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Posts: 38,097
18:31 Fri 8 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ah Quarantine, Rules are Rules then, they have to wait if Keith set a deadline, its the same for Cortez for us as added his account too late but i accept he has to wait and won't question the situation
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18:37 Fri 8 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Each and every season there is dribble about one thing or another all resolving around the same people . Clans are what keeps this site going right now and it's threads like this which will further decrease members.

Do as you all wish but just think for a second -- does it really matter what happens or who plays for whom.
Posts: 2,588
18:41 Fri 8 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Each and every season there is dribble about one thing or another all resolving around the same people . Clans are what keeps this site going right now and it's threads like this which will further decrease members.

Do as you all wish but just think for a second -- does it really matter what happens or who plays for whom.

In all honesty I'd just like to see the season start asap.. I have hardly played any games since the last season ended, tournaments and friendlies hold no value for me. The only reason im still on here is clans.

I'd love to see Sam and Tinie be allowed to play for firestorm immediately and the season start on sunday night. But rules are rules and sometimes, you can't always get what you want =/
Posts: 38,097
18:44 Fri 8 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
No mate it doesn't but going by what Klien said, Sam and Tinie are Quarantined and Dom is for us, not known it in my history where the runner has changed a start date so people can be removed from Quarantine.

If people sign too late then its the fault of the captain and the players signing up. If Dom made his account last night then he wouldn't be Quarantined but he made it a day late so i accept he is Quarantined and won't ask the goal posts to be moved as i know personally i wouldn't do it on Snooker.

Not a question of who plays for who mate, but if a player is Quarantined then should remain so.
Posts: 10,109
18:49 Fri 8 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
The rule is in place and was adhered to last season. In fact, Uprising ourselves wasn't allowed to select tinie because we signed him 6 hours too late. You can see why it would leave a sour taste if a dispensation was given for a very similar situation.

The fact that it rendered 4 hours of Keith's time wasted, and has forced 2 teams out of the leagues is annoying, but irrelevant. There was a deadline posted, there are rules in place and a precedent has been set.

This situation has caused a major inconvenience for the league runner, a major inconvenience for Uprising and the very worst that can happen by sticking to the rules is a very minor inconvenience for Phoenix.
Posts: 124
18:51 Fri 8 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
I think there's some explaining that needs to be done here.

First and foremost, this was not Ash's idea to sign me and Tinie, this was my idea. Stu know's I suggested this to him a few weeks back, that I'd join a weaker clan (granted Tinie wasn't part of that, more spur of the moment) but he said that Uprising would potentially be too weak if he lost any players.

I looked at the squads of ALL teams, and quickly realised that Uprising's players are by far and wide the better and more reliable than any others. They won everything last season for multiple reasons; the captains are organised and hold constant communication with all players, they know the strengths and weaknesses of all players and most of all, they have the best players on the game playing for them.

There is no enjoyment in playing something for the length of time that the season runs when it's already been decided before it's started and barring exceptional circumstances nobody can disagree that that's the case here.

I took the decision to move to Phoenix along with Tinie because looking at their squad it was pretty clear that they would have issues with reliability through the season, alongside the fact that Ash had lost players in the last couple of weeks as well.

You all know that myself and Ash have never seen eye to eye, this is another reason I wanted to move to Phoenix. All day long there's someone somewhere on this forum bickering, moaning or arguing about something.... TBC
Posts: 10,109
18:52 Fri 8 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
No mate it doesn't but going by what Klien said, Sam and Tinie are Quarantined and Dom is for us, not known it in my history where the runner has changed a start date so people can be removed from Quarantine.

If people sign too late then its the fault of the captain and the players signing up. If Dom made his account last night then he wouldn't be Quarantined but he made it a day late so i accept he is Quarantined and won't ask the goal posts to be moved as i know personally i wouldn't do it on Snooker.

Not a question of who plays for who mate, but if a player is Quarantined then should remain so.

Dom should be fine because he wasn't on any teamlist sent in right?
Posts: 6,417
18:55 Fri 8 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
At least u know that u moved to a weaker clan Sam
Posts: 124
19:01 Fri 8 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
If I, someone who's well known for being in the past one of the biggest bickerers, moaners and aggro causers on the site can see that the only real way this league stays alive is if the teams ALL have a chance of winning it and can put aside quarrels which have lasted going on 4 years... Maybe someone else realises that getting involved in an argument on a site that you're supposed to enjoy is pointless and that they have nothing to gain from it....

Already the response from this happening is positive, a lot of players support this move simply because like I said, it makes things more competitive.

However - One major problem with this league for a long long time has been league runners that have buckled and given captains what they want. The fact that Horse wants to stick to the rules and leave us out of Set 1 for Phoenix is something I respect. I'm more than happy to play for Uprising for Set one if that's what neccessary or not play at all if i'm not welcome there anymore. The point isn't about me and Tinie it's about the league on a whole.

You lot need to start looking at the bigger picture and realise that without this League, the site dies, it's pretty much as simple as that. I've had ten years of fun and enjoyment out of this site, I want to make sure that there's a possibility for another ten years.

My apologies to anyone that this has disrupted or caused grief for, my intentions were for better than worse.
Posts: 38,097
19:01 Fri 8 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Dom should be fine because he wasn't on any teamlist sent in right?

Technically he was a free agent as no other team signed him. I'm only one to approach him as was a spur of moment thing too
Posts: 38,097
19:05 Fri 8 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Already the response from this happening is positive, a lot of players support this move simply because like I said, it makes things more competitive.

However - One major problem with this league for a long long time has been league runners that have buckled and given captains what they want. The fact that Horse wants to stick to the rules and leave us out of Set 1 for Phoenix is something I respect. I'm more than happy to play for Uprising for Set one if that's what neccessary or not play at all if i'm not welcome there anymore. The point isn't about me and Tinie it's about the league on a whole.

You lot need to start looking at the bigger picture and realise that without this League, the site dies, it's pretty much as simple as that. I've had ten years of fun and enjoyment out of this site, I want to make sure that there's a possibility for another ten years.

My apologies to anyone that this has disrupted or caused grief for, my intentions were for better than worse.

Respect goes to you Sir! I agree League dies, Pool dies, you only have to look at Snooker although on Snooker, forums been dead for six months and not even the league can save Snooker.

Pool i still have high hopes for, Forum active, Odd disagreement (wouldn't call it bickering), a Stable Clan League. Can see Pool having at least three seasons, if not more. Down to how interested members are
Posts: 2,062
19:05 Fri 8 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Dom should be fine because he wasn't on any teamlist sent in right?

Technically he was a free agent as no other team signed him. I'm only one to approach him as was a spur of moment thing too

Should be available as a sub for set one since fixtures haven't been released right?
Posts: 38,097
19:07 Fri 8 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Dom should be fine because he wasn't on any teamlist sent in right?

Technically he was a free agent as no other team signed him. I'm only one to approach him as was a spur of moment thing too

Should be available as a sub for set one since fixtures haven't been released right?

Right, difference is Sam/Tinie aren't free agents and Dom was a free agent but i don't want any favourtism, thats why i mentioned we signed Dom too late.
Posts: 4,046
19:30 Fri 8 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Brilliant post from apples_back. Spot on in all aspects. Fully respect what hes saying about the rules. Im just of the opinion that his and Tinie's reason for joining Pheonix for the good of the competition aspect will be slightly deflated by having to sit out 3 weeks or at least play for their already gifted team. This gives uprising a slight to better chance over the season and again negates some of what Sam is trying to do. I am fully aware of the rules and agree they shouldnt be broken wi.lly nilly but as Keith has said to me a few times over the past few days , we also need to use common sense.

Im kind of sorry i posted anything in the first place tbh but we are here on the discussion thread where we need to be with this sort of stuff. Im a firm believer in everybody throwing crap and ideas about and if some sticks and makes things better then its good for the site.
Posts: 10,109
19:44 Fri 8 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Brilliant post from apples_back. Spot on in all aspects. Fully respect what hes saying about the rules. Im just of the opinion that his and Tinie's reason for joining Pheonix for the good of the competition aspect will be slightly deflated by having to sit out 3 weeks or at least play for their already gifted team. This gives uprising a slight to better chance over the season and again negates some of what Sam is trying to do. I am fully aware of the rules and agree they shouldnt be broken wi.lly nilly but as Keith has said to me a few times over the past few days , we also need to use common sense.

Im kind of sorry i posted anything in the first place tbh but we are here on the discussion thread where we need to be with this sort of stuff. Im a firm believer in everybody throwing crap and ideas about and if some sticks and makes things better then its good for the site.

Good of the competition? Better for the FCL, but the SL and the FBL have both lost a team! Both competitions are diminished. If any motivational factor for moving teams was for the good of the competition, it wouldn't have been done 2 hours after the deadline when all teams had been sent in. Beware snake oil salesmen, smoke and mirrors and bull excrement.
Posts: 2,062
19:44 Fri 8 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Dom should be fine because he wasn't on any teamlist sent in right?

Technically he was a free agent as no other team signed him. I'm only one to approach him as was a spur of moment thing too

Should be available as a sub for set one since fixtures haven't been released right?

Right, difference is Sam/Tinie aren't free agents and Dom was a free agent but i don't want any favourtism, thats why i mentioned we signed Dom too late.

Yeah but since the situations are not the same maybe the same verdict doesn't apply.
Posts: 10,109
19:55 Fri 8 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Dom should be fine because he wasn't on any teamlist sent in right?

Technically he was a free agent as no other team signed him. I'm only one to approach him as was a spur of moment thing too

Should be available as a sub for set one since fixtures haven't been released right?

Right, difference is Sam/Tinie aren't free agents and Dom was a free agent but i don't want any favourtism, thats why i mentioned we signed Dom too late.

Yeah but since the situations are not the same maybe the same verdict doesn't apply.

Free agents can be signed any point before fixture release as far as I'm aware, until the cut off point later in the season. I'm sure he'll be eligible for all fixtures.
Posts: 4,046
19:56 Fri 8 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Good of the competition? Better for the FCL, but the SL and the FBL have both lost a team! Both competitions are diminished. If any motivational factor for moving teams was for the good of the competition, it wouldn't have been done 2 hours after the deadline when all teams had been sent in. Beware snake oil salesmen, smoke and mirrors and bull excrement.

The reason for change of teams was well documented in Sams post. You have 17 still in your team which was only possible if you submitted 3 teams for SL and FBL. If you are now only running with 2 teams a further player needs to leave. I would imagine that increases the workload for Keith as he now has to take another player off the fixtures. There are no mirrors as far as i can see. Just a miffed captain (with every right) digging his heels in regardless.
Posts: 10,109
20:01 Fri 8 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  

The reason for change of teams was well documented in Sams post. You have 17 still in your team which was only possible if you submitted 3 teams for SL and FBL. If you are now only running with 2 teams a further player needs to leave. I would imagine that increases the workload for Keith as he now has to take another player off the fixtures. There are no mirrors as far as i can see. Just a miffed captain (with every right) digging his heels in regardless.

Oh I concur. My motivation for my stance is because I'm annoyed. However, the "good of the competition" line is absolute nonsense, as two leagues now have one less team, a team that would've challenged in both. And yes, we are now in the unfortunate predicament of having to remove a player from the clan. Which I truly congratulate Ash for. To manage to poach two of our best is quite some feat, but managing to force us to lose another player on top of that is genius! I'm not sure a bigger blow has been struck in clan history? Touche sir!!!
Posts: 2,588
20:05 Fri 8 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
On the other end of the stick, i predict more rivalry than last season between uprising and firestorm. It really does feel like a choice of who to support between good and evil
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