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Posts: 19,819
17:37 Mon 4 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hey put my lists in but why is fbl split up? Always liked that league and unsure i like this idea, i wont moan and as i said ive done the lists but dint like it. (Awaits abuse from the morons).
Also can the scoring in fcl be changed back? Liked how it was, unsure how people feel about it? May have been mentioned but i dont like reading the silly posts lol.
Posts: 4,046
17:55 Mon 4 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Come on guys. Seems we have come back and decided to take pot shots at each other and moan. We are the captains and should be able to act accordingly!!

I like the way it was last season but am happy to try anything new/different even if it dont work as well. At least it was tried!

Lets get it started asap to keep people interested.
Posts: 2,588
18:02 Mon 4 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Amazing changes Keith. Really looking forward to the FBL for a change and the other change in SL was definitely needed.

Thanks man, great work
Posts: 19,819
18:13 Mon 4 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Just read some of the pot shots as jamie called it, its why i dont look on here, id like the season to start soon tbh, is next monday too soon?
Posts: 38,097
18:24 Mon 4 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
no pop shots from me mate for a change.

i don't think this Sunday is too soon as most of us expected the league to start after the New Year and had time to rest, relax and heal wounds.
Posts: 2,588
18:25 Mon 4 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
I am hoping to start as soon as possible, after i have lists from all clans i can do fixture rota etc, the quicker i can do this the quicker it will start. It was always planned to have a break over xmas and new year then get going asap afterwards.

Good to hear man, raring to go and definitely should be aiming for next week or the week after (very latest).
Posts: 4,046
18:32 Mon 4 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Will there be a qualification set before the season starts properly?
Posts: 19,819
18:38 Mon 4 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Haveng been for a few seasons so i guess not.
Posts: 4,046
18:40 Mon 4 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Once again i find myself in the same position. I have 8-10 good players and 5-6 borderline players. I played the same players in each team last season unless there was a serious issue. I would like to submit 3 teams for the SL to give my best players every chance. Could we not submit 2 subs in every set that can be swapped to other teams just to avoid defalts. They would still only be able to play for one team during the set of course, but they would named when the team list was submitted. It is unlikely anybodys best would be named as you expect them to be played from the start to best effect. 3 x 4 = 12 so we would have an extra on team team A and B and 2 to cover all three teams if there was an issue.
Posts: 10,109
19:02 Mon 4 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hey put my lists in but why is fbl split up? Always liked that league and unsure i like this idea, i wont moan and as i said ive done the lists but dint like it. (Awaits abuse from the morons).
Also can the scoring in fcl be changed back? Liked how it was, unsure how people feel about it? May have been mentioned but i dont like reading the silly posts lol.

I hate it, and now there's 2 leagues that mean very little to me. Thank god for the fcl and the gsc! We're probably only entering two teams in each this season as it's not worth the time and effort arranging for a 4 v 4 short format game.
Posts: 4,046
19:35 Mon 4 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ok. I tend to agree with Ash. There , ive said it. Haha. Klien will hate me as i have read his above post but spliting the team is just a confusion we dont need and there will have to be one better than the other. That means preferencial treatment for some. If players arnt picked for the better side they will get the hump. You can be fair as you like but will be watering down both teams if you do. Uprising will benefit as they have 16 awesome players. Not a weak link to be seen. Leave as it was is my thought as it has worked well in the past seasons. Dont get me wrong though, if thats whats happening then so be it. Seems there are 4 captains that prefer it the way it was though!
Posts: 10,109
19:46 Mon 4 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ok. I tend to agree with Ash. There , ive said it. Haha. Klien will hate me as i have read his above post but spliting the team is just a confusion we dont need and there will have to be one better than the other. That means preferencial treatment for some. If players arnt picked for the better side they will get the hump. You can be fair as you like but will be watering down both teams if you do. Uprising will benefit as they have 16 awesome players. Not a weak link to be seen. Leave as it was is my thought as it has worked well in the past seasons. Dont get me wrong though, if thats whats happening then so be it. Seems there are 4 captains that prefer it the way it was though!

Not quite. I prefer rigid teams because I think it makes the competition purer, and gives genuine identity to every side entered. What I hate is short formats, and now the 2nd best league has been dismantled into another throwaway league with very little gravitas. I'd probably be at least be very vocal in my opposition if I didn't think this was the last season of clan leagues on funkypool.
Posts: 2,588
19:51 Mon 4 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
I completely see your point about splitting up in the FBL... But to counter-act this point, players will be getting WAY more games in the lesser clans giving them room to actually play the best and improve.

I'm sorry but how fair is it for players that are not amazing to be put into fixtures against Uprising who have arguably 10 of the best 20 players on the game and then the other 6 in the top 30 or 40 and then letting their team down in the FCL games. Of course you could argue that we are a team and it doesnt matter if they lose by a big amount, which of course it doesnt matter to us, but to that player it still hurts when you lose 12 - 3, 13 - 2 etc. no matter who you play or the attitudes of your team mates to your loss.

The way the SL and FBL now work is that the "lesser" players are now given chance to actually play the best instead of being sat on the sidelines or thrown into a weaker team to be dominated 90 - 30 against uprisings or firestorm without actually feeling that awful guilt afterwards of losing 13 - 2 in a FCL match. I know that feeling, I have been on that end of the stick so many times. It does absolutely nothing to improve your own game or make you want to play any more clan games in the future.

These updates are the way forward for clans to survive what is happening to the site.

2 "mess around" leagues where anyone can win.
1 serious league which requires strength in all 16 players.
1 serious cup.
Posts: 2,588
19:55 Mon 4 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
As a side note, it does absolutely nothing for clans when players LIKE seb, dvz and so forth are playing full seasons for arguably not "top" clans knowing that they dont probably stand a chance of winning things because they didnt join a top clan like firestorm or uprising.

That feeling does nothing but create more of a monopoly for Uprising. Whereas now (as you saw last season with FPD in the SL and GSC) Seb, Scotty etc. actually had a shot of winning the SL which we only lost after a semi-final play off.

To conclude my lengthy posts. What im saying is, to have these mess around leagues can only aid interest in clans. Why would a player want to join a clan to get their backsides whooped every other game in a serious format where their teammates aren't happy with them. These "mess-around" leagues, so to call them, help better players in smaller clans actually have a chance to win something and help smaller players in those clans have a chance to improve without feeling that awful guilt, that lets face it, we've all felt at some point, of losing 12 - 3 to a class player.

Rant over.
Posts: 14,736
19:57 Mon 4 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
I don't see the need to split the team of 15/16 in two? The SL has it's own identity and the short format supports the amount of sides entered. The FBL although needs some tinkering/modifying doesn't need to be torn to shreds or mimic the SL.

I don't have a problem with the sides being non interchangeable in the SL as that will add another dimension to Captaining and potentially increase the competition even more.
Posts: 38,097
20:01 Mon 4 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
For me people need not to think of Uprising as any team in Uprising's situation would be favourites and people moan that rules suit them. If it was your team, people would moan that rules suit your team.

What i like is as Stu said sides identity like two different clans, In some situations you have to change around like Pros last season, hated switching but had to to keep two afloat. Thats only downside if teams struggle in which runners could allow an exception.

Pros A and B felt like One Team last season which i wanted them to have a balanced identity. Don't forget you can still have your best 8 on one team, weak 8 on other or more balanced. What fear me though but may be a good thing, is top 4 players in both vs top teams will be elite players but competition is what clans are about.

For first time, i think a Balanced Team is a good step forward but on downside no three teams which means half the team doesn't play.
Posts: 10,109
20:19 Mon 4 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
I completely see your point about splitting up in the FBL... But to counter-act this point, players will be getting WAY more games in the lesser clans giving them room to actually play the best and improve.

I'm sorry but how fair is it for players that are not amazing to be put into fixtures against Uprising who have arguably 10 of the best 20 players on the game and then the other 6 in the top 30 or 40 and then letting their team down in the FCL games. Of course you could argue that we are a team and it doesnt matter if they lose by a big amount, which of course it doesnt matter to us, but to that player it still hurts when you lose 12 - 3, 13 - 2 etc. no matter who you play or the attitudes of your team mates to your loss.

To counter this point, Uprising have BEEN at the bottom. We started in the 2nd division with a team of nobodys and with vast amounts of time and effort, season after season we slowly worked our way up. We was the team getting regularly humped by Pro's etc, but that just fueled our ambition. I still found it a lot more enjoyable then, as there seemed so much more to try and achieve and overcome. Which eventually we did.

Uprising Original Team Sheet

1. skunkyfool Captain
2. strikelucky8 Vice Captain
3. spin_doctor
4. walktall
5. slugbutt3000
6. irish_ninja
7. run_outt
8. parawheels
9. visionary
10. dreamz
11. wade_
Posts: 19,819
20:44 Mon 4 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Some of them are decent players tbf, what happened to spin_doctor, nice bloke.
Posts: 10,109
20:50 Mon 4 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Some of them are decent players tbf, what happened to spin_doctor, nice bloke.

He's on my real life pool team. Hell of a player is Lee although he refuses to play County for some reason. He was one of the ones I was going to bring back if we was allowed to sign extra players for SL.
Posts: 4,046
21:09 Mon 4 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Not quite. I prefer rigid teams because I think it makes the competition purer, and gives genuine identity to every side entered. What I hate is short formats, and now the 2nd best league has been dismantled into another throwaway league with very little gravitas. I'd probably be at least be very vocal in my opposition if I didn't think this was the last season of clan leagues on funkypool.

I prefer rigid teams too. What i was saying is that having looked at it and thought about it a bit more, i would prefer 1 rigid team rather than 2. If there are 3 fixtures in a set then we are all juggling 6 fixtures. I realize that there will be a captain for both but just think that it was hard enough as it was with fcl x3 , fbl x3 and sl x 6-9 sometimes overlapping and then GSL thrown in for good measure at the end and killer. Its a lot to keep up to date and with no changes to the site it is a challenge. Plus the weakening of sides to keep all happy. I take Kliens point about playing weaker teams against strong ones but a game is a game to most regardless of result.

I also wanted to say that at no point would i ever moan about one teams superiority over the rest. I would like a more even balance of course but to have built a team to that standard is an achievement in its self. Uprising are there to be knocked off their perch and im sure they welcome the battle.
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