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Team D - Band is back!

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Posts: 38,097
23:42 Sun 26 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL Fixtures
5 of 8US, 9US, 8UK

Team D 0 vs 0 Team L

whocares8x8 vs jedi_master
cke1982 vs scottyjr
marksmith vs you___lost

Team D 0 vs 0 Team M

dgeneratio vs triple_b
cke1982 vs 2pac786
marksmith vs fastboysam

Team A 0 vs 0 Team D

bigcjl2 vs dgeneratio
hippesville vs marksmith
im_crap_adam vs whocares8x8

Team C 0 vs 0 Team D

_epicshot_ vs cke1982
friendyboy vs dgeneratio
erigert vs marksmith

Team D 0 vs 0 Team N

marksmith vs northman
cke1982 vs parallax
whocares8x8 vs ric_flair

Team D 0 vs 0 Team E

dgeneratio vs slimeball
cke1982 vs legend_pot
marksmith vs 9ballsniper_

Team D 0 vs 0 Team F

dgeneratio vs stellafella_
whocares8x8 vs silent_hills
cke1982 vs dvz

Team D 0 vs 0 Team G

dgeneratio vs snowden
whocares8x8 vs _knightmare_
cke1982 vs letsgochamp

Team D 0 vs 0 Team H

whocares8x8 vs __start__
dgeneratio vs davyb0207
marksmith vs crucial
Posts: 38,097
23:44 Sun 26 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Team D 0 vs 0 Team I

cke1982 vs faust
whocares8x8 vs darkknight
marksmith vs 1st_response

Team D 0 vs 0 Team J

whocares8x8 vs buckjam
cke1982 vs dv8
dgeneratio vs jacko

Team D 0 vs 0 Team K

whocares8x8 vs rapid_pot
marksmith vs vixen_xxx
dgeneratio vs mike_though

Team B 0 vs 0 Team D

skiller10 vs whocares8x8
mr_pink_eyes vs dgeneratio
ritcho vs marksmith
Posts: 38,097
00:02 Mon 27 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Just try your best guys and hopefully can win a few along the way

I'll mail my guys tomorrow
Posts: 38,097
15:54 Mon 27 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Mailed all opponents (etarvt on snooker)
Posts: 38,097
16:40 Mon 27 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
me 5-3 etarvt TBC

US: 4-1 (i had two horrible slices of luck in frame one, however the one he won, he missed an uncharacteristic pot which was an easier position from the same ball then i hit middle on a rail shot for him to take it, he could have won another easily but wasn't himself)

9: 1-2 (First, i tried a delicate tap snook as only shot on and hit too soft, he hit a 3-9 to take it, second one i had a massive fluke on the 4, however i would have got the snooker and on the 5 so only half lucky as i got the position correct but didn't intend to pot, however i gave him no shot as my tactical skills were sublime (not just saying that) then in last he played like the snowden/etarvt i know from Snooker who can outplay me and gave me no sniff of a pot).

If my nets up tomorrow, hoping to finish then, ggs mate, always enjoy these (except Carom ).
Posts: 38,097
21:50 Mon 27 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
nm a friendy

Edited at 21:32 Mon 27/02/17 (GMT)
Posts: 38,097
23:20 Mon 27 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
erigert (10) - (5) marksmith

unlucky mate but good 5 points
Posts: 10,109
23:25 Mon 27 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
First was our friendly v Scrapp Rats mate
Posts: 38,097
23:32 Mon 27 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
First was our friendly v Scrapp Rats mate

Ah ok mate, think saw it posted on Team I.
Posts: 38,097
12:51 Tue 28 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Potential fixtures for me today;
snowden (Afternoon, more important as its TBC)
slimeball (Afternoon but depends on snowden)
mike_though (Possible Evening, no time set but should be about)
mr_pink_eyes (Evening tonight)

so a busy day today however with net likely to go off at anytime, i want to play as many as poss before i go offline.
Posts: 38,097
16:28 Tue 28 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
2nd session: dgen 1-6 etarvt
total: dgen 6-9 etarvt

He showed his class from the off as i had one dry break and he played a brilliant snooker that i didn't see then he ran out in 9 Ball and UK as well.

In the next three, i fouled 4 times through no fault of my own, the table was a foul magnet for me but managed to win one where he got out of position on his carry (not his fault just cannons) and he played terrific in the last. Was lucky to win even one here.

This is why i like two sessions and tried to push a two session event as form can change as if it was yesterdays, i would have won, maybe 9-6 and today, he would have won heavily like an 11-4/12-3 scoreline but we had half a session each where one was brilliant and other was poor.

ggs mate a little disappointed after a 4-1, 5-3 lead to lose, however i knew the class would appear sometime after our snooker battles and i didn't have a chance to perform.
Posts: 38,097
17:26 Tue 28 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
dgen 10-5 slimeball

Close games until UK where he was screwed by RNG, playing the correct shots only to foul or be out of position, it should have been 6-6 and would have made a nice finish but 8-4 there. He won the last after my lapse in focus but had it been a normal friendly then i would have given him those two frames as i felt bad taking them but had to for the spirit of competition.

should have been closer, ggs pal
Posts: 1,357
17:47 Tue 28 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
2nd session: dgen 1-6 etarvt
total: dgen 6-9 etarvt

He showed his class from the off as i had one dry break and he played a brilliant snooker that i didn't see then he ran out in 9 Ball and UK as well.

In the next three, i fouled 4 times through no fault of my own, the table was a foul magnet for me but managed to win one where he got out of position on his carry (not his fault just cannons) and he played terrific in the last. Was lucky to win even one here.

This is why i like two sessions and tried to push a two session event as form can change as if it was yesterdays, i would have won, maybe 9-6 and today, he would have won heavily like an 11-4/12-3 scoreline but we had half a session each where one was brilliant and other was poor.

ggs mate a little disappointed after a 4-1, 5-3 lead to lose, however i knew the class would appear sometime after our snooker battles and i didn't have a chance to perform.

He is tough man!! Some of his shots im like how the hell lol
Posts: 38,097
17:50 Tue 28 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yep secret is to master Carom
Posts: 38,097
18:17 Tue 28 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
dgen 11-4 mike_though

I played really well particular in UK where i made three tough clears including a Runout, He played well in parts but missed some easy ones by rushing (know the feeling).

enjoyed mate ggs
Posts: 38,097
18:54 Tue 28 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
No scheduled opponents atm so going on xbox for a bit but will be back tonight to play Pinky and look for other opponents, After playing 3 games b2b, feel burned out and no pms (Stella did ask earlier but was was pre arranged with Etarvt and Slime).

Will be back tonight
Posts: 38,097
22:23 Tue 28 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
dgen 11-4 stella

didn't play as well as earlier but did enough here and he was struggling today.

stella handed me my first 8US loss and he was only one to lead me in 8US (2-3 and lead at 1-2) as well so credit there.

ggs mate
Posts: 38,097
23:22 Tue 28 Feb 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
dgen 5-10 pinky

Didn't fair well here in UK similar to Et's game fouled in a couple and Pinky played really well, the US games were fairly even but i had a huge slice of luck to make it 5-5.

5th match of the day for me so bit exhausted but i got half my games done in one day so in a good position.
Posts: 38,097
15:31 Wed 1 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Got some good news and some bad news.

good news is my nets up today and may be playing sarahh after 8:30 tonight, if rich is out of hospital then be good to play some friendlies with him too.

bad news is my dogs just been put to sleep and had her for 11 years so had a good life but knew it was coming. She was my baby so fairly emotional (but can't cry which sucks but my bodys crying on the inside). We had a feeling that she may not come back today so gave her a cuddle, stroked her then said "Love You Babies".

still going to play today if any opponents come on though and try my best
Posts: 38,097
16:02 Wed 1 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Other opponents

sarahh - spoke hopefully play tonight
craig - messaged but see him on a bit so nps there
davy - weekends are good for him (net likely be off then)
alex - his b'day today so i don't expect him to be on but if nets on tomorrow, may see him as has week off work
big - messaged with no response atm but early days
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Team D - Band is back!

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