FCL League Discussion Thread (3)
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20:07 Sun 26 May 13 (BST)
I think the week break is to also allow time for the FBL to catch up, its about time they were running together in unison again?
Can i ask why the transfer week is so early in the season with 2 before and 4 after? why not put the transfer week after 3 fixtures and before 3? Thanks.
Can i ask why the transfer week is so early in the season with 2 before and 4 after? why not put the transfer week after 3 fixtures and before 3? Thanks.
21:00 Sun 26 May 13 (BST)
They were running together last season also but FBL had more teams so there season carried on longer. The week break is nothing to do with FBL though, as Pre Season is one game with a week deadline there. It is for the reasons given which Jema posted as i couldn't be bothered to post
Transfer week is that early as because there is four rounds of the cup (Round One, Quarters, Semis and Final). There is a rule about being cup tied with a clan, so to stop bringing that rule in to effect the transfer period is earlier. Also FBL is going to be shorter than the FCL this season (by about a week) and we need to run the league together so makes sense the the transfer window is at the same time.
Transfer week is that early as because there is four rounds of the cup (Round One, Quarters, Semis and Final). There is a rule about being cup tied with a clan, so to stop bringing that rule in to effect the transfer period is earlier. Also FBL is going to be shorter than the FCL this season (by about a week) and we need to run the league together so makes sense the the transfer window is at the same time.
21:05 Sun 26 May 13 (BST)
Oh i know what i was going to suggest but bet its too late now as the schedules been done. Its annoying that the final is always after the final league game of the season. Wouldn't it be better to do the cup earlier?
21:16 Sun 26 May 13 (BST)
just wondering what you thought about the 7day offline rule / auto sub to all clans jay . default will be lower and games will be played better i feel . some clans odopt this already but i would like all clans to odopt it . maybe a new 7 day offline rule?
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21:27 Sun 26 May 13 (BST)
As long as their captain or vice is aware the reasons for being inactive then I really don't see the problem. Each fixture has a designated DEADLINE date so I'm sure players know they have to arrange their match and play within that time period.
With these pre-season matches some of our opponents have indicated they would not be able to play till a certain date, surely it's unfair to counteract their arrangement should they be a little longer than first indicated?
There are some players who may not communicate with their Captain then that's down to their Captains discretion.
So I disagree with the 7 day rule, as you cannot 'tar everyone with the same brush', some may be genuine and it's hard to differentiate.
Edited at 18:32 Sun 26/05/13 (BST)
With these pre-season matches some of our opponents have indicated they would not be able to play till a certain date, surely it's unfair to counteract their arrangement should they be a little longer than first indicated?
There are some players who may not communicate with their Captain then that's down to their Captains discretion.
So I disagree with the 7 day rule, as you cannot 'tar everyone with the same brush', some may be genuine and it's hard to differentiate.
Edited at 18:32 Sun 26/05/13 (BST)
22:30 Sun 26 May 13 (BST)
generally if one of my players is offline 7 days I remove rom games, one situation i didnt was when I knew the player would be on the next day which he was.
But on the whole i feel 7 days offline there should be a sub unless the captain knows something or the player has stated when he will return.
But on the whole i feel 7 days offline there should be a sub unless the captain knows something or the player has stated when he will return.
22:32 Sun 26 May 13 (BST)
^ and thats why their can't be a rule but its about captain discretion.
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07:18 Mon 27 May 13 (BST)
I have noticed a few of the pre-season friendlies have got partial played games and wanted to say a few words regarding this.
It's all fair that if the game is partial and has been decided by both to play the remainder at a later date due to whatever reason but the throwing in of the towel and not carrying on should be punished.
I also see another side to this that the Captain may not want to punish the player who threw in the towel as he may have been having a bad run etc etc and banish him from the Clan to allow another player to continue the games.
A Set amount of game bans should be applied to that player but it would also still allow them to continue in that clan and not be excluded until a transfer window to play clan games.
If it was to happen again a season ban would be appropriate. It could also allow another member of the clan to finish off the unplayed games and complete the set.
This would decrease the defaults and punish the individual at the same time.
What i am trying to say is booting clan members for the sake to just get the game played does feel extreme.
It's all fair that if the game is partial and has been decided by both to play the remainder at a later date due to whatever reason but the throwing in of the towel and not carrying on should be punished.
I also see another side to this that the Captain may not want to punish the player who threw in the towel as he may have been having a bad run etc etc and banish him from the Clan to allow another player to continue the games.
A Set amount of game bans should be applied to that player but it would also still allow them to continue in that clan and not be excluded until a transfer window to play clan games.
If it was to happen again a season ban would be appropriate. It could also allow another member of the clan to finish off the unplayed games and complete the set.
This would decrease the defaults and punish the individual at the same time.
What i am trying to say is booting clan members for the sake to just get the game played does feel extreme.
14:50 Tue 28 May 13 (BST)
regarding leaving games mid fixture.
On Snooker (im just posting an example) we have a defaults penalty system where if you get 3 defaults in two seasons (and your at fault), you are warned then if you receive another default you get a fixture suspension.
If you wanted you could apply the same logic here except maybe two times for a warning and three times for one fixture suspension then people may be encouraged to finish.
On Snooker (im just posting an example) we have a defaults penalty system where if you get 3 defaults in two seasons (and your at fault), you are warned then if you receive another default you get a fixture suspension.
If you wanted you could apply the same logic here except maybe two times for a warning and three times for one fixture suspension then people may be encouraged to finish.
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14:51 Tue 28 May 13 (BST)
If someone leaves for no reason and makes no attempt to complete their match or contact their captains or vice within 48 hours then the difference of frames remaining should be deducted from their teams overall score? You win, lose draw as a team.
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14:53 Tue 28 May 13 (BST)
There are many reasons people could leave games though and not always have the time to sit there and explain.
My main reason could be Riley for example, what if he is sick mid-game, do I make my game priority? Of course not, I'd bolt and sort my son first and foremost and worry about this later.
I shouldn't get punished for that.
My main reason could be Riley for example, what if he is sick mid-game, do I make my game priority? Of course not, I'd bolt and sort my son first and foremost and worry about this later.
I shouldn't get punished for that.
14:53 Tue 28 May 13 (BST)
Same already applies here i just don't have it in the rules, pool is two games though then a warning, another default will be a fixture suspension and so on. Same as snooker just this is for one season not the two that snooker do.
14:55 Tue 28 May 13 (BST)
im talking about ragequitting Jem
There are many reasons people could leave games though and not always have the time to sit there and explain.
My main reason could be Riley for example, what if he is sick mid-game, do I make my game priority? Of course not, I'd bolt and sort my son first and foremost and worry about this later.
I shouldn't get punished for that.
My main reason could be Riley for example, what if he is sick mid-game, do I make my game priority? Of course not, I'd bolt and sort my son first and foremost and worry about this later.
I shouldn't get punished for that.
im talking about ragequitting Jem
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14:57 Tue 28 May 13 (BST)
But how do you know that it is rage quitting? If I was 6 - 1 and had to leave 3 days before deadline and didn't come back before the deadline, it could be perceived as rage quitting.
14:59 Tue 28 May 13 (BST)
leaving/deactivating before the frame ends, i see it often on snooker when someone is losing they just leave instead of playing the frame out.
ragequitting generally only happens if your behind.
ragequitting generally only happens if your behind.
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15:12 Tue 28 May 13 (BST)
I played someone the other week and unfortunately he had to leave the game, he told me the reasons why and this were done amicably. We arranged there and then when we would reconvene and we did exactly that. There were no animosity, no hard feelings just a total respect for each other.
People who just leave for no reason should have the common decency to acknowledge their opponent within a 48 hour period in order to either complete their match or arrange a further date. There are some who just abuse the system and leave as they are losing, the game is lot down to how you play on the day and luck plays a big part but leaving for your own convenience is nothing but 'shallow'.
The getting penalized is a good idea but i think it shouldn't just be the individual it should be the team as a whole. The player will be spoken with by their captain and appropriate action would be taken at their discretion, ie, releasing players if happens too often, then they are not a team player and Id deem them surplus to requirements. There are always going to be other players who would have hopefully a bit more respect to their captain and all their team. Hence the difference of frames remaining being deducted from the overall score, just put in brackets the amount of the deduction alongside the score.
Hopefully this would deter players from leaving once a game has started, if not then that player does not warrant a place in the TEAM. 'You got to be cruel to be kind sometimes lol.'
People who just leave for no reason should have the common decency to acknowledge their opponent within a 48 hour period in order to either complete their match or arrange a further date. There are some who just abuse the system and leave as they are losing, the game is lot down to how you play on the day and luck plays a big part but leaving for your own convenience is nothing but 'shallow'.
The getting penalized is a good idea but i think it shouldn't just be the individual it should be the team as a whole. The player will be spoken with by their captain and appropriate action would be taken at their discretion, ie, releasing players if happens too often, then they are not a team player and Id deem them surplus to requirements. There are always going to be other players who would have hopefully a bit more respect to their captain and all their team. Hence the difference of frames remaining being deducted from the overall score, just put in brackets the amount of the deduction alongside the score.
Hopefully this would deter players from leaving once a game has started, if not then that player does not warrant a place in the TEAM. 'You got to be cruel to be kind sometimes lol.'
15:15 Tue 28 May 13 (BST)
why should the team be punished for one player? lets say destiny joined SS, he plays damee in a race to 50, destiny is losing 10-0 so he leaves on purpose so he can regroup.
it should be destiny that should be punished as its not the clans fault the player left intentionally.
it should be destiny that should be punished as its not the clans fault the player left intentionally.
15:17 Tue 28 May 13 (BST)
I think something similar to the old system (which never seemed to be used) should be brought back. If you are deemed to cause 2 defaults in a season you're suspended for the rest of season (or a certain amount of fixture sets)
regarding leaving games mid fixture.
On Snooker (im just posting an example) we have a defaults penalty system where if you get 3 defaults in two seasons (and your at fault), you are warned then if you receive another default you get a fixture suspension.
If you wanted you could apply the same logic here except maybe two times for a warning and three times for one fixture suspension then people may be encouraged to finish.
On Snooker (im just posting an example) we have a defaults penalty system where if you get 3 defaults in two seasons (and your at fault), you are warned then if you receive another default you get a fixture suspension.
If you wanted you could apply the same logic here except maybe two times for a warning and three times for one fixture suspension then people may be encouraged to finish.
I think something similar to the old system (which never seemed to be used) should be brought back. If you are deemed to cause 2 defaults in a season you're suspended for the rest of season (or a certain amount of fixture sets)
15:23 Tue 28 May 13 (BST)
Maybe a sort of yellow/red card suspension system. Where scoring 20-35% of frames is a minor infringement, less than 20% is a major infringement.
1 minor is a warning, 2 in a season means 1 set suspension (which can carry over into a new season). 1 major means automatic 1 set suspension. Picking up further defaults in a season put's you liable to stricter punishment.
1 minor is a warning, 2 in a season means 1 set suspension (which can carry over into a new season). 1 major means automatic 1 set suspension. Picking up further defaults in a season put's you liable to stricter punishment.
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15:24 Tue 28 May 13 (BST)
Was just an idea lol.
Trying to help 'nip this leaving malarky in the butt', I just think as you are representing your team then you should finish your match whatever the score. 50 frames is a poor example sorry, but I can see where you are coming from.
I think it should all be left down the League Runner that's what they are there for to make sure the league runs smoothly and they will take appropriate action if and when necessary. There are always going to be faults found in every idea people come up with, it's a discussion thread, just trying help.
Trying to help 'nip this leaving malarky in the butt', I just think as you are representing your team then you should finish your match whatever the score. 50 frames is a poor example sorry, but I can see where you are coming from.
I think it should all be left down the League Runner that's what they are there for to make sure the league runs smoothly and they will take appropriate action if and when necessary. There are always going to be faults found in every idea people come up with, it's a discussion thread, just trying help.
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FCL League Discussion Thread (3)
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