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Posts: 22,512
17:52 Sun 18 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
No offence Kirk mate but you always say glad you have quit and stuff similar to that but you still log on and post, mainly to bash the site if you know what i mean. Don't like it don't log in like others do (I may follow soon to be honest)
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19:12 Sun 18 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Posted Image
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20:59 Sun 18 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Posts: 1,714
02:31 Mon 19 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
No offence Kirk mate but you always say glad you have quit and stuff similar to that but you still log on and post, mainly to bash the site if you know what i mean. Don't like it don't log in like others do (I may follow soon to be honest)

Not the site, usually the eejits on it. When i get a spare few mins. I don't log in to moan. I do it to have a laugh.
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03:02 Mon 19 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
No offence Kirk mate but you always say glad you have quit and stuff similar to that but you still log on and post, mainly to bash the site if you know what i mean. Don't like it don't log in like others do (I may follow soon to be honest)

Not the site, usually the eejits on it. When i get a spare few mins. I don't log in to moan. I do it to have a laugh.

seems like this is your spare minutes
Posts: 7,974
10:22 Mon 19 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
since my last post not a lot of suggestions on how to revamp the site which is what I thought

Unless you have suggestions on how to improve the site why bother posting on this thread, how is nick to get the inspiration from members to see what you want

On another note if people have quit the site what's with the attention seeking, if you've gone you've gone, how many times have I read this quote
Goodbye enjoy your life off funky

Has anyone got a suggestion on how to improve this site or is it all waffle
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11:15 Mon 19 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Nick has already said he is working on the Android App to help with numbers on the site and hopes to go onto making a Apple App if possible. I think too many are wanting this to be like space invaders the more you kill the more you recieve so like when you pot more than 1 ball you get a multiplier bonus or something. That ain't going to happen and the site is AS SEEN does what it says in the description. If you want to get bonuses and such download a emulator and play some old school games from the Spectrum or Amiga systems
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18:01 Mon 19 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
You can't really agree or disagree with any of it as it is not my opinion - it's simply a 100% fact of life.

Don't mess with the facts!
Posts: 1,714
18:30 Mon 19 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
since my last post not a lot of suggestions on how to revamp the site which is what I thought

Unless you have suggestions on how to improve the site why bother posting on this thread, how is nick to get the inspiration from members to see what you want

On another note if people have quit the site what's with the attention seeking, if you've gone you've gone, how many times have I read this quote
Goodbye enjoy your life off funky

Has anyone got a suggestion on how to improve this site or is it all waffle

My bad, I just enjoy rubbing it in that I have a life when so many of you's don't. Who actually cares about this site anymore. There is more to life. Il post where I want and say what I want like I always have. Just not as much as the good old days lol.
Posts: 7,974
18:35 Mon 19 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I don't disagree

but I think in the day people, got along and a sad few on this site think their bigger than the site itself

you only have to read clan threads, so much has changed and most dosnt endear itself with funkypool

the total lack of respect for people is unreal and the total double standards of some is laughable

im sure funky was started to provide a fun game site and somewhere to have a laugh

that's whats wrong, its to bloody serious, he said she said who bloody well cares chill out and have a giggle
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18:42 Mon 19 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I don't disagree

but I think in the day people, got along and a sad few on this site think their bigger than the site itself

you only have to read clan threads, so much has changed and most dosnt endear itself with funkypool

the total lack of respect for people is unreal and the total double standards of some is laughable

im sure funky was started to provide a fun game site and somewhere to have a laugh

that's whats wrong, its to bloody serious, he said she said who bloody well cares chill out and have a giggle

* likes *
Posts: 491
19:16 Mon 19 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
R.I.P funkypool
Posts: 7,940
21:43 Mon 19 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
^^^^ Thats the sort of post that creates the negativity that puts the site down, people post this stuff because they don't get what they want, bit like spoilt kids, yet they still login nearly every day lol. Most of the negative stuff seems to be coming from a group of members that have been members for a long time, they should look back at what was on here when they joined, alot less than whats here now, seems to me that the more people get the more they want, its never enough.
The way the site is at the moment has mixed feelings amongst the members, some like it and some hate it, never going to keep everyone happy.
Nick created the android app and I'm sure hes looking to improve on that and and as said above hopefully an apple app.
Instead of slating the site when ideas are not implemented, try putting forward more better ideas, I'm sure if nick likes an idea he will look at it, hes not going to like them all, who does ?

Edited at 22:07 Mon 19/08/13 (BST)
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22:19 Mon 19 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Doubles, doubles, doubles

and more doubles
Posts: 19,262
23:53 Mon 19 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
As ab says you cant please everyone.

I think the vast majority of people would like to see doubles implemented as well as less tournaments, maybe going back to how it used to be.

Some other ideas i thought and have probably being suggested before are...

- rank specific tournaments ( such as the settings you have in creating a game room)

- Bigger straight totals i.e first to 50,100 etc

- Limits on the amount a person can deactivate an account then create a new, for example a maximum 10 a year

- Scrap micros, although i know a few people enjoy them if they cant commit to the time constraints of a normal tournament

- Killer tournaments once a night. I think this would possibly gather the amount of entries that everyone wants.

- Tournapoints reward scheme - I personally dont like the tournapoints, but maybe offering something like a premium cue design or something of that kind of thinking.

Iv not really put any complete thought into these ideas, but im sure you all can come up with pro's and con's for them all.
Posts: 22,512
01:10 Tue 20 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
- Bigger straight totals first to 50,100.

I think this would be better, most of the people that play straight are capable of large runs anyway and i would like to see it put in personally.

- Limits on the amount a person can deactivate an account then create a new, for example a maximum 10 a year.

This should also be put in, would definitely limit the number of fake players and new accounts, although the seven days you get should be enough.

- Scrap micros, although i know a few people enjoy them if they cant commit to the time constraints of a normal tournament.

I think scraping them all would be a mistake but lowering the number of them would be better.

- Killer tournaments once a night. I think this would possibly gather the amount of entries that everyone wants.

I think this was spoke about before and it would take a lot to implement but it would be fun to see.

- Tournapoints reward scheme - I personally dont like the tournapoints, but maybe offering something like a premium cue design or something of that kind of thinking.

I like it but it is pointless when there is so many micro tournaments. A reward would be a good idea but it is usually the same players playing for the medals day in day out.
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14:49 Tue 20 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
One thing i would like to change on this website would be the 20min logout rule, I understand it on the game screen, but not on the website. If I am browsing and go off the forums for 20 mins, it will log me out.

Is there a way of keeping the game screen at 20mins and maybe forums logged in a bit longer or anything?
Posts: 22,512
16:00 Tue 20 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Go to edit at the top right under your username, and click on remember ID. I use that a lot and it seems anytime you move your mouse after a long period of being off the computer you are logged straight back in. It can be annoying sometimes as people think you are there when sometimes you are not.
Posts: 6,262
21:10 Tue 20 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I'll not spam and quote your whole post but you said... Jay

- Limits on the amount a person can deactivate an account then create a new, for example a maximum 10 a year.

This should also be put in, would definitely limit the number of fake players and new accounts, although the seven days you get should be enough.

How would it limit new accounts ?

I also can't see how an ip system would work as with 3g dongle ips different everytime I log in and different again when I log in at home on real connection.

That and many people use proxies, tor etc...

I agree with your other comments though
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03:11 Tue 24 Sep 13 (BST)  [Link]  
is there any old timers left on here?
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