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FBL discussion (2)

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17:04 Mon 23 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Your just rambling on now, you won't be playing it so why would it bother you.

Straight now being one game with four racks (frames) gives each player a chance at a draw now, which there always should be in the FBL game types. Im not sure if it is two points a rack win though...
how do u draw in 1 game of straight lol 35-35? not possible :@ you trying to confuse us all?

4 racks..surely u dont mean 1 game 1 on 1 and when 1 ball is left it re-racks.. u dont mean that i know u way you when u say must mean 4 individual games..not 1 game.

1 clan match 4 games of straight. Think i got it now.

Wasnt rambling, i want to know, because i see people saying it all the time frames lol..i need to know.
Posts: 22,512
17:07 Mon 23 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Oh my god, you really need to read before you post Joe!

There is four racks in a game, getting a draw is simple you win two racks and your opponent wins two rack, that makes it 2 - 2 hence a draw!

I have explained it all and everyone else understands bar you, i think you are playing stupid on purpose so for that reason i won't respond to you again pal. Someone else have fun trying to explain a simple thing.
Deleted User
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17:10 Mon 23 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Oh my god, you really need to read before you post Joe!

There is four racks in a game, getting a draw is simple you win two racks and your opponent wins two rack, that makes it 2 - 2 hence a draw!

I have explained it all and everyone else understands bar you, i think you are playing stupid on purpose so for that reason i won't respond to you again pal. Someone else have fun trying to explain a simple thing.
Thats not a game lol, if i go play straight it ends at 35 thats one game..then we need to play 3 4 racks you are saying..same thing!

Not 4 racks in 1 game, which would be 16 racks if 4 ere specifically played in each game..which doesnt make any sense at all lol.

I get you, jus the way u are explaining it is wierd..

play 1 game 4 racks..ok lets go play a game of straight, but needs to be racked 4 times in that 1 then the next 3 games same thing
Posts: 6,417
17:27 Mon 23 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  

krazyash_07 & erigert ~ The reason the killer score gives a point for third is basically because there has to be be 5 - 1 option in the game as well as a 4 - 2 and a 6 - 0. Any more points going over that would just be ridiculous. It was being looked into rewarding eight points to match the normal game types i think but even eight would be to much i would think.

yeah i understand your point of view m8 and probably you are right. like i said on the above post its not that im against this scoring, but personally i would have liked it differently, but thats only my opinion though
Posts: 2,717
17:37 Mon 23 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
A game= player a v player b
A rack is 1 frame.
A match = 4 frames.
A draw = 2-2 in frames. (not 35-35) impossible.

Quite simple..i think Jay has said all that needs to be.
Deleted User
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17:40 Mon 23 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
A game= player a v player b
A rack is 1 frame.
A match = 4 frames.
A draw = 2-2 in frames. (not 35-35) impossible.

Quite simple..i think Jay has said all that needs to be.
Yeah see way u put it..nobody could NOT explained it. a to me a match and game could be same term, but i would say a mtach is like ok i got funky_punk to play in a clan we play 4 frames of straight ok, we play 4 games of straight.

That is how i see it. But i will get told im wrong.
Posts: 2,717
17:44 Mon 23 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
It's simple English just worded differently by different folk. Match-game etc etc..all means the same thing just you should know how many frames-racks are involved in the match-game you have with your opponent.

Jay im not saying your wrong in what you wrote it is perfect I was just being the other guy to try explain u asked for lol.
Deleted User
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17:46 Mon 23 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
It's simple English just worded differently by different folk. Match-game etc etc..all means the same thing just you should know how many frames-racks are involved in the match-game you have with your opponent.

Jay im not saying your wrong in what you wrote it is perfect I was just being the other guy to try explain u asked for lol.
Thank you francine, i just wanted somebody else to see it my way! lol.

Now that you do it makes me feel a LOT better. I wasnt stirring anything up, just wanted to make sure i was right, and somebody to see my view.
Posts: 6,417
17:50 Mon 23 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
It's simple English just worded differently by different folk. Match-game etc etc..all means the same thing just you should know how many frames-racks are involved in the match-game you have with your opponent.

Jay im not saying your wrong in what you wrote it is perfect I was just being the other guy to try explain u asked for lol.
Thank you francine, i just wanted somebody else to see it my way! lol.

Now that you do it makes me feel a LOT better. I wasnt stirring anything up, just wanted to make sure i was right, and somebody to see my view.

why are u posting so much today? lol
Posts: 2,717
17:51 Mon 23 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
It's simple English just worded differently by different folk. Match-game etc etc..all means the same thing just you should know how many frames-racks are involved in the match-game you have with your opponent.

Jay im not saying your wrong in what you wrote it is perfect I was just being the other guy to try explain u asked for lol.
Thank you francine, i just wanted somebody else to see it my way! lol.

Now that you do it makes me feel a LOT better. I wasnt stirring anything up, just wanted to make sure i was right, and somebody to see my view.

why are u posting so much today? lol

Lmao im finishing yesterdays frigerated cold ones
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:53 Mon 23 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
It's simple English just worded differently by different folk. Match-game etc etc..all means the same thing just you should know how many frames-racks are involved in the match-game you have with your opponent.

Jay im not saying your wrong in what you wrote it is perfect I was just being the other guy to try explain u asked for lol.
Thank you francine, i just wanted somebody else to see it my way! lol.

Now that you do it makes me feel a LOT better. I wasnt stirring anything up, just wanted to make sure i was right, and somebody to see my view.

why are u posting so much today? lol

Lmao im finishing yesterdays frigerated cold ones
He meant me lol.
Posts: 2,463
18:04 Mon 23 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
for killer,
I'd be happy with 4,2,1,0, (7 total), 5,2,1,0, (8 total), or even 5,3,1,0, (9 total).
but I don't like the idea of 2nd and 3rd both getting 1, or 3rd and 4th both getting 0.
Every position should be rewarded differently.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:59 Tue 24 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
for killer,
I'd be happy with 4,2,1,0, (7 total), 5,2,1,0, (8 total), or even 5,3,1,0, (9 total).
but I don't like the idea of 2nd and 3rd both getting 1, or 3rd and 4th both getting 0.
Every position should be rewarded differently.

I think if anything I would make it up to the 8 points in line with the other types, so 5 - 2 - 1
Posts: 2,463
07:33 Tue 24 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Sounds good to me, yes please, do that.
I like the 8 frames also, 6 or 7 is too short, leaves the luck factor too high.
Deleted User
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12:22 Tue 24 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
That's exactly what I was thinking, I also took on board some other comments about 7 frames and people liked the chance at getting a draw hence why I increased to 8 rather than lowered it back to 6.

There is still some debate about Straight but I think what you and Seb discussed seemed the fairest option. Straight is not really a popular game and only a select few play it and an even smaller minority are actually any good at it. Taking away a game of straight frees up a player for another type

Think I shall stick a poll up on the website to discuss the length of the season though
Deleted User
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16:02 Tue 24 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
jose and i_am_gary for killer Jemaaaaaa
Posts: 10,109
22:12 Mon 30 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
What is the scoring system for killer? Is it 5 points for the winner, 2 for 2nd and 1 for 3rd? In a 2 v 2 game of killer, should 1 point really be given for 3rd place when they're effectively gaining a point for finishing above someone in their own clan?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:18 Mon 30 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Should so many points be given for one 4 man game of killer too? 2 frames would be better if you could work out scoring.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:25 Mon 30 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Agh sorry guys I should have given the killer scoring too, was late last night.

Its 1st = 5, 2nd = 2, 3rd = 1
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:06 Mon 30 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Agh sorry guys I should have given the killer scoring too, was late last night.

Its 1st = 5, 2nd = 2, 3rd = 1
Seems legit
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