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FCL League Discussion Thread (3)

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Posts: 2,463
16:51 Tue 21 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Backing of my close friends? There was no backing at all.

I don't see a clan going negative in frame difference and winning the league for one as to go negative you would need to lose a few games.

Didn't you say:
"This rule is non negotiable and i know i have the backing of many clan members on this." ?
Just seemed to me like you went with your own personal opinion (as soon as you saw a few agree with you), rather than considering everyone.

That second part, I hope you're right. But 20 points is asking for a problem. By the way, I'm not talking about them being in the negative, I'm worried about them not being the highest.

Edited at 14:18 Tue 21/05/13 (BST)
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17:08 Tue 21 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Has every player from every team been given a pre-season fixture? If so, we have no one to be able to sub in, we could switch the fixtures but will still be in the same situation.

Maybe setting up 12 players from each team with pre-season fixtures might be a bit more beneficial as it would give teams a bit more use of their resources (ie. 4 spare players) to dig them out of their hole.
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17:45 Tue 21 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
cke1982 said:
i think when a person agrees to join ur clan u sign them up and then they leave and go to another clan if they do that they should be banned till transfer window opens

huts24 said:
i think this transfer rule should also be in both FCL and FBL . hopeing FCL adopts this and FBL follows . also super league

this is already in effect in the FBL, however the season has not begun yet we are currently in our transfer window. when it shuts this saturday then no one will be permitted to move, this includes the pre-seasons until the mid season window.
Posts: 4,557
18:10 Tue 21 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
good to know jem just wish other leagues would follow and see the positives to this .
Posts: 22,512
18:11 Tue 21 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
good to know jem just wish other leagues would follow and see the positives to this .

FCL does the same thing... stop whining.
Posts: 19,819
21:06 Tue 21 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Subs/swaps so early in a fixture good or bad?
Just want to get a generally conversation going around here i dont like making subs in the first week and feel it can confuse players.
I know in fbl there was an attempt at no subs inn the first week and it wasn't liked but just i dont get all this subbing and swapping think the 2 players should have a week at least to try and get a game done.
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21:11 Tue 21 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Each player should be given as much time as necessary to fulfil their fixture however, if a captain or vice feel it's more beneficial (to get the game played) then it's their duty and right to make whatever decision they deem appropriate at that given time.

This will eventually benefit their team in the long run.
Posts: 19,819
21:18 Tue 21 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Each player should be given as much time as necessary to fulfil their fixture however, if a captain or vice feel it's more beneficial (to get the game played) then it's their duty and right to make whatever decision they deem appropriate at that given time.

This will eventually benefit their team in the long run.

See its a grey area ash i have seen subs made from other clans and players paired up that i know dont get on and I thought oh boy lmao.
That was last season btw incase you thought it was aimed at your clan.
Generally i like my lads to have a week, but sometimes i make subs. Do think some captains rush subs where as sub (possibly me) hold off making subs abit to long though think im getting better
Posts: 10,109
21:49 Tue 21 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Each player should be given as much time as necessary to fulfil their fixture however, if a captain or vice feel it's more beneficial (to get the game played) then it's their duty and right to make whatever decision they deem appropriate at that given time.

This will eventually benefit their team in the long run.

See its a grey area ash i have seen subs made from other clans and players paired up that i know dont get on and I thought oh boy lmao.
That was last season btw incase you thought it was aimed at your clan.
Generally i like my lads to have a week, but sometimes i make subs. Do think some captains rush subs where as sub (possibly me) hold off making subs abit to long though think im getting better

When it's pre season, the results are immaterial, it's purely about getting the games played. Any competent captain will sub or swap asap if two eligible players are on at the same time, especially if all their players are cool with it.
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21:50 Tue 21 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Each player should be given as much time as necessary to fulfil their fixture however, if a captain or vice feel it's more beneficial (to get the game played) then it's their duty and right to make whatever decision they deem appropriate at that given time.

This will eventually benefit their team in the long run.

See its a grey area ash i have seen subs made from other clans and players paired up that i know dont get on and I thought oh boy lmao.
That was last season btw incase you thought it was aimed at your clan.
Generally i like my lads to have a week, but sometimes i make subs. Do think some captains rush subs where as sub (possibly me) hold off making subs abit to long though think im getting better

When it's pre season, the results are immaterial, it's purely about getting the games played. Any competent captain will sub or swap asap if two eligible players are on at the same time, especially if all their players are cool with it.

Exactly my point too faust m8.
Posts: 11,489
21:51 Tue 21 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
don't know what elite force are going on sign a player he plays a few games and gets poached its a joke
Posts: 11,489
21:52 Tue 21 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
i agree these pre- friendlys are pointless , your players play well and other teams try and poach them . i also think there should be a rule if a player joins a clan before start of season then they cant move so quickly , meaning onua ,long_potz , rynocov .

there should be some security for the clan when u sign a player as all clans build . i understand clans asking players to join thats normal but when its new signings its a tad annoying .

i think this transfer rule should also be in both FCL and FBL . hopeing FCL adopts this and FBL follows . also super league

Edited at 10:35 Tue 21/05/13 (BST)

ur the worse at it pot calling the kettle black
Posts: 9,926
22:05 Tue 21 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Each player should be given as much time as necessary to fulfil their fixture however, if a captain or vice feel it's more beneficial (to get the game played) then it's their duty and right to make whatever decision they deem appropriate at that given time.

This will eventually benefit their team in the long run.

See its a grey area ash i have seen subs made from other clans and players paired up that i know dont get on and I thought oh boy lmao.
That was last season btw incase you thought it was aimed at your clan.
Generally i like my lads to have a week, but sometimes i make subs. Do think some captains rush subs where as sub (possibly me) hold off making subs abit to long though think im getting better

Subs should always been down to the captains discretion, it shouldn't matter if he does it on day 1 or day 14 he has to stand by his decisions.

The biggest problem is clans not subbing and leaving there better players in as late as possible and when they do sub it is too late. Then they have the cheek to ask for a sub to get game completed and some clans then sub out a player who has been active for all 12 days up till this point.

That is why completion bonuses don't work and can be unfair. If the game does not get played it is fairer that the game goes to default over the entire 2 week fixture and clans who leave inactive players in and dont sub will get penalised and will then learn and hopefully not do it again and sub earlier.
Posts: 11,489
22:13 Tue 21 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Subs/swaps so early in a fixture good or bad?
Just want to get a generally conversation going around here i dont like making subs in the first week and feel it can confuse players.
I know in fbl there was an attempt at no subs inn the first week and it wasn't liked but just i dont get all this subbing and swapping think the 2 players should have a week at least to try and get a game done.

I use to give my players 7 days till they get subbed changed it to 5 now
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17:49 Wed 22 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I'm new to all this 'chopping and changing', but Id give the player the benefit of the doubt all I ask is for good communication with the captain and vice and their opponent. Pressurizing someone into playing their match when they are not at all comfortable could have a detrimental effect on how the match goes.

Will always monitor situations should they arise but have complete trust with all players on the team.
Posts: 19,819
00:15 Thu 23 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
well i all ways think that people should get a week to play and after that then sub maybe. not keep on the chopping and changes as it can lead to problems along the way.
Posts: 11,489
15:53 Fri 24 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I think if a team gets within so many points of another team they should be given a bonus point if eg my team was 10 points down then fixtures over but if u have a chance of getting a point u would have something to play for
Posts: 4,557
16:03 Fri 24 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
there should be a set rules in subbing for all clans when a player is offline 7 days a sub will be made . this will reduce teams looking for wins in defaults
Deleted User
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16:09 Fri 24 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
A Code of Conduct could help but is there are too many set rules this may as well replace the duties of a Captain or Vice, there would be hardly any point to having them. Subs should be made when the captain or vice deem appropriate using their common sense, (ie. not subbing in an inactive player).

'Playing for defaults' is just an overused expression, I honestly don't think anyone does it's just down to misinterpretation and how the recipient is feeling on that specific day.
Posts: 38,097
17:03 Sat 25 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
there should be a set rules in subbing for all clans when a player is offline 7 days a sub will be made . this will reduce teams looking for wins in defaults

this wouldn't happen in my view as you could be offline 7 days before fixture start then on snooker you could be active, all it takes in most cases is a message and they would come online. If you had no communication then the captain could sub but its up to them.

If they don't sub then this would go against them so by not subbing that team is punishing themselves unless they made all the effort and the other clan would only sub on deadline day and demand a sub from you, this would go against the team who didn't make effort.

all about captain discretion
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