she will answer what you have posted later though, i just topped up so might phone you when we are out.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:08 Wed 20 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  

Me and Jema are going out the now mate, im sure she will answer what you have posted later though, i just topped up so might phone you when we are out.

Ill ring u at ten as I'm at work pal
Posts: 19,819
16:19 Thu 21 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hey clanners,
I'm getting fed up of clans, mostly because alot of the new clans seem to be making tactical changes which I never have felt this is in the spirit of clans maybe just me but sub are just for if your players inactivate or the game is struggling to get played.
Also the rudeness on the thread. Its a like a daily thing I am getting insulted on a thread these days.
And I know people play to win i get that but its like a life or death on here at the moment like this is the premier league where it isn't. Its just for fun!!!!!
Also I hate this i won 9-6 but i should of got more comments I mean is it me or is that really demorralising? (spell check not helping there)
I dont like the same people trying to cause trouble and no one doing anything about it, I mean really captains should get rid of trouble makers but if there good players then who cares eh?
Oh well im just ranting now no one will take this seriously and people will think its aimed at hem when its probably not as people like to feel targeted on funky but just think people should grow up and play the games set and quit stressing me out.
Anyways don't expect anything to change so this is a pointless post, sorry.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:26 Tue 26 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
So i guess everyone agrees with leugue runners removing captains from teams without even speaking to captain to ask why and what problem just take there team away behind back real nice that is.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:07 Tue 26 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Really cant feel 2 sorry for ya Zac,as you bring most of it on your self.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:54 Tue 26 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
So i guess everyone agrees with leugue runners removing captains from teams without even speaking to captain to ask why and what problem just take there team away behind back real nice that is.

I'll say if for you Kenny, what a horrible decision! How can a league runner ever take a captain out regardless of how long he had been online! Talk about interfering! What part is that in the rules? When is the cut off? If seb goes offline for say three days will he be removed?

Correct me if I'm wrong but as this is Kennys team would he not be within his right to fold the team now? Its his team!!!!! This has always been the case in the past. I don't really care what his clan are saying, if they are not happy then go elsewhere!

This has shocked me!

Too many rules with the caviat that its at the league runners discretion. This has proven to be shakey at the best of times.

I will happily lend my support to Kenny and say this needs to be reversed immediately!
Deleted User
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00:08 Wed 27 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
This has nothing to do with you, it is between me, fry and thegreatone and might want to get your facts right before assuming it was just because he was offline.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:13 Wed 27 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
What on earth do you mean it has nothing to do with me? I have played in this league since its exception and what you are doing to it is bringing it down!

You might want to share the facts but regardless there is no justification. Unless Kenny sends a message saying he gives up the clan then it has nothing to do with Fry or Thegreatone. They are members of HIS clan.

You share the message of Kenny saying he gives it up then i'll apoligise. Apart from that then this is plain wrong.

Kennys clan at the start and still his now. The way it works.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:33 Wed 27 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Beth is the main captain of Vipers at the moment so it was actually her call and I am not going to sit here and broadcast Kenny's personal life for everyone to read, I am not like that and it is not my place to do so.

I am past the point of caring about your opinions now John as they are always spiteful and uncalled for. Your attitude is disgusting as displayed here and on Vipers this morning.

Rather than actually putting your point across in a civilised manner you think it's acceptable to just attack people.

You seem to be the only one who thinks I am doing a poor job as League Runner, guess that it your problem, not mine.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:41 Wed 27 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Beth is the main captain of Vipers at the moment so it was actually her call and I am not going to sit here and broadcast Kenny's personal life for everyone to read, I am not like that and it is not my place to do so.

I am past the point of caring about your opinions now John as they are always spiteful and uncalled for. Your attitude is disgusting as displayed here and on Vipers this morning.

Rather than actually putting your point across in a civilised manner you think it's acceptable to just attack people.

You seem to be the only one who thinks I am doing a poor job as League Runner, guess that it your problem, not mine.

Firstly read the vipers thread, attitude was thrown and me and I answered. Secondly I am not attacking folk for anything they don't deserve and thirdly if you think I am the only one who thinks you are ruining this league then I'm afraid you way off the mark. I'll not bother putting this one to the captains vote but lets just say you probably be as right as the last one.

This decision is wrong. Plain and simple. You need to get over the I am the head league runner mentality and actualy think whats good for the league and not just you.

And if you don't mind its onevisit, my friends call me john
Posts: 22,512
00:52 Wed 27 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Then you won't mind me calling you John.

I think all this is going a bit to far, what was done is done and was agreed by the other management in that clan, what else was not explained was that thegreatone7 is the actual captain of the FBL team for Vipers so it was actually her call and she allowed it. He has not been removed from any league by anyone else to my knowledge.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:54 Wed 27 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
I deserve to be attacked? I have never said anything to or about you and I deserve to be attacked? You might not like the way I run the league but there is a way of going about getting your opinions across other than just being plain nasty.

Like I said before JOHN ... disgusting!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:59 Wed 27 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
But the point is Jay that thegreatone is captain on Kennys say so, a privilege Kenny could take back at any time as its his clan.

This to me is shocking and should be reversed immediately. I put my support across and i'm attacking? Nah supporting someone who was looking for and deserved the support.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:00 Wed 27 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
I deserve to be attacked? I have never said anything to or about you and I deserve to be attacked? You might not like the way I run the league but there is a way of going about getting your opinions across other than just being plain nasty.

Like I said before JOHN ... disgusting!

Like maybe discussing it on the discussion thread? cough
Posts: 22,512
01:04 Wed 27 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
She is not mate, she has been captain of the Vipers in that league from the get go because after the last Viper attempt Kenny became very unreliable twice and the first time he was gone for a good while so Beth had control from the beginning in that league.

Jema is talking to Kenny on facebook and he holds nothing against her and from what i can see he thinks it was and is for the best just now - i could be wrong.

As said we have been friends a long time and i have known about issues for a while, he has nothing but our support but he does not need more pressure on here with a clan, the last time he went unreliable like this he got hounded so much he took the FCL to ransom basically and then got called all the names under the sun. I don't want his reputation tarnished anymore because of not being online and for that i agree with the decision that was made by all management in that clan and between Jema - if they said no then Jema would have left it.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:10 Wed 27 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Agh I give up

Edited at 23:13 Tue 26/02/13 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:20 Wed 27 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
discussing... PAH! Hardly a discussion where you are concerned, let's face it, you hate me for some reason and are hellbent on badmouthing everything I do... all started on Crazy Eight's forum, still going now.

Its nothing to do with hating you, its making bad decisions that are a huge negative towards things. Make the right choices for the benefit of the league and you won't here from me. You made bad decisions then and your making them now. I made my opinion on the discussion thread. It was there for anyone to tell me what part I was wrong at ie discuss

This Onevisit hates me thing is geting boring. The difference between me and everyone who thinks it is if i see something so blatently wrong, i'll say it.

I repeat this decision was wrong any way you wrap it up. Kenny was thrown out when no one was within their right and regardless of what he now may be saying, at the time it was wrong.

I'll not keep on anymore, my opinion has been made. My final thought on THIS subject is ridiculous.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:35 Sun 10 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
No arguments on here for a while; this is good. Strange that it coincides with there being no arguments on Sinners' thread as well. I wonder what the link is!!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:29 Sun 24 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Right I have held my tongue on the forums as good as I can for a while now but it is beyond a joke.

We were asking for a sub for someone who was offline 12 day for 4 days straight, and got ignored for 4 days...
Now have someone who has been off 7 days in...
Players ignoring messages...
Captains not giving a crap..


We who have tried will probably be punished for defaults despite having players on every day ready to play.

You can all guess I am on about Dancing cockroaches, or eagles or whatever they call themselves.

5 games unplayed and the ones that did get played took a hell of a lot of persuading and waiting around.
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