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Orange ad causing severe lag

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01:00 Sun 4 Jun 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Martin - we wont let this descend into another stupid argument, as long as I get the last word.
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06:39 Sun 4 Jun 06 (BST)  [Link]  
lol martin.
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06:57 Sun 4 Jun 06 (BST)  [Link]  
ads are great! when im bored and waiting for next round in tourny i look up and watch the ads...more interesting then sitting there twiddling your thumbs

(the original) flukey

Edited at 11:58 Sun 4/06/06 (BST)
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06:59 Sun 4 Jun 06 (BST)  [Link]  
spinner ur an idiot mate!! y dyu always HAVE to be right and get the last word!!

a total of 5 out of 40'000 people had a problem with it

???????WTF?????????? because there really is 40'000 members!! ASIF many people have numerous accounts making the total higher and not every single member checks out the forums!!

spinner = dunce
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06:59 Sun 4 Jun 06 (BST)  [Link]  
personally i never touch them, i watch sky, read, go on another website or do anything rather than look at an ad. I dont need telling what to buy lol. But thats just me, i'm sure they are really exciting and i dont know what i'm missing.
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07:00 Sun 4 Jun 06 (BST)  [Link]  
tread-well said
phillipe - what bout for us poor kids that dont have sky...we dream bout getting the latest mobile or the latest lip gloss that does the same thing but has a diff shade of pink

Edited at 12:01 Sun 4/06/06 (BST)
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07:04 Sun 4 Jun 06 (BST)  [Link]  
if u dream of it, thn u can always google in and find best ones etc etc no need to go on funkypool especially and wait for the sky advert to come on so u can go onto the sky website! lol

Edited at 12:04 Sun 4/06/06 (BST)
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07:05 Sun 4 Jun 06 (BST)  [Link]  
and i never go on the adverts - none have actually sparked a remote interest from me as yet- i mean, why wud i wana go on a datin site? im ruddy gorgeous haha
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07:06 Sun 4 Jun 06 (BST)  [Link]  
exactly, if you want something then can you not buy it till an ad lets you lol? i want a phone but cant get it till i see an ad for it! 3 years later .......Jackpot!

Btw i did say that was just my opinion to cover myself 7 ball king.
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07:09 Sun 4 Jun 06 (BST)  [Link]  
lol i know... bdw tread might just be needing that lip gloss if he thinks hes gorgeous

Edited at 12:10 Sun 4/06/06 (BST)
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07:11 Sun 4 Jun 06 (BST)  [Link]  
haha i was jk ofc
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07:13 Sun 4 Jun 06 (BST)  [Link]  
oh and just to cover myslef again with spinner, i am not saying i dont think the ads are not needed. Just that i will never click on them. I understand some of them fund the site.
Posts: 4,751
07:49 Sun 4 Jun 06 (BST)  [Link]  
The Orange adverts did seem to cause a problem for a lot of people, which is why I have disabled the adverts for the timebeing.

Spinner, you are correct that fast well setup computers will not have a problem, but one of the goals of funkypool is to be able to play it on just about every computer.

There is a balance we try and achieve between the adverts generating revenue and the adverts not overly interfering with the game (ideally with no adverse affects to gameplay).

Note the premium membership will not make any difference when it comes to revenue. The free section will still need to support itself through adverts.

Tread, regarding 40,000+ members this is the live number of registered members. Repeat signups account for less than 5% of this figure.

Not clicking on adverts because they're not of interest to you is fine. However, if they are just a little bit interesting please click on them, as this helps support the site
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07:56 Sun 4 Jun 06 (BST)  [Link]  
So what your saying is, that aswell as the money you get for them being shown, you get extra money if someone clicks on an ad?
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08:12 Sun 4 Jun 06 (BST)  [Link]  
lol dnt get me wrong nick i click on some adverts and i try to help the site in any way i can because i appreciate the site, so i feel i must help site in return for the fantastic gameplay

i dnt see any that interests me... but i click on thm once a blue moon thro curiousity if anything
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08:16 Sun 4 Jun 06 (BST)  [Link]  
It's a bit like going to church, you go for the service and pop a few coins in the collection box at the end if you so desire.
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08:23 Sun 4 Jun 06 (BST)  [Link]  
dont go to church so wouldnt know. thats more brainwashing than the ads lol.
Posts: 4,751
09:32 Sun 4 Jun 06 (BST)  [Link]  
So what your saying is, that aswell as the money you get for them being shown, you get extra money if someone clicks on an ad?

There's four types of adverts. You can get paid for showing adverts (impression based), for people clicking on adverts (click based), for people clicking on advert and filling in their info (lead based), or for people buying something on the other website (sale based).

In any case, please click and visit the website if it interests you!

The adverts (including Orange) will show every 20 minutes as a compromise.
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09:55 Sun 4 Jun 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Is that going to be the permanent arrangement?
Posts: 4,751
10:10 Sun 4 Jun 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Just until the offending ad is removed...
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Orange ad causing severe lag

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