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Posts: 3,846
12:29 Wed 26 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
are you just going to keep moaning till they scrap it

its the FCL discussion forum
its a topic being discussed

keep up the mischief joe
or have you anything constructive to offer

i inputted a few good ideas yesterday, now cant u leave em to get on wioth it
Posts: 7,974
12:31 Wed 26 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  

How can you predict a score between me and frog
He wasn't there to play he made no effort at all hence zero points

You cannot predict a score for someone who was technically not there to start with

This has been rushed again with no forethought for possible outcomes

When the FCL was introduced it was talked about planned implemented and tweaked as it went, the clue is there planned

This option was on a whim yesterday
Just go back to how it was for this season

Then discuss plan and implement at the start of next season
That surely is common sense

And saying I would've got more points or wade with 1 out of 15 is clearly an under statement

10-5 pro_frog. See wasn't too hard to predict what score I think you two would have had.

so based on your prediction
frog is way better than turtle and nerdzz

Well if I'm asked for default info on a match between them we will find out. You might get one more ore lose by one more but 10-5 is a fair reflection of abilities.

turtle beat me 8-7 and i beat nerdzz 10-5
thanks for your input

backing up how flawed it is
Deleted User
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12:35 Wed 26 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
You may well have done Craig....but on average, if you had played that match between you and nerdz or you and turtle, say 10 times, would the scores have been the same....?

I doubt it.

That's why there would be an average taken from the 7 remaining clan representatives...because it gives an average! Not some wildly eratic scoreline.
Deleted User
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12:35 Wed 26 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
That's the issue, you can't see it. As a previous example used was the case and kera made an effort to play do but dvz didn't and a default score of 15-0 was applied, would kera EVER get a 15-0 against him if they played, no. Therefore a default score could warp the outcome of the league. Im not saying it's good, I'm not saying it's bad, but it not hard to understand when you have something under the hood.

Was this aimed at me?

What I think the default score should enable, is someone to achieve the points that they would have hopefully won had the game been played.
Posts: 3,846
12:36 Wed 26 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
You may well have done Craig....but on average, if you had played that match between you and nerdz or you and turtle, say 10 times, would the scores have been the same....?

I doubt it.

That's why there would be an average taken from the 7 remaining clan representatives...because it gives an average! Not some wildly eratic scoreline.

took the words out of my mouth pal
Posts: 3,846
12:37 Wed 26 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
craig did u build 3 pages up, just to let us know you beat nerdz
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12:37 Wed 26 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
You may well have done Craig....but on average, if you had played that match between you and nerdz or you and turtle, say 10 times, would the scores have been the same....?

I doubt it.

That's why there would be an average taken from the 7 remaining clan representatives...because it gives an average! Not some wildly eratic scoreline.

Thank you, it is supposed to give a value that most people would expect you to get should the match have taken place.
Deleted User
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12:37 Wed 26 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
craig did u build 3 pages up, just to let us know you beat nerdz

Seems this way...
Deleted User
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12:41 Wed 26 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
the_priest, your counoting a loss as a score to stand up to? Lmao. Our standards differ.

P.s. you have also LOST to erigert, slimeball, horse10000, davybaumers, tombstone_74.

Not that far out I feel after all.
Posts: 7,974
12:41 Wed 26 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
You may well have done Craig....but on average, if you had played that match between you and nerdz or you and turtle, say 10 times, would the scores have been the same....?

I doubt it.

That's why there would be an average taken from the 7 remaining clan representatives...because it gives an average! Not some wildly eratic scoreline.

but you don't so its totally irrelevant isn't it ?
guessing the outcomes the above show again how flawed guessing scores is
its flawed and again it shows
Deleted User
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12:41 Wed 26 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
That's the issue, you can't see it. As a previous example used was the case and kera made an effort to play do but dvz didn't and a default score of 15-0 was applied, would kera EVER get a 15-0 against him if they played, no. Therefore a default score could warp the outcome of the league. Im not saying it's good, I'm not saying it's bad, but it not hard to understand when you have something under the hood.

Was this aimed at me?

What I think the default score should enable, is someone to achieve the points that they would have hopefully won had the game been played.
Deleted User
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12:43 Wed 26 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
I like it. I also think, to add a bit of a punishment aspect to it, whatever the average scoreline decided (and then tweaked by the runners to allow for the effort made, etc.) the team deemed to have made the least effort in getting the match played and avoiding the default, should have the points that their player received deducted, rather than added.

Might deter more defaults?

Only problem I can see with it; deciding who made the least effort, etc. But then that's the case with how the present system is anyway.
Posts: 7,974
12:45 Wed 26 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
the_priest, your counoting a loss as a score to stand up to? Lmao. Our standards differ.

P.s. you have also LOST to erigert, slimeball, horse10000, davybaumers, tombstone_74.

Not that far out I feel after all.

in fcl
one loss fact
oooh what your saying is you now want to use 3 leagues to average a score for FCL
wow another new idea

i have no shame in getting beaten by those players
in fact i was well beaten

but i don't runaway when the going gets tough
and leave people to sort out my mess
Deleted User
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12:48 Wed 26 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
the_priest, your counoting a loss as a score to stand up to? Lmao. Our standards differ.

P.s. you have also LOST to erigert, slimeball, horse10000, davybaumers, tombstone_74.

Not that far out I feel after all.

in fcl
one loss fact
oooh what your saying is you now want to use 3 leagues to average a score for FCL
wow another new idea

i have no shame in getting beaten by those players
in fact i well beaten

but i don't runaway when the going gets tough
and leave people to sort out my mess
has been discussed before why I left. Indeed I can't think of a better one than my losing my baby boy to not come on the site. Can tell you it was as tough going as it gets, still is.

When deciding someone's ability I would use as much info as possible and that is where you getting pumped of pro_frog comes into it. You use one example of a win, I use a lot of losses. Who is likely to be more accurate?
Deleted User
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12:48 Wed 26 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Some people won't like it, some people will.

If a better idea comes along, that hasn't been tried before, by all means, go for it.

I simply (with deriks help) have thought of a way to make the defaults more like an outcome that would be predicted anyways.
Posts: 3,846
12:50 Wed 26 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
the_priest, your counoting a loss as a score to stand up to? Lmao. Our standards differ.

P.s. you have also LOST to erigert, slimeball, horse10000, davybaumers, tombstone_74.

Not that far out I feel after all.

in fcl
one loss fact
oooh what your saying is you now want to use 3 leagues to average a score for FCL
wow another new idea

i have no shame in getting beaten by those players
in fact i was well beaten

but i don't runaway when the going gets tough
and leave people to sort out my mess

i agree to this post to a certain extent not personally at onevisist as he was away 4 a bit so personal circumstances could dictate that.
Thats the idea behingd the panel, they can look at captains keeping deactivated plaers in fixtures, and inactive ones, and tweak the result acccordingly, dont u agree with thet craig
Deleted User
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12:51 Wed 26 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
A small example, lets see what everyone thinks.

onevisit, _maverick_, the__priestand derik_dalton,

predict what you all think the outcome of a match between me and rocketweaz8.

PM me the result, and i shall see how peoples minds all think.
Posts: 7,974
12:53 Wed 26 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
and like i said
don't chuck your rubbish and expect to get no reaction

for the above im truly sorry
100% certainly not a nice place to be
i also have lost very close loved ones
not a great place to be

but i also have learned to be a little more humble because of many recent life experiences
and trying to gain reactions for the sake of it isn't good either
Deleted User
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12:56 Wed 26 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'm trying to gain nothing. You brought up the being offline guff. You said how could we predict a score? I predicted a score. You said that score was wrong, I explained my reasoning. You have been papped a lot more than you have won this year. Pro_frog hasn't. The point I was making is that this could easily work. You beating the same drum is trying to provoke reactions lol.
Deleted User
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13:01 Wed 26 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
I have 3 results back in,

1 of them was 9-6 win for johnny,
1 was an 8-7 win for me,
the other was an 8-7 either way.

This is what i am trying to get at, the results are very similar, and with 8/9 panelists giving their prediction on each default, i would predict more results similar to this, and one just edge the other.
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