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FBL discussion (2)

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Posts: 11,061
22:04 Sat 5 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
20 minutes per frame is what they allow for in tournaments, you aren't a typical example of a straight player, you're in the top 1%
Exactly, so that means 20 minutes is the absolute extreme that a frame should ever take. If you haven't managed to complete the game in 20 minutes, that means you're so bad they kick both of you out.

No, but look at most players involved in the straight games in FBL and 4 frames shouldn't be a problem. There is only 1 straight game now, so the best straight player of each team is probably playing in it.
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22:14 Sat 5 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
But most people who are put into straight do play almost as good as Seb, the majority of clans have a straight player that can get it done in way less than 70-80 minutes

Dunno how you work that out, the top 4 clans have every single straight player in the top 50 atm that play in clans except me and tratter and it's hardly a favourite one for either of us.
Posts: 2,463
22:21 Sat 5 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
If you dont like 4 games, at least consider the fact that now there's only one fixture of straight. Kind of evens out don't it?
Personally I'd just as soon have 2 fixtures, of 3 games (with the other types keeping 8), but some people had problems with that. I find this agreeable (one way as good as the other).

Edited at 19:40 Sat 05/10/13 (BST)
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22:24 Sat 5 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Didnt realise it was only 1 straight game now tbh and yes that does compensate.
Posts: 3,250
22:25 Sat 5 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Im also for having 2 fixtures of 3 games for straight. Adds a bit more weight to straight as part of the whole fixture with it having a total of 12 points for it then. Every other game type currently has 16, including killer.
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22:31 Sat 5 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I just want to reiterate what was said about a month ago regarding straight. The only reason it has been brought down to 1 game is because of the number of whitewashes it brings, here are the stats from last seasons "whitewashes"...

Division One - Whitewash Games (excluding partials)
8US 2
9US 1
Straight 21
Killer 6

Division Two - Whitewash Games (excluding partials)
8US 7
9US 6
8UK 3
Straight 36
Killer 12

If we had halved the number of straight games last season it still comes to 11 (rounded) & 18 and compared to the other types that is still fairly high. The top straight players are in the top few clans so by halving the number of whitewashes it gives the clans that struggle to bring in straight players a chance to recover from even an 8 - 0 loss.
Posts: 11,061
23:31 Sat 5 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Question regarding sub rules.

Someone gets subbed out of a game, which is then played by the sub. Now the subbed out player is online and could sub into another game. This would essentially be 1 swap.
Is this allowed?

If not, WHY NOT?!?!?

Also if not, it discourages teams from subbing players out, because they would be burning them... it should just count as 1 swap.

Edited at 20:51 Sat 05/10/13 (BST)
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23:41 Sat 5 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
5.7 Substituted players' eligibility

A player who has been substituted is only eligible to play in the same game type in the same fixture they were in originally, for example, if a player is subbed out of a game type they can only be subbed back into the same game type. This does not apply to other League and cup fixtures being played at the same time. A substitution or swap is considered official from the moment the captain has posted it in the substitution thread.

I agree, this won't get extra games played it will just move the problem away from that game and into another
Posts: 11,061
23:48 Sat 5 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
It punishes teams for subbing. It's the better option to keep the (inactive) player in as long as possible to not burn a player.
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01:01 Sun 6 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
This has been a rule in the FBL since the dawn of the league, I shan't be changing it.

The player that has been subbed out can be subbed back into the other game of the same type and swapped if necessary.

During my time as league runner only once has this caused problems and lead to a default, I have had no other incidents otherwise.
Posts: 11,061
01:04 Sun 6 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Runners keep saying "this has always been a rule". That is no argument at all.

Why is it there?
We can swap while the player is still in, but can't put them in the other game type when he's out?

It just makes no sense lol
Posts: 11,489
01:11 Sun 6 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
i agree no point subbing player out as if game gets played player u subbed out is ineligible
Posts: 19,819
01:12 Sun 6 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
But 4 racks of straight pool is far too much.
It takes about 70-80 minutes to play, well the 2 i was in did anyways.
Far too long as the other games take no where near that length but are the same amount of points.
I feel this needs to be changed.
Awaits people to disagree lol

ok, I'll disagree. The ones I just played took less than 40 minutes combined, so I'm not sure what you guys were smoking. Quit tapping or aim better! 4 frames should never take 70-80 minutes- that's almost 20 minutes per frame lol!!

Posted Image

Very rude and arrogant reply really. As Lee said in tourneys they allow 20 minutes. 20x4= ????
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01:17 Sun 6 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Runners keep saying "this has always been a rule". That is no argument at all.

Why is it there?
We can swap while the player is still in, but can't put them in the other game type when he's out?

It just makes no sense lol

People will complain if I change too much in one go so prefer not to change another rule that really doesn't need changing as it hasn't really been an issue before.
Posts: 19,819
01:18 Sun 6 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Well anyways though seb has no respect for others opinions. This has been mentioned alot about straight pool but if jem chooses to leave it as it is then cool
Posts: 22,512
01:21 Sun 6 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Think Seb's reply was to the point to be honest, in a way a bit rude with the "what you been smoking" or what ever it was but was quite funny.

Straight is a game type where only a select few play it for their clan. I am not a massive straight fan and play it when i am needed but i have never sat in a game and one frame has taken 40+ minutes. I would though see someones point about the time as if a player goes on a massive run then it can take a long time especially since a clan game frame has no actual time limit.

Yes they allow that in tournaments which is actually 17 minutes, the three minutes wait with invite counts onto that i have been told.

Straight is an over powered game type in the FBL and now it has been whittled down to one game with four racks which in my opinion it should have been that a while back. Jema posted earlier with white wash numbers so no one can say it is not over powered either.
Posts: 9,926
01:28 Sun 6 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Runners keep saying "this has always been a rule". That is no argument at all.

Why is it there?
We can swap while the player is still in, but can't put them in the other game type when he's out?

It just makes no sense lol

Been saying it for seasons mate and it won't get changed. FBL is the only league that has rules to stop getting games played which is madness as rules should be encouraging games to be completed but you always get the standard response...................
Posts: 19,819
01:28 Sun 6 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Think Seb's reply was to the point to be honest, in a way a bit rude with the "what you been smoking" or what ever it was but was quite funny.

Straight is a game type where only a select few play it for their clan. I am not a massive straight fan and play it when i am needed but i have never sat in a game and one frame has taken 40+ minutes. I would though see someones point about the time as if a player goes on a massive run then it can take a long time especially since a clan game frame has no actual time limit.

Yes they allow that in tournaments which is actually 17 minutes, the three minutes wait with invite counts onto that i have been told.

Straight is an over powered game type in the FBL and now it has been whittled down to one game with four racks which in my opinion it should have been that a while back. Jema posted earlier with white wash numbers so no one can say it is not over powered either.

Id prefer 3 as would alot of people, but as long as the popular kids are happy it seems and thats said in jest so dont get uptight lol
Posts: 11,489
01:30 Sun 6 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
what about a time limit on straight can that happen
Deleted User
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01:39 Sun 6 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
OK again, IF people have suggestions can they please not wait until the season has started before posting them on the discussion thread, there was a whole month between seasons so don't expect me to start discussing rule changes now.

As for the subs rule, I stand by the fact it has been in since day one and it's not broken so I am not fixing it. 8 successful seasons of this rule being used and now you decide it's not working even though there are no ongoing incidents of it affecting games.
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