some riddles for ya!!!
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16:30 Sat 24 Mar 07 (GMT)
Where's this thread been? Never saw it, sorry.......
That man's father is my father's son = That man's father is me. So if the man's father was the artist, the man was the artist's son. Benno got it right. Dunno whose go it is, Mssrs Bemmo and Bob will have to fight for it!!!
benno91 said:
is it the artist or the artist's son?
That man's father is my father's son = That man's father is me. So if the man's father was the artist, the man was the artist's son. Benno got it right. Dunno whose go it is, Mssrs Bemmo and Bob will have to fight for it!!!
12:50 Sun 25 Mar 07 (BST)
Ur go if you can do one ahead of Bemmo
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12:52 Sun 25 Mar 07 (BST)
I'll let benno have it, he got the first riddle right
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15:51 Mon 26 Mar 07 (BST)
I don't think he's interested, bob, why don't you go ahead and take his go?
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11:38 Tue 27 Mar 07 (BST)
Four men sat down to play,
They played all night ?till break of day.
They played for gold and not for fun
With separate scores for everyone.
When they came to square accounts,
They all had made quite fair amounts.
Can you the paradox explain,
If no one lost, how could all gain?
They played all night ?till break of day.
They played for gold and not for fun
With separate scores for everyone.
When they came to square accounts,
They all had made quite fair amounts.
Can you the paradox explain,
If no one lost, how could all gain?
12:02 Tue 27 Mar 07 (BST)
they kik the hell out ov 2 men and share the money
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12:19 Tue 27 Mar 07 (BST)
Were they in a band or something? Won tips?
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12:20 Tue 27 Mar 07 (BST)
ah i get it think ur right there katie(stay off time holders)
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some riddles for ya!!!
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