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Posts: 74
16:02 Wed 1 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Got some good news and some bad news.

good news is my nets up today and may be playing sarahh after 8:30 tonight, if rich is out of hospital then be good to play some friendlies with him too.

bad news is my dogs just been put to sleep and had her for 11 years so had a good life but knew it was coming. She was my baby so fairly emotional (but can't cry which sucks but my bodys crying on the inside). We had a feeling that she may not come back today so gave her a cuddle, stroked her then said "Love You Babies".

still going to play today if any opponents come on though and try my best

Sorry to hear of your loss mate, dogs are a huge part of anyone's family.
Posts: 38,097
16:06 Wed 1 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
cheers mate, she was my best friend and while i'm upset, she isn't in pain anymore. i think she knew too as she was more clingy than usual and had a brain tumor. she was a fussy dog but wouldn't get angry and let people stroke her all day, if you let her lol. one of those nice dogs but i heard all Staffies are nice.

glad shes in a better place now
Posts: 38,097
18:26 Wed 1 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
no one on atm so going on xbox for a bit, back later
Posts: 38,097
21:31 Wed 1 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Me 2-13 Craig

US (1-4): He outplayed me here, we missed one sitter each so he played well

9 (1-4): I left him everything either through fouls or combos, i didn't miss one pot and most of my breaks were perfect (for a change) but was snookered.

UK (0-5): 4 fouls in 3 frames, twice using imrans which has never happened in a clan game, two others due to cannons so no predictable inoffs. One frame he had an easy clear but tapped for a carry (hate that) as he didn't believe in his ability to clear in one visit, the one frame where i had a chance, i got snookered so yeah...

Must admit he played brilliant in the final frame after i fouled on break with precise positional play.

Fairly annoyed as you can tell as lost most due to luck but glad to get it out of the way.

ggs wp
Posts: 38,097
22:35 Wed 1 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
marksmith (7) vs (8) Northman

8us 3 - 2
9us 3 - 2
8uk 1 - 4

Sorry chaps, 8uk was a nightmare, should have done better.

unlucky mate but as close as can be
Posts: 38,097
22:36 Wed 1 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Posts: 485
Online about 20 hours ago
marksmith(5) vs (10)crucial

8us 2 - 3
9us 0 - 5
8uk 3 - 2

All went wrong in 9 ball, he got three run outs and the other two were closely fought. WP Crucial.

Posts: 485
Online about 8 hours ago
marksmith (6) vs (9) 1st_response

8us 2 - 3
9us 1 - 4
8uk 3 - 2

Good games

Unlucky in both mate but kept them close
Posts: 38,097
22:38 Wed 1 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Posts: 485
Online about 22 hours ago
marksmith v vixen_xxx

8us 3 - 2
9us 3 - 2
8uk 4 - 1

Great games, she's a joy to play and chat with.

^ Nice win mate
Posts: 38,097
23:39 Wed 1 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
dgen 8-7 triple_b

a nice close contest here which i enjoyed, she should have a few more in 9 ball. apologised twice in game but i typed on her shot accidentally but caused her to miss a 9 and i deeply apologise and wasn't my intention.

hopefully you enjoyed too, ggs sarah and gl for season
Posts: 38,097
23:53 Wed 1 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
marksmith (0) vs (2) you___lost - (TBC)
Posts: 38,097
00:33 Thu 2 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
dgen 9-6 davyb

He was really rusty so the main reason i won but a great result for me, He had some bad luck so i took a 6-1 lead (strange i know), he won next two and i pressure cleared to go 7-3. In that frame, he played 4 brilliant snookers, i escaped 3 of them and had a long 3 for the frame, he missed, i got and cleared. At 6-4 i would have felt more nervous, He got to 7-5 then my heart was pumping on the final black for 8-5 knowing i did it, i fouled twice in next for 8-6 then Davy fouled on break and i cleared with a carry which one of a few times where i needed the 2nd shot to fetch final red into play for two easy tap ins for 9-6.

One of my better victories this week and didn't expect to win so to actually win, i'm delighted and he caught me playing my 8th match and he was rusty as i said.

ggs mate pleasure
Posts: 133
00:43 Thu 2 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well played James. Pleasure to play and also good luck in your remaining matches.

Today i didn't deserve to win.
Posts: 38,097
01:07 Thu 2 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
faust 12 v 3 cke1982
Posts: 38,097
01:34 Thu 2 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
dgen 8-7 bigcjl2

Should have been a 9-6 loss as he had final two frames as he overcooked the 14th frame and in decider, he fouled off break, i fouled a few shots later, then he fouls in the next, bizarre way to end a thrilling match.

ggs ul mate, gl for rest
Posts: 38,097
01:38 Thu 2 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Off soon guys, played 4 games today and three were thrilling contests, all close.

i only have friendyboy left then finished my season already lol, maybe if nets on tomorrow, i'll find him
Posts: 38,097
16:48 Thu 2 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL Fixtures
5 of 8US, 9US, 8UK

* 23 Frames to Win a Fixture

Team D 0 vs 0 Team L

whocares8x8 vs jedi_master
cke1982 vs scottyjr
marksmith 0 vs 2 you___lost (TBC not included)

Team D 8 vs 7 Team M

dgeneratio 8 vs 7 triple_b
cke1982 vs 2pac786
marksmith vs fastboysam

Team A 20 vs 10 Team D

bigcjl2 7 vs 8 dgeneratio
hippesville 13 vs 2 marksmith
im_crap_adam vs whocares8x8

Team C 10 vs 5 Team D

_epicshot_ vs cke1982
friendyboy vs dgeneratio
erigert 10 vs 5 marksmith

Team D 7 vs 8 Team N

marksmith 7 vs 8 northman
cke1982 vs parallax
whocares8x8 vs ric_flair

Team D 10 vs 5 Team E

dgeneratio 10 vs 5 slimeball
cke1982 vs legend_pot
marksmith vs 9ballsniper_

Team D 11 vs 4 Team F

dgeneratio 11 vs 4 stellafella_
whocares8x8 vs silent_hills
cke1982 vs dvz

Team D 6 vs 9 Team G

dgeneratio 6 vs 9 snowden
whocares8x8 vs _knightmare_
cke1982 vs letsgochamp

Team D 14 vs 16 Team H

whocares8x8 vs __start__
dgeneratio 9 vs 6 davyb0207
marksmith 5 vs 10 crucial

Edited at 18:43 Thu 02/03/17 (GMT)
Posts: 38,097
16:48 Thu 2 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Team D 9 vs 21 Team I

cke1982 3 vs 12 faust
whocares8x8 vs darkknight
marksmith 6 vs 9 1st_response

Team D 2 vs 13 Team J

whocares8x8 vs buckjam
cke1982 vs dv8
dgeneratio 2 vs 13 jacko

Team D 21 vs 9 Team K

whocares8x8 vs rapid_pot
marksmith 10 vs 5 vixen_xxx
dgeneratio 11 vs 4 mike_though

Team B 21 vs 9 Team D

skiller10 vs whocares8x8
mr_pink_eyes 10 vs 5 dgeneratio
ritcho 11 vs 4 marksmith
Posts: 38,097
20:42 Thu 2 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Posts: 10,386
Online less than a minute ago
hippesville 13 - 2 marksmith

8US: 5 - 0
9US: 3 - 2
8UK: 5 - 0

Strange games these, mark wasn't at it at all
Sorted anyway.
Best of luck for the rest m8

^ unlucky mate, hippes is a good player
Posts: 11,061
00:05 Fri 3 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Right, loads of games played already!
I will get going relatively soon and have added all my opponents. Delighted to see that I get to play the tratter!
Posts: 38,097
16:46 Fri 3 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Just a reminder that all results need to be posted on Results Thread as Pinky asked about the Table and said some were played days ago so if posted, it "should" have been updated and if not simply repost and i'll check.

Posts: 38,097
18:27 Fri 3 Mar 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
Mark lost 11-4 to you___lost, unlucky mate
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