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FCL League Discussion Thread (3)

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Deleted User
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01:37 Wed 2 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Just been reading back and I see people say they dont mind tactical subs but are against match fixing, I'm all for tactical subs if needed and I might be wrong here but whats the difference between tactical and your socalled match fixing ?, I totally agree with a few posts that its one clan v another and as long as its 8 v 8 whats the problem, as for clan captains being told how to run their clans and being told when they can or can't sub just aint on, just my thoughts but its the captain that recruits the players so leave them to decide how they use their players and let them run their clans how they decide.

I'll answer that with the only answer I can think of...

I have no idea Alan, and I've been thinking the same for the past hour
Posts: 9,926
01:38 Wed 2 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
whos been accused oif match fixing, i honestly ant heard of this before, thought people were speaking hypothetically

Some clans have done tactical subs early doors to swap players or get players to play against certain people is the accusation. Like i have said above as long as the player who plays is a member of that clan it shouldn't matter who subs or swaps as long as games get played.
Posts: 7,940
01:39 Wed 2 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
football... pool... a little different in game play i think

fact of the matter is, complaints were received about "match fixing" and something has been drawn up to address concerns.

It is not like the rule states no subs what so ever, it just gives the initial released games a chance to be played. I for one as a captain would put a team forward I intended to play and would not sub in the first week.

You have to bear in mind it also saves the more naive clans from being bullied into making early subs... this has also been an issue in the past

Yeah I've done my fair share of bullying in the past

yeh and he knows what happens if he tries it in the future lol
Posts: 38,097
01:40 Wed 2 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
one thing we haven't sorted is how do you deal with IN GAME match fixes? i think that should be raised as well since we are on the subject of tactical subs

?????????? please explain how you could do this?

easy you pot the black illegally (on purpose) to lose the frame, its already happened this season which i raised the issue to the runners.
Posts: 9,926
01:40 Wed 2 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Just been reading back and I see people say they dont mind tactical subs but are against match fixing, I'm all for tactical subs if needed and I might be wrong here but whats the difference between tactical and your socalled match fixing ?, I totally agree with a few posts that its one clan v another and as long as its 8 v 8 whats the problem, as for clan captains being told how to run their clans and being told when they can or can't sub just aint on, just my thoughts but its the captain that recruits the players so leave them to decide how they use their players and let them run their clans how they decide.

I'll answer that with the only answer I can think of...

I have no idea Alan, and I've been thinking the same for the past hour

We are creating a rule for something that has been part of clans since the start and has never been a problem up until now and if we are not allowing tactical subs what is the point of having captains running the clan?
Posts: 3,846
01:41 Wed 2 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
whos been accused oif match fixing, i honestly ant heard of this before, thought people were speaking hypothetically

Some clans have done tactical subs early doors to swap players or get players to play against certain people is the accusation. Like i have said above as long as the player who plays is a member of that clan it shouldn't matter who subs or swaps as long as games get played.

can i have a juicier response than that pls, our lass is watchin robin hood and im very bored, and ive got my noris cole head on now
Posts: 9,926
01:42 Wed 2 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
one thing we haven't sorted is how do you deal with IN GAME match fixes? i think that should be raised as well since we are on the subject of tactical subs

?????????? please explain how you could do this?

easy you pot the black illegally (on purpose) to lose the frame, its already happened this season which i raised the issue to the runners.

If players want to do that leave them to it we are playing an online pool game if players want to throw games to let others win they are not worth bothering about as they have no life

And how can you prove they have done the above on purpose? As it may have been a mistake
Posts: 9,926
01:43 Wed 2 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
whos been accused oif match fixing, i honestly ant heard of this before, thought people were speaking hypothetically

Some clans have done tactical subs early doors to swap players or get players to play against certain people is the accusation. Like i have said above as long as the player who plays is a member of that clan it shouldn't matter who subs or swaps as long as games get played.

can i have a juicier response than that pls, our lass is watchin robin hood and im very bored, and ive got my noris cole head on now

Lol sorry i was giving you the short version as the longer one would be boring and send you to sleep so your lass might end up complaining
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:43 Wed 2 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Precisely lol. Match fixing is when a club pays off the referees, usually happens in Italy. Or throws a nice juicy bung at a player telling them to throw a sickie or have a bad day at the office.

Tactical subs are NOT a way of match fixing, it's just a cowards way of saying they don't like getting battered every week.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:43 Wed 2 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
I think we can argue this until panda's evolve wings and still not get agree. I think if Jay decides to incorporate a rule into the FCL it should at least be given a chance to be implemented into the league first without being dismissed untested.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:45 Wed 2 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
one thing we haven't sorted is how do you deal with IN GAME match fixes? i think that should be raised as well since we are on the subject of tactical subs

?????????? please explain how you could do this?

easy you pot the black illegally (on purpose) to lose the frame, its already happened this season which i raised the issue to the runners.

If players want to do that leave them to it we are playing an online pool game if players want to throw games to let others win they are not worth bothering about as they have no life

And how can you prove they have done the above on purpose? As it may have been a mistake

Keith can't help his exhibition shots
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:46 Wed 2 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
I think we can argue this until panda's evolve wings and still not get agree. I think if Jay decides to incorporate a rule into the FCL it should at least be given a chance to be implemented into the league first without being dismissed untested.

Posted Image

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:46 Wed 2 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Also I would like to add that you are making it sound like no subs are allowed at all...

Captains can still, make subs in the second week, recruit and remove players, submit team sheets and all the other Cappy stuff.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:46 Wed 2 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
I think we can argue this until panda's evolve wings and still not get agree. I think if Jay decides to incorporate a rule into the FCL it should at least be given a chance to be implemented into the league first without being dismissed untested.

Posted Image


WTF! Dammit!
Posts: 9,926
01:47 Wed 2 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
I think we can argue this until panda's evolve wings and still not get agree. I think if Jay decides to incorporate a rule into the FCL it should at least be given a chance to be implemented into the league first without being dismissed untested.

But it is a rule with no reasoning as match fixing is impossible as the rules are and tactical subs are part of running a clan

To do away with tactical subs would mean going backwards to not allowing subs at all in a fixture which would be complete madness and going backwards to the extreme.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:47 Wed 2 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
To whoever drew a pic of a panda with wings and uploaded it to google....I SALUTE YOU!
Posts: 9,926
01:48 Wed 2 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
one thing we haven't sorted is how do you deal with IN GAME match fixes? i think that should be raised as well since we are on the subject of tactical subs

?????????? please explain how you could do this?

easy you pot the black illegally (on purpose) to lose the frame, its already happened this season which i raised the issue to the runners.

If players want to do that leave them to it we are playing an online pool game if players want to throw games to let others win they are not worth bothering about as they have no life

And how can you prove they have done the above on purpose? As it may have been a mistake

Keith can't help his exhibition shots

I was fixing the games apparently rather than using my exhibition style
Posts: 7,940
01:48 Wed 2 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
I think we can argue this until panda's evolve wings and still not get agree. I think if Jay decides to incorporate a rule into the FCL it should at least be given a chance to be implemented into the league first without being dismissed untested.

Posted Image


Brilliant lol
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:49 Wed 2 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
nooooo you are missing the point. you can make as many subs as you like in the second half of the fixture. no one is stopping subs being made. just giving the initial released games a chance to be played, not get bullied into making early subs by other clans and not being targeted as an easy opponent on the first day with someone immense being subbed in against you.

i am out of clans this season because some people have ruined playing for me so i am just going to concentrate on my league running.
Posts: 38,097
01:49 Wed 2 Jan 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
one thing we haven't sorted is how do you deal with IN GAME match fixes? i think that should be raised as well since we are on the subject of tactical subs

?????????? please explain how you could do this?

easy you pot the black illegally (on purpose) to lose the frame, its already happened this season which i raised the issue to the runners.

If players want to do that leave them to it we are playing an online pool game if players want to throw games to let others win they are not worth bothering about as they have no life

And how can you prove they have done the above on purpose? As it may have been a mistake

true but when i saw it on the forum and saw the results the story checked out as it was a rage quit. only thing i can suggest is that league runners can watch games (without approval) should any suspicious activity is happening
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FCL League Discussion Thread (3)

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