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Posts: 11,489
14:09 Sat 7 Dec 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
^You want me to describe yet again how I was able to get my game against virtuoso14 played?
It's not an effort that should be expected of anyone.
They had players 5+ days off (who are now still off at 14 days) and didn't have subs. Not sure how clear it can get. Should've been removed.

we have players that log on see if they have opponent online if not go offline dont have to stay there all night waiting for opponent guys offline for 10-14 days have explained to me why there offline
Deleted User
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14:09 Sat 7 Dec 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Defaults have never been linked to teams or players abilities, should always be based purely on efforts made by players and teams.
Posts: 11,489
14:11 Sat 7 Dec 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Defaults have never been linked to teams or players abilities, should always be based purely on efforts made by players and teams.

and most of my players logged in even if games didnt get played
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14:36 Sat 7 Dec 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Defaults have never been linked to teams or players abilities, should always be based purely on efforts made by players and teams.

Precisely. The only thing we did differently this time was limit the affect of the defaults because of the precarious league situation and the teams involved.

Like I said, Pro's seem to be content with their default scores.
Posts: 11,057
00:14 Sun 8 Dec 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
we have players that log on see if they have opponent online if not go offline dont have to stay there all night waiting for opponent guys offline for 10-14 days have explained to me why there offline
If you have guys offline for 10 days at a time, they won't see messages. You had no players, simple as that.
Posts: 11,057
00:20 Sun 8 Dec 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Pro's seem content (correct me if I'm wrong) with the default decisions.
I have to say- I'm surprised. They lost out compared to Uprising, who will get a chance to play them. But they also don't seem to realize how close Uprising are.
That's a fair point, I'll accept that could be a fairer way of doing things - Shall we do that over on Snooker too? (Which would make the SS default around 8 - 0 & the Pro's 13 - 0)
We had 80 points from 7 games. Our average was 11.4, ty
There aren't responsible for this over several fixtures sets. As Chris said, there are several other teams that have had more defaults over the season and in the last fixture set.
They had 8 players who played at least 1 game. However awkward it was to play the game with them is irrelevant, they had 8 available players at some point in the fixture.
That's the feeblest argument I've seen and not the same standard for "activity" that's being set for the other side. You're still punishing the teams that are victimized by the clan with no active players.

Professionals had 1 prior default, we had none. Now 3 combined vs the same opponent.
The numbers are clear and speak for themselves.
Posts: 7,974
00:21 Sun 8 Dec 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
we have players that log on see if they have opponent online if not go offline dont have to stay there all night waiting for opponent guys offline for 10-14 days have explained to me why there offline
If you have guys offline for 10 days at a time, they won't see messages. You had no players, simple as that.

your players are hardly the easiest to arrange games with seb, a little biased arnt you ??

a little is an under statement as well, it wasnt so long ago you couldnt get games played ,,, now all you want to do is stamp your feet
Posts: 11,057
00:22 Sun 8 Dec 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
^Do we have any defaults in any other leagues craigy?
Posts: 7,974
00:37 Sun 8 Dec 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
^Do we have any defaults in any other leagues craigy?

erm only because you bully lower teams to play anyone Sebastian and force them to sub players in

the default is correct applause to the league

so many times have i been shot down for biased defaults and uve laughed in my face

now sunny boy the shoe is on the other foot

the league runners

the default panel

and shushhhh now
deal with it and move on,,,,,,, just being polite unlike some trashy posts uve made before

the league runners and default panel have to be respected Sebastian

mmmmmmm spare a thought, it was what uve said to me before

DIFFERENCE being the last head league runner was a CHEAT
shame id said that for seasons and people like you laughed at us, because we pushed you to the limit, i folded teams rather than be cheated

seb this is simple stop your twisting and accept a fair system and move on

these people dont have hidden agendas,,,,,,,,,, smile my son and move on
Posts: 11,057
00:41 Sun 8 Dec 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
One of the most condescending posts I've ever seen, congrats craig- stayed true to your style. That's how we all know you.

But yeah, you keep folding your clans if that's how you roll. Of course, remembering how it went when you ran the league, I think your input about running things is worth less than the gum I just found at the bottom of my shoe.

Go to bed craig, it's past your bedtime. And you're just not worth discussing this with.
Posts: 7,974
00:45 Sun 8 Dec 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
One of the most condescending posts I've ever seen, congrats craig- stayed true to your style. That's how we all know you.

But yeah, you keep folding your clans if that's how you roll. Of course, remembering how it went when you ran the league, I think your input about running things is worth less than the gum I just found at the bottom of my shoe.

Go to bed craig, it's past your bedtime. And you're just not worth discussing this with.

RESPECT seb shame on you

yet again you have to disrespect people because you havnt got your own way
love it

again RESPECT this league,,, stop crying

these league runners arnt your puppet masters their fair
deal with it,,,
Posts: 7,974
00:49 Sun 8 Dec 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
and your mega funny seb
about me being a league runner

is that the league you withdrew from

lmao NOOOOOOOO,, and it was FBL,, and yet again are you in that league now ????????

look closer seb
who does all the work,,, not you my friend not you
Deleted User
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00:55 Sun 8 Dec 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Alright guys calm it down, let's get this discussion thread back on track please...
Posts: 11,057
00:57 Sun 8 Dec 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
lol craig, ANYTHING you've run has crashed and burned. Great track record!

There can be no discussion with clownpants around lol.

But I think everything's been said. I disagree with you guys and you disagree with me. Not a problem.
Posts: 7,974
00:58 Sun 8 Dec 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
i think you ppl are doing a great job

shame everyone dosnt

keep it going applause
Posts: 7,974
01:06 Sun 8 Dec 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
lol craig, ANYTHING you've run has crashed and burned. Great track record!

There can be no discussion with clownpants around lol.

But I think everything's been said. I disagree with you guys and you disagree with me. Not a problem.

guess a decision went against you
love it when you cant discuss anything without getting personal

shallow seb very very shallow, insults dont make you a bigger person seb its embarrassing reading your posts, it went against you, deal with it

accept the leagues decisions hmmmm sounds a little familiar seb

difference is these guys are to be respected unlike your previous buddys you can huff and puff

but i will say one thing here, you wont blow these guys down

because there fair, again grow up and deal with it

and remember its ONLY A GAME ,,,, SEB lmao
Posts: 11,057
01:20 Sun 8 Dec 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
You're just here to stir the pot craig, but you're so much worse at it than your little buddy. Haven't seen him around in a while! Did you cut him off?

Notice how it was a normal discussion until you turned up? What a coincidence...
Posts: 9,926
02:08 Sun 8 Dec 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Pro's seem content (correct me if I'm wrong) with the default decisions.
I have to say- I'm surprised. They lost out compared to Uprising, who will get a chance to play them. But they also don't seem to realize how close Uprising are.
That's a fair point, I'll accept that could be a fairer way of doing things - Shall we do that over on Snooker too? (Which would make the SS default around 8 - 0 & the Pro's 13 - 0)
We had 80 points from 7 games. Our average was 11.4, ty
There aren't responsible for this over several fixtures sets. As Chris said, there are several other teams that have had more defaults over the season and in the last fixture set.
They had 8 players who played at least 1 game. However awkward it was to play the game with them is irrelevant, they had 8 available players at some point in the fixture.
That's the feeblest argument I've seen and not the same standard for "activity" that's being set for the other side. You're still punishing the teams that are victimized by the clan with no active players.

Professionals had 1 prior default, we had none. Now 3 combined vs the same opponent.
The numbers are clear and speak for themselves.

pros average was 13.16, which using the average scenario would mean we have lost 6 points if we got 2 x 13-0 instead of the 2 x 10-0 SS got 7 and would have got 11 thus 4 points lost. So what you are saying is that defaults have cost pros 2 more points than SS, yet we are not complaining and you are and you are the one that is posting saying it has cost SS when in reality it has cost pros more. Defaults are never easy and no one is ever going to agree but the reality for underdogs in that set is that they had 8 players who played games so there was a chance all games could have been completed however small a chance that was. Maybe it highlights why players should chase and try from day 1 that fixtures are released instead of chasing in the second week when half the time has passed and then complain that they lose points in defaults.
Posts: 11,057
02:17 Sun 8 Dec 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Again, I never meant to see these defaults in comparison with Professionals. I've said that several times now, so I'm not sure why this keeps being said. I don't care very much about 7 points or 10 points. Don't know how else to make that clear to you and pirate. I've said all along that both teams lost out.

A very slim theoretical chance of games being played because 8 different players played a game (with at least 2 of those off for about 13 out of 14 days) is ridiculous and has resulted in the expected 3 defaults against teams that have no other defaults in the season in any league. This was not just in this FCL fixture, but the subsequent FBL fixture as well. Quite a long time to go without replacements.

The league should be decided on the table. Underdogs made it impossible for about 3-4 weeks running. I'm surprised it's led to this much discussion, because I initially thought it was a stonewall case for removal.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:04 Sun 8 Dec 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
If we are saying that one unplayed game decides the whole season then it is the league scoring format which has the problem.

If we are saying that its not the number of defaults a team has but who they are against that matters then that cant be right. Defaults are defaults no matter who the opponents are.
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