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Team D - Band is back!

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Posts: 38,097
00:50 Wed 29 Mar 17 (BST)  [Link]  
no worries, at least getting the games done

not really looking forward to our encounter and not for obvious reason too
Posts: 38,097
14:13 Sat 1 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Mark off 7 days again.
Posts: 9,926
02:39 Mon 3 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
For current league all teams / players have until the 30th April to get all games completed, any games not played by that point will go to default.

Games that go to default if there is proven to be no effort to get game played it may well mean that you are removed from any future seasons as for the good of the league i only want players who make an effort and want to play.

Players who have messaged and made an effort and if it is clear the fault is with the other player then it would not go against you and also if it is clear that two players cannot meet each others times this would not go against either player as long as that fact is established and both have tried to accommodate as much as possible.

Any questions please feel free to message me
Posts: 38,097
14:34 Mon 3 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Please check here for current fixtures

Noticed some results haven't been posted so would like someone from each team to post missing results here

Thanks guys

Deadline now 30th April @ Midnight for all games, Please remember to check the site for missing results and post them on Results.

If you lost posting rights then mail me on here, Snooker or FB with the Results and i'll input them. I won't be checking the threads for them.

If any Results are missing when deadline ends, it "may" be defaulted like any other game but got nearly a four week warning so can't be fairer than that.

Posts: 38,097
15:29 Mon 3 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Fixtures
5 of 8US, 9US, 8UK

* 23 Frames to Win a Fixture

Deadline: 30th April

Team D 15 vs 15 Team M

dgeneratio 8 vs 7 triple_b
marksmith 7 vs 8 northman
cke1982 vs fastboysam

Team A 20 vs 10 Team D

bigcjl2 7 vs 8 dgeneratio
hippesville 13 vs 2 marksmith
im_crap_adam vs whocares8x8

Team B 21 vs 9 Team D

dgeneratio vs whocares8x8
mr_pink_eyes 10 vs 5 dgeneratio
ritcho 11 vs 4 marksmith

Team D 10 vs 5 Team E

dgeneratio 10 vs 5 slimeball
cke1982 vs blackcabman7
marksmith vs 9ballsniper_

Team D 20 vs 10 Team F

dgeneratio 11 vs 4 stellafella_
whocares8x8 9 vs 6 silent_hills
marksmith vs naaaaaaaaath

Team D 20 vs 10 Team G

dgeneratio 6 vs 9 snowden
whocares8x8 14 vs 1 sunflowerbud
cke1982 vs letsgochamp

Team D 14 vs 16 Team H

whocares8x8 vs __start__
dgeneratio 9 vs 6 davyb0207
marksmith 5 vs 10 crucial

Team D 21 vs 9 Team K

whocares8x8 vs rapid_pot
marksmith 10 vs 5 vixen__xox
dgeneratio 11 vs 4 mike_though

Deadline: 30th April
Posts: 5,821
00:21 Tue 4 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Ask cke to play when he was logged on but he never got back to me he ask me to play but I was already playing a game so he said let me know when u finished I did but he never got back to me
Posts: 38,097
00:43 Tue 4 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
no worries mate, we will wait a while then could either ask Keith to sub Seb in (if Mark isn't back) or Swap if Mark is back etc.

hopefully get back to you soon
Posts: 38,097
21:05 Sun 9 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
cke 5-10 letsgochamp

good result mate, even on a loss
Posts: 38,097
21:07 Sun 9 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
and looking at that, you won the fixture as well, even better
Posts: 11,489
20:49 Mon 10 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
ty could of done better awful in 8 uk ive messaged black cab man but hes gone offline sure i will get my last 2 games done before deadline
Posts: 11,489
20:50 Mon 10 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
at least we won the game
Posts: 38,097
21:24 Mon 10 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
yeah just needed 3 frames, cool

i just have Seb left whenever he wants to play
Posts: 11,061
01:23 Tue 11 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
whocares8x8 (11) vs (4) dgen
8US: 4-1
9-Ball: 3-2
8UK: 4-1
Was over after he'd won his second frame, since he only needed two. Bit of experimenting in the rest with some nice clearances and risky shots.
Posts: 38,097
01:24 Tue 11 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Good games and as said, feel bad doing it but had no choice sadly.

Wasn't vintage Seb but enjoyed all the same.
Posts: 38,097
02:15 Tue 11 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
My games and scores

12-3 vs ferretlady
8-7 vs triple_b
8-7 vs bigcjl2
6-9 vs _epicshot_
4-11 vs whocares8x8 (as good as a win for loaned clan)
5-10 vs mr_pink_eyes (may have cost my parent clan the win)
7-8 vs beetlejuice
6-9 vs friendyboy
6-9 vs naaaaaaaaath
5-10, 6-9 vs snowden
10-5 vs slimeball
11-4 vs _stellafella
3-12 vs darkknight
9-6 vs davyb0207 (most surprising win)
6-9 vs rapid_pot
6-9 vs you__lost
2-13 vs jacko (not a dominating loss however)
2-13 vs miss_harriet
11-4 vs mike_though

Frames Played: 300
Frame Wins: 133
Frame Losses: 167
Frame Ratio: 44.33%

Not Bad for 20 games for my standard anyway, was usually just under 50% in Golden Cue

Matches Played: 20
Matches Won: 7
Matches Lost: 13
Match Ratio: 35%

Could be better but a lot were close games

3 poor results (Seb's isn't included as i won fixture) so 15% of my results were terrible

10 were close games so 50% consistency which is good also.

Not a bad season but could be better.
Posts: 38,097
02:18 Tue 11 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
would consider davyb0207 to be my best win as didn't expect it.
Posts: 1,986
18:24 Tue 11 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Thats alot of games there James.
Posts: 38,097
18:25 Tue 11 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Thats alot of games there James.

Yeah was 10 originally but had to play Skiller's games as well.

More than anyone this season but least i can relax now
Posts: 38,097
18:02 Wed 12 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Hey guys, how are games coming? If you're having problems, let me know and i'll see if i can sort something providing subs are available but if players are active, i may leave them in for now.

Realise Mark is off 8 days, i can give him another few days or so and ask Keith if we can do subs as closer to the deadline,
Posts: 11,489
13:34 Sat 15 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
blackcabman offline day
fastboysam a day sure get them done before deadline will keep a look out over easter
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