Attempting Golden Breaks And The Leaving
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11:09 Tue 16 May 06 (BST)
a told u a was'nt playin u u stayed thats it
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11:26 Tue 16 May 06 (BST)
Now I like to keep on peoples good sides, so I'm not going to mention names. I have seen some people repeatedly leaving and it is very frustrating.
This has been discussed before and I think by far the best solution is a 'play game' button which once hit by both players, initiates a ranked game.
This has been discussed before and I think by far the best solution is a 'play game' button which once hit by both players, initiates a ranked game.
Deleted User
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11:27 Tue 16 May 06 (BST)
so stop tryin 2 make me out a liar u would'nt leave & kept following me thru my games stay out games u aint got the rank for
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11:28 Tue 16 May 06 (BST)
i got the rank skipper .... check and btw you just broke then left ... no words nothing stop trying to make yourself out as the good guy . Im the victum ur the offender thats it simple NOW KEEP TO THE SUBJECT
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11:29 Tue 16 May 06 (BST)
yes magicblack that idea has been mentioned before and is by far THE MOST affective way to stop this .
Ive just played paddypooler and hes just done the exact same thing about 8 times . If you didnt want to play me dont break and the same with you rangers if you didnt want to play me your shoud have not broke attempting a cheap golden break
Ive just played paddypooler and hes just done the exact same thing about 8 times . If you didnt want to play me dont break and the same with you rangers if you didnt want to play me your shoud have not broke attempting a cheap golden break
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11:48 Tue 16 May 06 (BST)
Edited at 16:49 Tue 16/05/06 (BST)
Edited at 16:49 Tue 16/05/06 (BST)
Deleted User
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12:21 Tue 16 May 06 (BST)
oh & force stop trying 2 be the moderatotr u are never going 2 be
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12:32 Tue 16 May 06 (BST)
I think the three ball rule should be abolished. I can do gb's and i admit on the odd occasion i have broke off before i have left. Most of the time i just leave though. I must have done it about 5 times if that. I dont see how cheating someone makes you a good player. Only cheating yourself really cos when you get seen with a good rank then you get thrashed by a proper pro you look silly.
If you do abolish the rule though then i think you would have to know who your going in the room to play (i.e. Rank wise). I dont wanna go into a game without knwoing who i am playing. If i am playing crap i avoid the good players and work on the lower ones. If i am playing good i work on the good players to get good games. No point me just getting thrashed and not having a good game.
Thats my only point, you need to see who your gonna play if you scrap the rule, but i def think you should scrap it.
If you do abolish the rule though then i think you would have to know who your going in the room to play (i.e. Rank wise). I dont wanna go into a game without knwoing who i am playing. If i am playing crap i avoid the good players and work on the lower ones. If i am playing good i work on the good players to get good games. No point me just getting thrashed and not having a good game.
Thats my only point, you need to see who your gonna play if you scrap the rule, but i def think you should scrap it.
12:42 Tue 16 May 06 (BST)
Thread annihilated due to too much personal abuse.
Please try and keep personal accusations and abuse of the forum, as this forum is here for constructive game improvements!
This area of the game will be updated, so these (game) comments will be considered.
Please try and keep personal accusations and abuse of the forum, as this forum is here for constructive game improvements!
This area of the game will be updated, so these (game) comments will be considered.
Deleted User
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12:46 Tue 16 May 06 (BST)
Phillipe I think the 'Commence game' button or something along those lines would solve your problem.
Of course your not definitely going to want to play once you enter the room so you hit the button when you decide you actually want to play.
Of course your not definitely going to want to play once you enter the room so you hit the button when you decide you actually want to play.
Deleted User
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13:27 Tue 16 May 06 (BST)
Ok no probs ( ive got to justify myself :: rangers_fc . if i wanted to be a mod id be speaking plain english using correct gramer blah blah blah . Im just trying to put the point accross that your an offender and a lier . Now if you want to write abuse about me make a new thread otherwise quite . this was a serious post until you came along blabbing on )
Deleted User
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14:13 Tue 16 May 06 (BST)
one way of stopping this is to have it as a rule as soon as break off (or ball placed behind line to break off) and if someone then leaves without even striking,they lose points..............guaranteed to sort it out
Deleted User
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16:09 Tue 16 May 06 (BST)
agree to break , remove three ball rule , starts as soon as ball is placed .... these are all ideas which will work
Deleted User
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17:43 Tue 16 May 06 (BST)
am a liar lucky ur on this,big man eh u done what ur accusin me of earlier sodont call no1 a liar
Edited at 22:44 Tue 16/05/06 (BST)
Edited at 22:44 Tue 16/05/06 (BST)
Deleted User
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17:45 Tue 16 May 06 (BST)
force u r a stalker you cant take no as an answer u keep following me as i am trying to play
Edited at 22:45 Tue 16/05/06 (BST)
Edited at 22:45 Tue 16/05/06 (BST)
Deleted User
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18:11 Tue 16 May 06 (BST)
Guys were obviously not gonna come to a conclusion between you guys.
The subject in question, Should something be done to avoid players attempting a Golen Break then leaving?
Rangers & Paddy what do you guys actually think?
The subject in question, Should something be done to avoid players attempting a Golen Break then leaving?
Rangers & Paddy what do you guys actually think?
03:45 Wed 17 May 06 (BST)
Another option suggested a while ago was a short delay before break (so either player has time to leave before game commences). I am sure this is easier to code than an agree button.
The other issue is the GB itself. I have suggested it before but why not simply make a GB a re-spot as it is in real-life pool. That way the GB people get thier credit, but if they leave the game after that, loose rank.
Rangers and Paddy - if people from lower rank enter, just play em and beat em a few times, they will leave!
The other issue is the GB itself. I have suggested it before but why not simply make a GB a re-spot as it is in real-life pool. That way the GB people get thier credit, but if they leave the game after that, loose rank.
Rangers and Paddy - if people from lower rank enter, just play em and beat em a few times, they will leave!
Deleted User
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08:48 Wed 17 May 06 (BST)
Im better than you both . im not a stalker , you both said nothing when i joined your games . All you did was a break and then you leave so i joined your other games to see what was what and asked why u did it and you carry on over and over just saying nout and breaking . If you dont want to play me just SAY SO . Easy as that . Dont come wrecking this perfectly good thread about the downfall of your rank gaining .
If you want to solve this . ask one of the admins to email the chat logs for the times i joined your games and you will see that you said nothing ... BOTH OF YOU ... and rangers m8 , when you make a post make sense !
Now can we get back to the point
If you want to solve this . ask one of the admins to email the chat logs for the times i joined your games and you will see that you said nothing ... BOTH OF YOU ... and rangers m8 , when you make a post make sense !
Now can we get back to the point
Deleted User
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08:50 Wed 17 May 06 (BST)
O rangers , how did i do it to you ealier ? Ive not played you so far coz YOU WONT ... i only leave when theres ppl under 720 coz its a waste of 5 mins .
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Attempting Golden Breaks And The Leaving
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