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Posts: 7,974
15:00 Mon 24 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
I reckon Craig, nuts and ash should run league they would do a great job

You can't hep being a total fool can you joe

I know the job involved and could do it sat on my hands
And blind folded
Have written most rules etc
And watched them over many seasons twisted and manipulated to suite certain teams yours included (oh you think I forgot)

I have no intention of succumbing to any of your dumb azz mischief
that you always seem to get away with day after day

I know the work involved in running a league
If pirate wanted any unbiased assistance I'm sure he would've asked like many previous runners have already

The job of running 3 leagues by numerous non working runners is like carrying dead weight energy sappers

Defaults are way behind golden not done

It's dragging the working team down
3 leagues and the work to be done is killing them daily

How about being constructive joe and shut your mouth and help them out
Put your name forward to do a specific job

Along with many others
A default panel to do defaults
A member to do nothing else but golden cue

3 leagues are killing these guys
I appreciate everything that Steve and the working members do
Get rid of the energy sappers and get people who will help and help now
Deleted User
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15:09 Mon 24 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yes, I admitted that we didn't have time to do the Golden Cue, but you can't expect us to do everything. But I like your suggestion about someone putting their name forward to help out

Let's not get off topic here.

As I said before, if anybody has any actual full proposals then post them up. It's all well and good posting up ideas but until these are put together they won't mean anything. No progress will be made unless people post full suggestions on how to move forward (kind of like horse did, but with a more definitive way to go).

So this doesn't get lost in the posts (as this is for league issues!);

Could we please have default info from any teams that had a default in the last round of FCL fixtures (fixtures 5&6) sent to me by Sunday please.

The defaults from FCL fixtures 2 are have now been made and can be found on the website.
Posts: 7,974
15:12 Mon 24 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
MBz v eagles

To get 12 points out of 45
Is totally ridiculous and dosnt deter teams now for playing for defaults
They have constant defaults and in 3 games they defaulted with no intention of playing any of the games and was supported by all the default information which we sent in

How can any team only lose 4..0
When making no attempt to play

Pros need to beat us by 40 points to win the league
We don't like them much and play no games

We gain nothing they lose the league as they could only achieve 32 points or an average of zero if no games are played

We get told to sort ourselves out pros don't win the league
Farcical I'm sorry

But to gain 4 points in a default where a team made no effort to play any of the 3 games is unreal

Sorry people my thoughts let's hope eagles don't decide who win or lose the league based on their defaults
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:17 Mon 24 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
I reckon Craig, nuts and ash should run league they would do a great job

Was there any need to mention So don't!

Edited at 13:52 Mon 24/03/14 (GMT)
Deleted User
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15:18 Mon 24 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
^Default discussion taken to offline message^

If anybody else has any queries then please feel free to message me via personal message.
Posts: 3,846
16:56 Mon 24 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Lool go chompair
Posts: 19,967
17:04 Mon 24 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL Table now has an added column for Frames Played, bare in mind this will not include any frames lost through games that have gone to default and not had the full points awarded.
Posts: 3,846
17:05 Mon 24 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
I reckon Craig, nuts and ash should run league they would do a great job

You can't hep being a total fool can you joe

I know the job involved and could do it sat on my hands
And blind folded
Have written most rules etc
And watched them over many seasons twisted and manipulated to suite certain teams yours included (oh you think I forgot)

I have no intention of succumbing to any of your dumb azz mischief
that you always seem to get away with day after day

I know the work involved in running a league
If pirate wanted any unbiased assistance I'm sure he would've asked like many previous runners have already

The job of running 3 leagues by numerous non working runners is like carrying dead weight energy sappers

Defaults are way behind golden not done

It's dragging the working team down
3 leagues and the work to be done is killing them daily

How about being constructive joe and shut your mouth and help them out
Put your name forward to do a specific job

Along with many others
A default panel to do defaults
A member to do nothing else but golden cue

3 leagues are killing these guys
I appreciate everything that Steve and the working members do
Get rid of the energy sappers and get people who will help and help now

Do you play sat on your hands and blindfolded aswell
Posts: 3,846
17:06 Mon 24 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
I reckon Craig, nuts and ash should run league they would do a great job

Was there any need to mention So don't!

Edited at 13:52 Mon 24/03/14 (GMT)

Could do with an Hitler character
Posts: 7,297
17:14 Mon 24 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
MBz v eagles

To get 12 points out of 45
Is totally ridiculous and dosnt deter teams now for playing for defaults
They have constant defaults and in 3 games they defaulted with no intention of playing any of the games and was supported by all the default information which we sent in

How can any team only lose 4..0
When making no attempt to play

Pros need to beat us by 40 points to win the league
We don't like them much and play no games

We gain nothing they lose the league as they could only achieve 32 points or an average of zero if no games are played

We get told to sort ourselves out pros don't win the league
Farcical I'm sorry

But to gain 4 points in a default where a team made no effort to play any of the 3 games is unreal

Sorry people my thoughts let's hope eagles don't decide who win or lose the league based on their defaults

totally agree with u craig , for example TFS had 3 Defaults with eagles due to them not being active enough and now we lose the chance of gaining more points which i feel we would off . is that fair? no .
Posts: 7,974
01:07 Tue 25 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
based on this scenario

if a team decides not to play a game
no teams score a point

as its based on average scores so technically you dont play any games and you cant lose a fixture

because the average of zero is zero

i no its an example
and a poor one, i spoke to steve via offline
and i understand a team cant win a game by defaults
however you shouldnt lose either
eagles should be docked 45 points for making no effort at all in playing the 3 games against us

our default info showed no effort whats so ever was made by eagles in these 3 fixtures

and being rewarded with 12 out of 45 points isnt right
however if uprising, pros unbeatables TFS where the average score was 60 in this fixture they would average 12 points each to our 4
this cannot be right

same players same default
but a better average score gains more default points
not down to effort or being messed around
just based on average scores

example in our 5 games we scored only 20 points
with our best players not playing yet

example only

20 points divide by 5 = 4 points average in the 5 games played
3 defaults x 4 = 12 points out of 45

Pros score 60 points more playing the same team and same

60 points divide by 5 =12 points average in the 5 games played
3 defaults x 12 = 36 points out of 45

how can this be right regardless the way its worked out
same players same defaults

again the above scenario is an example but MBz score is factual
Posts: 7,974
01:14 Tue 25 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  

totally agree with u craig , for example TFS had 3 Defaults with eagles due to them not being active enough and now we lose the chance of gaining more points which i feel we would off . is that fair? no .

thats exactly it
you lose an opportunity to score more points

but eagles are not penalised at all
fairness would be they be docked the points and fair would be

we score 12 points out of 45
they get docked
33 points out of 45

then its fair
but to lose nothing is wrong
the defaults go on and on and nothing stops them

how can it be right a lower team gets penalised for getting games played with no defaults and defaults not caused by themselves

and a team winning for getting just over 50% of the games played and not caring a jot about defaults
Posts: 2,717
01:33 Tue 25 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ok professionals are in a position to win the league...

If now by this fixture..the eagles cost us the league by not trying and costing us points etc etc..

do i need to say where the FCL can shove their league ??

Runners please fix this...not just for my team..but for all teams involved..
Deleted User
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02:20 Tue 25 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
It's true that defaults can sometimes be harsh on a team by preventing them the opportunity to score more points - But this is an inherent problem with a league that allows defaults. Come up with a format/system where defaults aren't an issue and then the problem can be solved...

Default points are supposed to limit the affect of a default on a team not at fault, not reward them. Even if a team makes 100% effort, it wouldn't be fair for us to award 3 15-0 defaults to them because that would not be fair to the other teams in the league. They would be, in essence, attaining points through a default based on effort that they would have not otherwise achieved had the game been played - Or in short, being rewarded and not compensated for the default.

However, you do raise valid points regarding Fighting Eagles. If they continue to cause a high number of defaults in the league then of course their position will be looked at.
Posts: 7,297
02:33 Tue 25 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
It's true that defaults can sometimes be harsh on a team by preventing them the opportunity to score more points - But this is an inherent problem with a league that allows defaults. Come up with a format/system where defaults aren't an issue and then the problem can be solved...

Default points are supposed to limit the affect of a default on a team not at fault, not reward them. Even if a team makes 100% effort, it wouldn't be fair for us to award 3 15-0 defaults to them because that would not be fair to the other teams in the league. They would be, in essence, attaining points through a default based on effort that they would have not otherwise achieved had the game been played - Or in short, being rewarded and not compensated for the default.

However, you do raise valid points regarding Fighting Eagles. If they continue to cause a high number of defaults in the league then of course their position will be looked at.

i think fighting Eagles should be looked at now due to no one being in charge to make subs ect . speaking from TFS fixture with them there players were offline alot and so was there captain and VC . i even wrote on there thread its like talking to a brick wall as no one replies . its making a massive impact to points gained and loss .
Posts: 7,974
02:38 Tue 25 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
ive pointed out a flaw

that one team can score more points than another
in the same sort of default
thats not right
Deleted User
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02:43 Tue 25 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
I think they should be given an opportunity to improve huts mate, we have them in FCL and i'm optimistic we can get ALL matches played. It may take a bit more work to get there but if we both work to the same common goal we can do it.

I personally think fattmikee regardless what people say about him, if possible return to the helm with Paul having computer problems and help out. When he were there matches got played, regardless of sarcastic comments or bad blood. The team has great players, tarring the whole team with the same brush is unfair and unjust.

Paul has pc problems so does froggy, when that's rectified all will be well, in the mean time we got to face facts and work together.

Posts: 7,974
02:47 Tue 25 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
I think they should be given an opportunity to improve huts mate, we have them in FCL and i'm optimistic we can get ALL matches played. It may take a bit more work to get there but if we both work to the same common goal we can do it.

I personally think fattmikee regardless what people say about him, if possible return to the helm with Paul having computer problems and help out. When he were there matches got played, regardless of sarcastic comments or bad blood. The team has great players, tarring the whole team with the same brush is unfair and unjust.

Paul has pc problems so does froggy, when that's rectified all will be well, in the mean time we got to face facts and work together.


we got 12 points out of 45,,,, trying to get games played
with no effort by eagles at all
hence they got zero points

stop taking the morale high ground if youve nothing to say on topic but out
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:49 Tue 25 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
I think they should be given an opportunity to improve huts mate, we have them in FCL and i'm optimistic we can get ALL matches played. It may take a bit more work to get there but if we both work to the same common goal we can do it.

I personally think fattmikee regardless what people say about him, if possible return to the helm with Paul having computer problems and help out. When he were there matches got played, regardless of sarcastic comments or bad blood. The team has great players, tarring the whole team with the same brush is unfair and unjust.

Paul has pc problems so does froggy, when that's rectified all will be well, in the mean time we got to face facts and work together.


we got 12 points out of 45,,,, trying to get games played
with no effort by eagles at all
hence they got zero points

stop taking the morale high ground if youve nothing to say on topic but out

Stuff your topic I were replying to huts thank you and you're only whining about it as it affected your team, surprise surprise.

Takes two to get a match played not just 1.
Posts: 7,974
02:50 Tue 25 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
I think they should be given an opportunity to improve huts mate, we have them in FCL and i'm optimistic we can get ALL matches played. It may take a bit more work to get there but if we both work to the same common goal we can do it.

I personally think fattmikee regardless what people say about him, if possible return to the helm with Paul having computer problems and help out. When he were there matches got played, regardless of sarcastic comments or bad blood. The team has great players, tarring the whole team with the same brush is unfair and unjust.

Paul has pc problems so does froggy, when that's rectified all will be well, in the mean time we got to face facts and work together.


we got 12 points out of 45,,,, trying to get games played
with no effort by eagles at all
hence they got zero points

stop taking the morale high ground if youve nothing to say on topic but out

Stuff your topic I were replying to huts thank you and you're only whining about it as it affected your team, surprise surprise.

Takes two to get a match played not just 1.

it takes 2

they got zero what do you not understand
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