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Team D - Band is back!

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Posts: 38,097
18:31 Fri 3 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
could be playing Alex later for my final game, fixture wise, i could do with a good/heavy win but won't think too much about it and hopefully enjoy it
Posts: 38,097
18:33 Fri 3 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL Fixtures
5 of 8US, 9US, 8UK

* 23 Frames to Win a Fixture (3 pts for a Win and 0 for a Loss - No Draws)

Team D 4 vs 11 Team L

whocares8x8 vs jedi_master
cke1982 vs scottyjr
marksmith 4 vs 11 you___lost

Team D 8 vs 7 Team M

dgeneratio 8 vs 7 triple_b
cke1982 vs 2pac786
marksmith vs fastboysam

Team A 20 vs 10 Team D

bigcjl2 7 vs 8 dgeneratio
hippesville 13 vs 2 marksmith
im_crap_adam vs whocares8x8

Team C 10 vs 5 Team D

_epicshot_ vs cke1982
friendyboy vs dgeneratio
erigert 10 vs 5 marksmith

Team D 7 vs 8 Team N

marksmith 7 vs 8 northman
cke1982 vs parallax
whocares8x8 vs ric_flair

Team D 10 vs 5 Team E

dgeneratio 10 vs 5 slimeball
cke1982 vs legend_pot
marksmith vs 9ballsniper_

Team D 11 vs 4 Team F

dgeneratio 11 vs 4 stellafella_
whocares8x8 vs silent_hills
cke1982 vs dvz

Team D 6 vs 9 Team G

dgeneratio 6 vs 9 snowden
whocares8x8 vs _knightmare_
cke1982 vs letsgochamp

Team D 14 vs 16 Team H

whocares8x8 vs __start__
dgeneratio 9 vs 6 davyb0207
marksmith 5 vs 10 crucial
Posts: 38,097
18:33 Fri 3 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Team D 9 vs 21 Team I

cke1982 3 vs 12 faust
whocares8x8 vs darkknight
marksmith 6 vs 9 1st_response

Team D 2 vs 13 Team J

whocares8x8 vs buckjam
cke1982 vs dv8
dgeneratio 2 vs 13 jacko

Team D 21 vs 9 Team K

whocares8x8 vs rapid_pot
marksmith 10 vs 5 vixen_xxx
dgeneratio 11 vs 4 mike_though

Team B 21 vs 9 Team D

skiller10 vs whocares8x8
mr_pink_eyes 10 vs 5 dgeneratio
ritcho 11 vs 4 marksmith
Posts: 38,097
01:34 Sat 4 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
dgen 6-9 friendy

Sorry its not the result we needed lads but 9 was a mare for me for self snookers in 3 frames.

US was tactical and not because we wanted to be but how the balls rolled, He edged the win.

9 as you know horrific for me so lost 1-4

UK i felt fixture was over so enjoyed it more, we made mistakes and Alex wasted the final frame so i had one more than i deserved.

All in All, a good contest and despite our time problems, i enjoy playing him.

ggs mate
Posts: 38,097
01:35 Sat 4 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Now that's all my games done so good luck guys
Posts: 38,097
12:12 Sat 4 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
TEAM D (15) vs (15) TEAM M
dgeneratio 8 vs 7 triple_b
marksmith 7 vs 8 northman
cke1982 vs fastboysam

Team N are no more so don't play them please
Posts: 38,097
13:14 Sat 4 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Posted this to my team, from what it looks like, i'm still on 10 games however the others has lost a match as Seb doesn't play Ric and no replacement, Mark doesn't play Sam and no replacement and Cke loses two fixtures but gains One so while it's still balanced at 10,9,9,9, it doesn't feel right

Anyways Team N folded, Team M games changed

New games
TEAM D (15) vs (15) TEAM M
dgeneratio 8 vs 7 triple_b
marksmith 7 vs 8 northman
cke1982 vs fastboysam

Old games
Team D 8 vs 7 Team M

dgeneratio 8 vs 7 triple_b (Keith keeped)
cke1982 vs 2pac786 (No longer needed)
marksmith vs fastboysam (No longer needed)

Team D 7 vs 8 Team N

marksmith 7 vs 8 northman (Keith keeped)
cke1982 vs parallax (No longer needed)
whocares8x8 vs ric_flair (No longer needed)
Posts: 38,097
13:48 Sat 4 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
saying that cke has 8 games now not 9 so layout is 8,9,9,10, not really equal games. one of mine should be removed and cke should have another game to make it 9 games each, least that's my balanced mindset then makes others unbalanced too.
Posts: 2,588
14:59 Sun 5 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Please can everyone take a look at this and join should you want to. ALL are welcome to begin with!

Any questions or suggestions please ask me!
Posts: 38,097
19:24 Sun 5 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
_epicshot_ vs cke1982

3-2 me 8us
5-0 me 9us
5-0 me 8uk

13-2 overall me

Man i like this guy very nice. A little quiet but did not complain one time. If you see him on give him a few games . Great guy!

cheers for the game deserved a few more games but that's way the balls roll and the way epicshot took chances when he had to gave me no chance a great guy

Unlucky mate but good 2 points, Spoke with cke who is happy with 8 so i'll leave it as it is
Posts: 11,061
22:11 Sun 5 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Right, I'll have lots of time starting Tuesday until about Saturday. I hope to get most of my games done then!
Received several messages already and will reply soon.
Posts: 38,097
22:25 Sun 5 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
go get em
Posts: 9,926
01:31 Thu 9 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
As it is 10 days since the fixtures were released the following will be removed:-

thegame26 - Team C
legend_pot - Team E

I also noticed that ritcho has been offline for 9 days for Team B, if he does not log in before midnight tomorrow he will also be removed.

For teams that have a player removed, they have two options available to them,

To give all original teams a chance to finish with the original team. If teams have 3 active players and they think they can complete all games i am happy for them even if a player is removed to try and complete all fixtures with 3 players. Player who has not played in a fixture would receive the removed players game for that fixture.

If teams require extra players this would be either from the waiting list in the first instance in the order that players had posted interest.

Current List - I think is as follows:-

If there is no waiting list as all players on it have found a team, it is up to the teams to source a new player. No player that has been removed can go back to another team or their original team.

Can all players please advise of any opponents who have not logged in since fixtures have been released or are 10 days offline and all such players will be removed.

If clans have a player who has asked to be removed or advised he is not wanting to play, they now have the option to remove and play with 3 or take a replacement as per above, please just post so all teams are aware.

Any questions regarding any of the above please ask
Posts: 11,061
23:53 Fri 10 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
whocares8x8 (6) vs (9) buckjam
first frames in about 3 months. Over- and underhit a bunch of them and buckjam used most of his chances well.
Luckily, this fixture was pretty much out of range anyway, so it shouldnt be too costly
Posts: 38,097
23:55 Fri 10 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
whocares8x8 (6) vs (9) buckjam
first frames in about 3 months. Over- and underhit a bunch of them and buckjam used most of his chances well.
Luckily, this fixture was pretty much out of range anyway, so it shouldnt be too costly

Same score as Me vs Davy and both rusty

nice result for him and proves that he's a dark horse
Posts: 38,097
21:21 Sat 11 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Removing Ryan and replacing his games with Cabbie so here are blackcabman7's games

Team K: vs veyron
Team L vs scottyjr (he's left far as i know)
Team M vs miss_harriet
Team A vs bigcjl2
Team C vs erigert
Team D vs cke1982
Team G vs mich
Team H vs davyb0207 (Overall Fixture already decided)
Team J vs redhand

Understand some may be played but not updated yet.

Posts: 38,097
23:31 Sat 11 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
* May not be free during this time but still active, depends how my mission is going.

Duration: 12th March until 27th March

^ As a free tank on PC and while i'm green i can't miss out

I'll still be about but i'll be updating less as Tanks more important there and done my games
Posts: 38,097
15:57 Sun 12 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
If anyone has scottyjr or jedi_master then please check this thread:

Sorry for not posting them directly, fairly busy
Posts: 11,061
17:08 Tue 14 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
whocares8x8 (9) vs (6) silent_hills
8US: 4-1
9-Ball: 3-2
8UK: 2-3

Not a bad game! I played much better than 9-6, which shows how well he was playing. I got 2 runouts and 2 7-ballings and still he got pretty close in the end.
Posts: 38,097
17:14 Tue 14 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
nice seb and well done phil for keeping it close.
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