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Posts: 1,594
22:02 Fri 11 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
yh bonus points for 7 ballings, that would open up the games a lot and people would always be trying to clear up, you could get unpredictable results or 1 amazing result of like 24-0 with that in place, sounds exciting
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22:20 Fri 11 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
yh bonus points for 7 ballings, that would open up the games a lot and people would always be trying to clear up, you could get unpredictable results or 1 amazing result of like 24-0 with that in place, sounds exciting

Definitely Pete I love the format they have come up with but 7 ballers for me are worth a lot more than gbs
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22:44 Fri 11 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  

we trying to vote and change rules on a league we not tried.

lets give them a chance as a lower team we know heavy defeats but might surprise u all.
Posts: 7,940
22:53 Fri 11 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Looks interesting.
I think the extra bonuses (which make a theoretical score of 24-0 possible in a single game) may separate the top teams from the lower teams even further.
Somebody ordinarily winning 10-2 would probably win 16-2 instead with the game type bonuses.

But we'll see how it plays out...

As I've said to Alan as good as this seems the run out / gb section will highlight further the difference in class as people gettin two attempts at a run out or a gb now have a much higher chance especially the ones that have a run out / gb break, but as you say see how it plays out.

You mention gb's will highlight the difference in class, surely theres more chance of 7ballings doing that, whos got more chance of a 7balling, the top players or the socalled weaker players, the answer is obvious, well is to me lol, where if gb's are total flukes like most of you say the odds are more even.
As kenny said, give it a season to see how it goes and then review things, your trying to change things without trying first.
Posts: 7,974
23:02 Fri 11 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
id say somthing very simple here
good or bad
ansnswer is simple it was v v v good

give these people a chance, i didnt see any people worrying in FSL

i thinks its some thing to aim for
like a 147 break or 9 dart finsih

last season in FSL i got a 9-1 win in arcade i was well chuffed, if you can hit a 24-0 if thats the score lets see who hits it first

sorry stella cidre is speaking, i just think let it breathe
Posts: 2,463
23:10 Fri 11 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
I agree with your philosphy completely alan I think that's exactly right.
Difference is, I think highlighting the difference in class is a good thing, the whole point of a competition.

Something I find funny.....
I think I complained about the golden breaks after FSL started, and people said too late, already started.

Now I say something here, and they say wait, give it a chance, it hasnt started.
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23:15 Fri 11 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
I agree with your philosphy completely alan I think that's exactly right.
Difference is, I think highlighting the difference in class is a good thing, the whole point of a competition.

Something I find funny.....
I think I complained about the golden breaks after FSL started, and people said too late, already started.

Now I say something here, and they say wait, give it a chance, it hasnt started.

Nicely put been, I'm not disputing that 7 ballers don't show a difference in class, what I'm trying to say is ahould we really reward luck? Which lets face it gbs are, do real pool players in real life go for golden breaks in 8uk or 8us ? No because quite simply it's a re-rack I don't think luck should be rewarded at all
Posts: 7,940
23:17 Fri 11 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Fair enough mate but why put in 7ballings when it obviously gives the better players an advantage over the socalled weaker players, as I said above, if gb's are total flukes like most of you say the odds are more even, clan leagues aint set up to suit either the top or weaker players, its about being fair, treating all players the same and giving them all the same opportunity to gain points for their clans, not swaying a system either way.
Posts: 2,463
23:17 Fri 11 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well said yourself matty, my point exactly
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23:22 Fri 11 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Nobody wants to away the system Alan fairness is not measured by luck though is it? Well don't have gbs or 7 balls and just have run outs would that not be fairer?
Posts: 38,097
23:23 Fri 11 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
gb can have skill i proved that when i made 3 in a row in practice which was planned. i even recorded the break on youtube
Posts: 2,463
23:23 Fri 11 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
I think it would Matty, that the golden breaks sway the system toward the lesser players. Don't we all agree it raises their chance of winning a match
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23:27 Fri 11 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
gb can have skill i proved that when i made 3 in a row in practice which was planned. i even recorded the break on youtube

Pixelated breaks are not skill.
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23:28 Fri 11 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Exactly been, a true reflection of skill is the fcl where there are no bonuses BUT I do like the bonuses for a run out as I think it's one of the hardest things to do on here and that's one of the reasons I like this league.
Posts: 7,940
23:28 Fri 11 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
lol, how can that be if they are total flukes, surely we are all capable of getting flukes, not everyone is capable of clearing a table for runouts or 7ballings.
Posts: 38,097
23:30 Fri 11 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Nobody wants to away the system Alan fairness is not measured by luck though is it? Well don't have gbs or 7 balls and just have run outs would that not be fairer?

no since gb is an announcement. we do need some element of luck in competitions to give minor clans a chance. people talk luck lets get rid of flukeball

lets say you got a planned gb in 9 ball that is a 1-9 combination which is a runout. sorry but people are only thinking top teams if they are that good they can play under almost any circumstances
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23:35 Fri 11 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
I have no opinion anymore as tbh there is no point in having an opinion or trying to get your point across, we all have different opinions me and been was just sharing ours. Freedom of speech is something we all still have thankfully.
Posts: 38,097
23:35 Fri 11 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
I think it would Matty, that the golden breaks sway the system toward the lesser players. Don't we all agree it raises their chance of winning a match

isnt that the point? we need to make things close as possible not favour the big teams. In fact just raising the format means top teams should win almost any match
Posts: 22,512
23:41 Fri 11 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
I think you can plan a golden break in a way - i 99% of the time use the golden break break in 8UK for that simple fact you can get one sometimes.

Then again you don't come across them very much anymore, especially in 9US which i have noticed quite a bit so i don't see the problem in having them in the bonus format thing.

If you was to add 7 ballings to it then some may say well a run out also adds a 7 balling to your profile so would you want an extra point for that too =/
Posts: 38,097
23:56 Fri 11 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
if you could have half a point (like ryder cup) then could use this ...

Runout - 1.0
Golden Break - 0.5 (1.0 if 9 Ball)
7 Balling - 0.5

jay answer would be 1.0 due to runout
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