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Posts: 1,714
15:30 Wed 13 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Onto a more serious note. Iv just learned you get a bonus point for a golden break. I find this rather daft in my opinion, as winning the frame from what is essentially a fluke shot is reward enough. I know not all will agree with that statement.

I think it would be better if there is a bonus point for a 7 ball instead then at least it's earned. Maybe if more agree with me it could go down to a vote to see about it being changed for next season. Maybe I'm just on my own on this one but if more agree then it may be worth looking into. I know not everyone will agree.

Please discuss and get a job!!!!
Posts: 7,940
18:55 Wed 13 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Was discussed a while back on this thread and there were different opinions, league runners left it in, I think you'll find theres not been many.
Posts: 1,714
20:25 Thu 14 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
At the very least then, could there also be a bonus point for 7 balls. I think it requires a lot more skill than getting a golden break. Could there even be a vote to see if people would like it added? For instance getting every clan captain to vote?
Deleted User
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21:32 Thu 14 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
The Clan League - Fixture Set 5

These are the matches for Fixture Set 5 which will be released Sunday.

Uprising v Fighting Eagles
Pocket Dynamos v The Professionals
Chips n Gravy v The Sinners
Snooker Squad v Elite Force
The Unbeatables v The Underdogs
The Vipers v The Reliable Ones

Uprising v The Vipers
Pocket Dynamos v Fighting Eagles
Chips n Gravy v The Professionals
Snooker Squad v The Sinners
The Unbeatables v Elite Force
The Underdogs v The Reliable Ones

Please can you let me have teams of eight for each match as soon as possible.

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22:00 Thu 14 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
At the very least then, could there also be a bonus point for 7 balls. I think it requires a lot more skill than getting a golden break. Could there even be a vote to see if people would like it added? For instance getting every clan captain to vote?

Was going to open up format discussions a little later in the season but no harm in doing so now for constructive input.

The current format was drawn up at short notice out of respect and consideration for others. That said it has proved to be the first format that rewards the better player across all three game types in any given match. Despite that I know its not popular with all.

The most important thing is to offer an environment and format that the vast majority of players want to play in, and one they feel offers the best test as a player and as a clan. The first I think has been comfortably achieved so time to achieve the second as well.

I am open to absolutely any suggestion regarding numbers of players, numbers of racks, type of games and event or any other bonuses.

The only things I would like to see are...

1) A reduction in the effect of any given default score on a whole season - ie default scores only applying in the direct game between the teams involved which probably means moving away from the cumulative scoring that currently exists


2) Some form of play-off - again for the same reason that it means that defaults should never affect who wins the overall competition.

Other than that it's a free rein for all.

Edited at 20:04 Thu 14/03/13 (GMT)
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00:32 Sun 17 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
brainphr33ze vs emmajane
0-6.... he then logged out.

At this point he left and has now deactivated =/

Guess we might be stuck with a default here.

Is there anything I could do here to get game played?
Posts: 8,780
00:39 Sun 17 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
The only thing you can do is hope he comes back in time, or they make a sub to get the rest played
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21:27 Sun 17 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
The Clan League - Fixture Set 5

The end is in sight

These are the matches for Fixture Set 5 which can be found here ...

Deadline for these games is Midnight UK 31/3/13

Deleted User
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19:54 Mon 18 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Fixture Set 4

Any information regarding these unplayed/part played games?

Uprising v Unbeatables

emmajane vs brainphr33ze

Unbeatables v The Vipers

doubler vs junster333
ritcho vs lfc12
brainphr33ze vs the_saint

Elite Force v The Professionals

lost vs horse10000
solskjaer20 vs beenjammin

The Sinners v The Reliable Ones

king8ball1 vs free_one

Please note that any information/evidence provided should be relevant to the game and directly relevant to any player that was in the fixture and should demonstrate an ongoing committment to getting a game played as far as possible.

Please can I have any information by Wednesday Midnight.

Posts: 1,594
12:07 Thu 21 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ive probably changed my mind on the 7 balling rule tbh, against top opposition yh ok it is a good achievement but against say a lesser opponent 1 that really struggles to pot, would mean there would be a lot of 7 ballings, plus if players had vendettas against other clans this could give a lot of points away if sum1 wanted to ruin the league for others.

Runouts on the other hand are all you so no1 can accuse u of throwing a frame away or giving a 7 balling away, if it was me i would throw away the golden break rule, and give 2 points for every runout

7 ballings would also possibly encourage more safety play and could negate runouts. Thus making the match boring and some people might have to change the way they approach a game.

Would love the 2 points for a run tho
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20:29 Sun 24 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Chips n gravy out.
Deleted User
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22:32 Mon 25 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Following the withdrawal of Chips n Gravy, Uprising have been reinstated to The League Cup and will play Snooker Squad in the Semi-Finals due to commence in the next 6 days.

Also still seeking any input from members aimed at developing the format to one that people want and that even further provides the best test for players across all relevant game types.
Posts: 3,846
22:57 Mon 25 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
hello, has the players champ next round been drawn yet chris
Posts: 22,512
23:06 Mon 25 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Good news for Uprising but we lost fair and square so we should be out totally, or has this been done just so the cup schedule you have can stay the same...

Fact here though is we lost and are out, other teams lost and i don't see them reinstated... not very fair.
Deleted User
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22:10 Tue 26 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Its simple common sense really. At the point a team withdraws from the league all of their results are expunged.

So in the same way that your league defeat has been removed because, in effect, it never existed then so has your cup defeat.

Now of course if Uprising did not wish to take part then thats fine but as it happens I know thats not the case.
Deleted User
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12:02 Wed 27 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
The Clan League - Fixture Set 6

These are the matches for Fixture Set 6 which will be released Sunday. Just one final game per clan except for the Fighting Eagles whose season ends this Sunday unless they make it to the top 4 and Play-Offs

Uprising v The Reliable Ones
Pocket Dynamos v The Vipers
Snooker Squad v The Professionals
The Unbeatables v The Sinners
The Underdogs v Elite Force

Please can you let me have teams of eight for each match as soon as possible.

The League Cup - Semi-Finals

Teams also required the following two matches...

Snooker Squad v Uprising
The Professionals v The Sinners

Again teams as soon as possible. Fixtures will be released once all four teams received.


Edited at 10:06 Wed 27/03/13 (GMT)
Posts: 11,061
22:04 Thu 28 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hi, have Sinners folded or do we still have to bother begging for a sub?
Posts: 6,262
22:09 Thu 28 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
You know we've folded
Deleted User
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16:15 Sat 30 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
The League Cup - Semi-Finals

Games now released - well actually last night!!

Snooker Squad v Uprising

irish_ninja v jose_enrique
angry_bacon v crazy_greg
derik_dalton v davey_1985
cgibson92 v whocares8x8
bluenose1872 v r1p0m4n
mich v sarny_lad
sharky89 v thegame26
greenie1893 v lethal_lures

The Professionals v The Unbeatables

davybaumers v liam__scfc
scott7a 5 v 1 turtle1560
rapid_pot (s) 4 v 2 poolbiird
ginomanx3 v hippesville
cphaynes 5 v 1 im_bad
beenjammin v dbno
dvz v ritcho
i_am_blessed v im_crap_adam

Deadline for these games is Midnight UK 14/4/13
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:14 Sat 30 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
The Clan League - Fixture Set 6

These are the matches for Fixture Set 6...

Uprising v The Reliable Ones
Pocket Dynamos v The Vipers
Snooker Squad v The Professionals
The Underdogs v Elite Force

Snooker Squad vs The Professionals for top spot.

Fighting Eagles currently sit in 4th spot however if Pocket Dynamos score 70 points or more they can go into The Play-Offs.
Elite Force can also still get there with a very big win in their final game.

Deadline for these games is Midnight UK 14/4/13
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