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League Discussion Thread (2)

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04:44 Thu 30 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
i vote ( YES)
Posts: 22,512
06:18 Thu 30 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I can't give a go ahead for one division or two division right now based on the fact that i don't know who will and who won't make it into the league at this stage. I was 60/40 in favor of keeping it the way it is, but after thinking more into it i am now 50/50 as the good points do out weigh the bad ones in my honest opinion.

Going to be a tough choice for me to make, i may take Alan's idea into account and message captains to get a vote from all their players and then see what happens from there. I think i would require about 60 - 70% of league players to be in favor of it if i was to change it. Still like i said above i have no idea who will make it into the league, and their is still a possibility that a new clan(s) can be formed.
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12:20 Thu 30 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
One league gets my vote, but I'd like to spice it up (make it more competitive and fair) for the new season.

* Every clan has one captain (I know it's obvious but bear with me )

* All players who wish to take part in the league go on a list

* Each captain then takes it in turn by selecting one player at a time until all players are taken

* Once a player has been selected you are contractually obliged (I'll sort these out ) to play for that clan for the entire season unless a transfer has taken place.

* Transfers are allowed during the transfer window but it must be an exchange with both captains in agreement

What do you reckon?

I honestly think this isnt a bad idea, you could also take it further and have it in a dream team scenario whereas all players have a value and you can only spend so much to build your team, thus ensuring a good spread of "top" players that are valued highly
Posts: 38,097
12:36 Thu 30 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
One league gets my vote, but I'd like to spice it up (make it more competitive and fair) for the new season.

* Every clan has one captain (I know it's obvious but bear with me )

* All players who wish to take part in the league go on a list

* Each captain then takes it in turn by selecting one player at a time until all players are taken

* Once a player has been selected you are contractually obliged (I'll sort these out ) to play for that clan for the entire season unless a transfer has taken place.

* Transfers are allowed during the transfer window but it must be an exchange with both captains in agreement

What do you reckon?

I honestly think this isnt a bad idea, you could also take it further and have it in a dream team scenario whereas all players have a value and you can only spend so much to build your team, thus ensuring a good spread of "top" players that are valued highly

wouldn't be applicable in FCL but you could make your own league and see how it goes
Deleted User
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12:45 Thu 30 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
One league gets my vote, but I'd like to spice it up (make it more competitive and fair) for the new season.

* Every clan has one captain (I know it's obvious but bear with me )

* All players who wish to take part in the league go on a list

* Each captain then takes it in turn by selecting one player at a time until all players are taken

* Once a player has been selected you are contractually obliged (I'll sort these out ) to play for that clan for the entire season unless a transfer has taken place.

* Transfers are allowed during the transfer window but it must be an exchange with both captains in agreement

What do you reckon?

I honestly think this isnt a bad idea, you could also take it further and have it in a dream team scenario whereas all players have a value and you can only spend so much to build your team, thus ensuring a good spread of "top" players that are valued highly

wouldn't be applicable in FCL but you could make your own league and see how it goes

Just a suggestion and why N/A just so i know
Posts: 79
13:08 Thu 30 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Could be applied but most likely will not as the friends stick with friends situation and the best players on here mainly only talk to players of the same calibre as them.

So the chances on a level style playing field is unrealistic at this time.

Only Clan to push the boat out was MVP with a signing or two that looked a bit kaka
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13:19 Thu 30 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I think an nba style format could work where you have draft picks "based on ranking position of course" would give something to work for in the rankings and also spice it up a tad.
Deleted User
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13:23 Thu 30 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
yeah it will stop the boredom of the "super" teams winning every game and will enhance the enjoyment for us so called "lesser" players
Posts: 79
13:25 Thu 30 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Enlighten me basketball ain't a followed sport lol
Deleted User
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13:27 Thu 30 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
One league gets my vote, but I'd like to spice it up (make it more competitive and fair) for the new season.

* Every clan has one captain (I know it's obvious but bear with me )

* All players who wish to take part in the league go on a list

* Each captain then takes it in turn by selecting one player at a time until all players are taken

* Once a player has been selected you are contractually obliged (I'll sort these out ) to play for that clan for the entire season unless a transfer has taken place.

* Transfers are allowed during the transfer window but it must be an exchange with both captains in agreement

What do you reckon?

I honestly think this isnt a bad idea, you could also take it further and have it in a dream team scenario whereas all players have a value and you can only spend so much to build your team, thus ensuring a good spread of "top" players that are valued highly

wouldn't be applicable in FCL but you could make your own league and see how it goes

Also dgen, how much interest do you think there would be in a league like this?? im summising that there wouldnt be much due to the fact that the other 3 leagues have it sewn up (and rightly so)
Posts: 7,974
13:28 Thu 30 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
i no people are talking about this, but is it really going to work

im not having a negative out look, but say 10 teams, 160 players, some people deciding how to seed players etc

its a minefield, great idea in the real world, but clans are for fun and building teams, and for friends (not always ) to enjoy banter on their threads.

threads are already a day to day warzone, how dare he or she post on our thread, with this it will lead to more tension.

again a great idea in the real world
Deleted User
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13:30 Thu 30 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
i agree it is great in the real world but its nice to dream isnt it?
Deleted User
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13:32 Thu 30 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
i no people are talking about this, but is it really going to work

im not having a negative out look, but say 10 teams, 160 players, some people deciding how to seed players etc

its a minefield, great idea in the real world, but clans are for fun and building teams, and for friends (not always ) to enjoy banter on their threads.

threads are already a day to day warzone, how dare he or she post on our thread, with this it will lead to more tension.

again a great idea in the real world

Yes your right people say "don't post on our thread"

Reading your posts on sinners threads today your the main culprit for it.

That bein said why shouldn't the online world be the same as the real world it is in so many other ways?
Deleted User
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13:33 Thu 30 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
i like the 1 league scenario but only playing eachother just the once i dont agree with unless it's used like the spl was the1 division splits into 2 after everyone has played eachother once.

Into like 2 mini leagues so everyone has something to play for midway through middle table teams and lower jst have nothing to aim at otherwise.

Edited at 10:39 Thu 30/08/12 (BST)
Posts: 79
13:33 Thu 30 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
It could be more productive as some of the so called "lesser player" may get a friendship that most likely would never have happened and also a few lessons to help his or her game along .

Surely it can't be seen as a bad thing ?
Deleted User
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13:33 Thu 30 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Enlighten me basketball ain't a followed sport lol

It basketball and American football you have a thing at the end of the season where you hve "draft" picks and the best players are the number one draft picks as it goes down like that basically, it's to spread te better players over more teams.
Deleted User
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13:35 Thu 30 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
It could be more productive as some of the so called "lesser player" may get a friendship that most likely would never have happened and also a few lessons to help his or her game along .

Surely it can't be seen as a bad thing ?

I don't see where your coming from in germs of the better players won't play wih lesser players, when I wasnt too good I still used to play friendlies with Damien or DVZ as they are always willin to play friendlies and it helps your game ten fold. Would love to know the top players who refuse to play with "lesser players" feel free to offline message me.
Posts: 7,974
13:37 Thu 30 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
i would like to add,

when teams are knocked out the cup let them have a plate formatt, and give teams a chance to win somthing.

just an idea, regardless of what people say, weve seen season after season, division one isnt about fun anymore, its about winning and status.

division two always seems to have less pressure on teams leading to more fun, division one teams as a rule play not only the game itself but also the defaults game.

the thing that is missing is the fun, not evening things out, try concentrating on bringing the fun element back

you only have to read this thread at times and see the tones used. get back to what these leagues were designed for

"FUN" its being lost and needs to be found again. get rid of singles there are far to many clan games being played. to many pressures being put on to many players to get numerous games played

and how about having 3 divisions, if your going to seed teams, and its down to ability, let equal strength teams play each other if its 3 or 4 times who cares .

my oppinion
Deleted User
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13:39 Thu 30 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
whether there is 1 big league or 2 leagues there will always be the teams to dominate each division, i also agree that division 2 is going to be the "sexier" league with the sinners, proffesionals and C n G, and in dision 1 it should be and probably will be Snooker Squad, so whether 1 division or 2 the same teams will be winning and the same teams will be losing In my opinion
Deleted User
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13:39 Thu 30 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Singles are OPTIONAL so if te player chooses to play they Have bought the pressure on themselves to play so many games.
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