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Posts: 573
15:53 Wed 30 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I do think there should be a poll with every clan member on the killer start time. Cos 9pm is too late hows that sound?
Posts: 38,097
16:00 Wed 30 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
could do but down to Keith, personally i think 8 pm is better, It is still 3 pm for most Americans (-5 GMT) would be 12 pm for others (-8 GMT), 9 pm for French/Germans (+1 GMT), 10 pm for Spain (hmm) (+2 GMT), Australians and New Zealand not sure but think their 18 hours in front? If so that makes it 2 pm the next day (+18 GMT). If its 12 in front, takes it to 8 am (+12 GMT).

Looking at that i think 8 pm suits most but if my second hunch about NZ/AUS time is right at +12 GMT then they have to wake up at 7:30 am or even 7 am to be on for 8 but even then some has work.

I can't see a time to suit all timezones. Only one i missed out (i think) is Canada but i don't have a clue about their timezone.
Posts: 573
16:22 Wed 30 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well im guessing theres more UK players on here than any other and why not let the public decide it does effect us all afterall.
Posts: 38,097
16:45 Wed 30 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I could do a Straw Poll if people want, just give me a list of times and if you can have multiple options.


6 pm
7 pm
8 pm
9 pm
10 pm

then people vote
Posts: 7,297
19:32 Wed 30 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I do think there should be a poll with every clan member on the killer start time. Cos 9pm is too late hows that sound?

9pm is good time and its been always between 8.30-9pm uk time .
Posts: 573
19:35 Wed 30 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I do think there should be a poll with every clan member on the killer start time. Cos 9pm is too late hows that sound?

9pm is good time and its been always between 8.30-9pm uk time .

What does it matter what its always been? a vote would be a fair way of doing it,one persons opinion is meaningless
Posts: 2,062
19:41 Wed 30 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Realistically the leagues haven't run fluidly for a while, I can't see any minor changes that can be made to get it back to past glories so why not just rip it down and start from the basics again? Enough of this 3 league stuff and make life easier for everyone

Prefer FCL, SL and Cup personally, scrap FBL as last season the flow of matches seemed too much. Was like every week some people had 4 or 5 matches to play and seemed like a chore rather than a hobby.

Killer, its great banter when it gets going but the arranging is a problem. I prefer it like Snooker where its two teams, they make the times then if not its default time at 9 pm. I don't mean give list to runner but both captains talk and arrange, if it fails that night try again until default time where both teams then don't have much excuses.

Or we could lose SL and introduce event bonus in FBL since really the only thing cool about Sl is the event bonus.
Posts: 2,062
19:44 Wed 30 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Or since fcl isn't frame count, and event bonus could be cool. That way teams can still fight even after the opponent gets 61 points.
Posts: 7,974
21:37 Wed 30 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
should go back to frame count
it wasn't broken before

I think 8pm suits everyone, sometimes these games go on for 2 hours+

not forgetting people go to work
and younger members need bed

my thought
Posts: 11,057
17:32 Thu 31 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I love giving my thoughts on threads where Craig gives his thoughts

I thought this season was excellent. SL and FCL worked really well. The team that deserved to win it, did win it. Even in FCL there was still an element of interest, because one slipup wouldve cost either team the title. So the format works well I think. FBL I didnt follow that much, but I cant see whats so bad about the format as it is.
The number of games is also good. People dont need to have 5 games at a time if the full team is used. Each team has a large amount of players and there are plenty of games for everyone.
The Cup is absolutely brilliant and the best format in the game!
Killer was entertaining, especially the arguments about the start time. This is what keeps people interested.

Leave everything as it is!
Posts: 19,819
18:38 Thu 31 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I still dont like the fcl scoring preferred the old scoring. Felt pds did quite well but due to the change lost out unfortunatly.
I dont see how 61-59 can be the same as 90-30. Maybe do pounts but depending on the score?

Also for the updaters. Can we have one thread for subs and scores? I can explain why its needed if people want to know. Boring really. Just would save time.
Posts: 9,926
19:36 Thu 31 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I love giving my thoughts on threads where Craig gives his thoughts

I thought this season was excellent. SL and FCL worked really well. The team that deserved to win it, did win it. Even in FCL there was still an element of interest, because one slipup wouldve cost either team the title. So the format works well I think. FBL I didnt follow that much, but I cant see whats so bad about the format as it is.
The number of games is also good. People dont need to have 5 games at a time if the full team is used. Each team has a large amount of players and there are plenty of games for everyone.
The Cup is absolutely brilliant and the best format in the game!
Killer was entertaining, especially the arguments about the start time. This is what keeps people interested.

Leave everything as it is!

I agree with the majority of this, but I do think that FBL is the only league that could be doing with a change thus the suggestion of splitting it into smaller teams like SL to try and make it more interesting.

The start time for killer has been changed to 9pm on the Sunday night as clans could not be trusted to sort out a time by themselves and instead it caused pages of arguments for what is meant to be a fun team game. So now we have a 9pm on a Sunday the only people to blame for this is the captains of the clans who have caused the setting of time to be removed from the clans.
Posts: 14,736
20:10 Thu 31 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Actually it was already 9pm your default time...but that wasn't kept too. So it's always been that time.

The fact unfortunately we couldn't arrange a suitable time for ALL 3 teams was a real shame but that's what the default time was meant to be there for. (last resort)

* IF you don't want us to fall back or rely heavily on the default time given in future...then may I suggest - not giving us one.
Posts: 2,062
20:12 Thu 31 Dec 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Fbl is actually my favorite league. It gives the specialists a chance to shine and it's the only format that has straight barring the cup.
Posts: 13,570
00:47 Fri 1 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Fbl is actually my favorite league. It gives the specialists a chance to shine and it's the only format that has straight barring the cup.

Posts: 10,109
14:33 Fri 1 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
I love giving my thoughts on threads where Craig gives his thoughts

I thought this season was excellent. SL and FCL worked really well. The team that deserved to win it, did win it. Even in FCL there was still an element of interest, because one slipup wouldve cost either team the title. So the format works well I think. FBL I didnt follow that much, but I cant see whats so bad about the format as it is.
The number of games is also good. People dont need to have 5 games at a time if the full team is used. Each team has a large amount of players and there are plenty of games for everyone.
The Cup is absolutely brilliant and the best format in the game!
Killer was entertaining, especially the arguments about the start time. This is what keeps people interested.

Leave everything as it is!

This mirrors exactly how I feel. I would prefer FBL to be slightler longer format, but I'm still happy as it is.

Regarding Killer times, I'm pretty sure I said to every other captain I'd be happy with any time except Tuesdays or Wednesdays. I do think 9 is borderline late as a default time as the game could potentially go on for 3 hours plus.

Still...all in all a very successful season with little to complain about. Now I'm away back to the pub as there's no other way of recovering from this Mother of all hangovers!
Posts: 19,819
21:48 Fri 1 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
2 and a half is the longest I've seen Stu, though agreed, id say 8pm is the best, needs to be a don't give punkpoet crap rule in killer as well
Posts: 38,097
20:33 Sun 3 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
needs to be a don't give punkpoet crap rule in killer as well

that was the best part

nah seriously whoever the Killer Referee is, people need to learn to abide by their rules and if they don't allow you in for being late then they shouldn't have a right to argue
Posts: 38,097
20:35 Sun 3 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
The start time for killer has been changed to 9pm on the Sunday night as clans could not be trusted to sort out a time by themselves and instead it caused pages of arguments for what is meant to be a fun team game. So now we have a 9pm on a Sunday the only people to blame for this is the captains of the clans who have caused the setting of time to be removed from the clans.

This means people like crazy_greg who can't play Sundays will never be able to play Clan Killer again, harsh on him
Posts: 573
21:25 Sun 3 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
After reading through it seems im not the only one who thinks 9pm is too late so in my eyes there's a very simple solution. We all vote on 8pm or 9pm its not rocket science people.
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