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Posts: 19,967
17:03 Sat 17 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Like I said though that is you imposing your feelings on the way subs should be used and your morality onto others, he isn't 'manipulating the rules' he is doing everything 100% within the rules.
Personally I don't agree that the subs are in the spirit either but that's just a matter of opinion so let's just change the rules for next season and everything will be tranquil in clan leagues lol...yeah right!

Show me where adding players to a fixture is in the rules or where after it has been posted on the official subs thread that it has been put on the website (because none of them have).
Posts: 19,967
17:08 Sat 17 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I don't think Captains do themselves many favours sometimes. Its no good simply submitting a team list randomly or just spreading games evenly amongst the 16 players unless you know they are all likely to be active during the period.

If you know of any potential problems during the upcoming two weeks, or if a player has not logged in for a period of time and you don't know of any reason, then dont put them in the starting team and keep them back as a sub if needed. The analogy to football selections is that you generally don't put the injured player in your starting eleven.

That way there is more chance of games being played by the original two named players.

All it needs is a bit of effort and common sense by the Captain or anyone else submitting the list.

I could vet team lists submitted on this basis and question any named inactive players on the list but really its a job more proper to the clan themselves.

As for rule changes for next season, happy to consider anything as long as it is a robust set of rules, enforcable, and not open to individual interpretation.

Captains putting in inactive players often starts the problem, but with a bit of common sense an agreeable situation can be hashed out. If what you outline above could be put into a reasonable action then I would fully support it. Asking a head runner to vet roughly 100 players every weekend asks too much.
Posts: 13,570
17:18 Sat 17 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Very valid point made by chris about Captains putting a team in that is active.
How about in the instance of inactive players, contact is made with chris, about the possibility of a sub after maybe 7 days?
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17:21 Sat 17 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I said that, permission need be sought before allowed.
Posts: 4,046
17:47 Sat 17 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I have no idea why the players arnt just left to get their games played. They dont have to have their hands held for 14 days. If after 10 or 11 days they have an issue getting the game played then help out with a sub. Seems to me he's trying to win a medal for games completed the quickest without any regard for opponents or their schedule on the site.Whilst also subbing in his stongest players where it benefits most. 100% within the rules it might be, within the rules of fair play it is not. I dont think changing the rules is fair but if its the only way then so be it.

SUB: DENIED................ LMAO (is this war games now)
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18:46 Sat 17 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
you are all pethetic tbh its a game people get beat all the time subs are made to win games u wouldnt sub out a star player for a pethetic one no the aim is to win and by right ash can sub who the hell he wants in to his games if the team did not like it they would not play for him but his team has the backing of how he runs it and if they dont like it use the exit door to your right ...
Posts: 19,967
19:01 Sat 17 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
you are all pethetic tbh its a game people get beat all the time subs are made to win games u wouldnt sub out a star player for a pethetic one no the aim is to win and by right ash can sub who the hell he wants in to his games if the team did not like it they would not play for him but his team has the backing of how he runs it and if they dont like it use the exit door to your right ...

If players in your clan are so pathetic that they should not be subbed in, why would you have them in the clan in the first place?

The issue is why are subs being made unnecessarily.
Posts: 38,097
19:05 Sat 17 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I also think the problem is the Win Bonus, under the current system you don't have to sub players out towards end of the fixture if you have won the fixture but if you add a completion bonus then clans would get bonuses regardless of who plays the match so may be another incentive, you could still do it so most guys who wins their match wins the league but i think we need a completion bonus.
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19:13 Sat 17 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
The problem is: mind you own damn business, then it and nothing would affect you. What and how we operate has nothing to do with you.

It's all about interpretation: you and your mates will always gang up together regardless, doesn't bother me one little bit. Our subs and swaps are made after careful consideration, if increases the possibility to achieve a better score, who cares. Does it affect your life? NO - Our team is what matters not any individual.

You should be grateful for the added competition as it's been pretty boring watching Uprising, Pros and UB's (not as much) all getting their own way and doing as they please.

Now another entity which has strengthened during the season is competing with the Fabulous 3, now you feel intimidated and threatened. I say GOOD and ENJOY it as this is just the beginning.

Competition is great and so are rivalries - IF you don't like it then join another team or strengthen instead of trying to make ME appear 'oh such the bad person, for not breaching ANY rules'. When deep down all the animosity stems from 'you can't hack or appreciate' the fact another side can be created and be a force to be reckoned with straight away.

C'mon XVth Man - On the predictions page I did say we would win 1 of the Leagues - that were laughed at - in the song title from Jessie J 'Who's laughing Now!' - i hope we prove you WRONG!
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19:14 Sat 17 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Theres nothing wrong with the win bonus at all. Because of frame points scoring, you do need to sub out players unless you are confident in your default.

Completion bonuses are just that. Bonuses to get games played. Once you go down that road you are devaluing the existing games, and those already played, in order to just reward anybody for coming on line and having a bash.
Deleted User
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19:14 Sat 17 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Please tell me you didn't just quote Jessie J
Deleted User
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19:17 Sat 17 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Please tell me you didn't just quote Jessie J

Afraid so - is that worthy of another verbal warning mr supermod?
Posts: 19,967
19:23 Sat 17 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
It does because when we have to put up with the negative tactics because you are so desperate to prove yourself. You bring the problems, we don't want to have the issues but we won't be bullied. To you, your team matters. To everyone else, the league matters. That's why we keep it friendly with everyone who doesn't cause problems.

Competition? don't flatter yourself

Two big clans, Pro's and Uprising. Unbeatables have got there the last few seasons and Phoenix/XVth man came in there and haven't really progressed.

Look at the tables and results, Uprising have outscored XVth man in the FCL against every single team so far. You don't stand a chance of winning the FCL or FBL. I want you to be competitive, but I actually have been disappointed with how far short you fell so far. You've made some good signings and I'm hoping you can be competitive from now on. FBL head to head i'm seeing it, but not overall.

Cups could be anyones as could SL, but I still don't think anyone but Pro's and Uprising will win anything. You are still less likely to win a league than both pros and uprising, you aren't in a strong position anywhere.
Posts: 38,097
19:27 Sat 17 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Theres nothing wrong with the win bonus at all. Because of frame points scoring, you do need to sub out players unless you are confident in your default.

Completion bonuses are just that. Bonuses to get games played. Once you go down that road you are devaluing the existing games, and those already played, in order to just reward anybody for coming on line and having a bash.

True but isn't the objective play all games and have no defaults? Lets say i was online each day but zante was offline 12 days

Under current system:- i could refuse the sub as i would get more in defaults

Under completion:- As players get bonuses for completing fixtures i would have to request a sub for zante to hopefully play and achieve the completion bonus.

I would lose points in that manner but its more satisfactory playing than playing for a default
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19:29 Sat 17 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
You cant refuse a sub - subs arent subject to any approval. yes you could still not play and let it go to default but that would be your choice and your risk on what the score might throw up.
Posts: 38,097
19:33 Sat 17 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I could refuse by simply reversing the sub or by not playing

Under current system i would probably win 13-2 or something in defaults without refusing to play but i know it should be 8-7 or 9-6 either way on playing ability (Yes i could win 15-0 but wouldn't happen realistically) therefore gaining more on defaults so it would make sense not to play even if it hurts me to say it.

Under completion

Clans gain bonuses so i would lose out on points by not playing so it wouldn't make sense.
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19:35 Sat 17 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
If you refuse to play a sub with 2 days left you wont be scoring 13 points
Posts: 38,097
19:36 Sat 17 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
yup i know it would rapidly decrease (maybe even into single figures and not equaling 15 so 3-3 or something), you see my point though?
Posts: 13,570
19:53 Sat 17 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
It's a shame, but I'm gonna have to forgot my PC place and finish with clans for the time being.
In any instance this has happened before, it has been due to personal circumstances. Sad to say it's to do with the ongoing crap that some people keep throwing back AND forth.

I will finish my last 2 fixtures for XVth Man and take a break from Clans.

Good Luck to you all
Posts: 19,967
19:56 Sat 17 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Not to mention you can't reverse a sub

I think we tried the completion bonus over here and it didn't really work. The likelihood is, you won't score as highly in a default as you can potentially in game. There is always the chance that even in a situation like that you won't score as highly as you would if you played and lost. Refusing the sub would have a dramatic impact on the default.

For some situations, those points do not really motivate a clan into action. So you still get a default, even if one clan gets the bonus.
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