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Posts: 22,512
15:29 Sat 14 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
It has always been made clear that league runners can make any ruling or decision during a season. The transfer rule was an on going discussion going into the league starting date.

There would be no campaign and that idea would be thrown out of the window as pre season had already started. The same rule applies to the pre season and always has - players who join after the fixtures are released are not eligible for that fixture set.
Posts: 11,056
15:37 Sat 14 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
The problem this time around was that there was virtually no break between seasons to sort rule changes out. So this one ran into the season.

But it was definitely agreed to by the majority of captains. Granted- it was a fairly big mistake not to add it to the rules on the website, but the rule was in place and being enforced throughout the season already.
Posts: 38,097
15:46 Sat 14 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
yup it was rushed as the next season Jay wanted the league to run alongside the FBL, what would be better is have 2 weeks off inbetween seasons to sort out any rule changes
Posts: 22,512
16:02 Sat 14 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
There was no rush - like i said above the transfer rule was being discussed at the time and the change was decided on. Transfer rule is the most talked about subject like you all know.

In fairness though, yeah i had spoke about maybe trying to make the two leagues run along side each other next season, the only way i could think of doing this was to make the final of the clan cup be played after the final fixture set.

If i am around next season (still 50/50 to be honest) then i hope soon that myself and Sarah can work out a schedule for both leagues that go together, including the cups being played possibly at the same time to. Only thing we cant control is how many teams gain entry to what league. So the leagues could be un even again which would then in turn make one a tad longer than the other.
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03:34 Sun 15 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
It has always been made clear league runners can change rules! From when! When I pushed for new signings to be allowed to play in pre-season games and was shot down cause the rules were made, when was it stated the rules can be changed?

Its always! As of now you mean! Again I guide my decisions by the website 'official rules' and this is ANOTHER change to them.

I want to make it perfectly clear I do not check any other thread than my own regularly so if a decision will be made on the 'captains' thoughts, message the captains, not on here. As an example, two captains commenting doesn't make it popular.

As for changes to the rules during the season, are you serious? Doesnt matter how much it upsets a captain, including myself, if the rules are set in stone then there can be no arguments. Divine Forces have been stung by these rule changes and
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03:36 Sun 15 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Despite my hope for both an apology and an admission it was an error we again find ourself in another change at our whim problem.
Posts: 38,097
03:49 Sun 15 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
just chill out...
Posts: 11,056
03:49 Sun 15 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
EDIT - it did appear to be favoured by most people who were in on the discussion at the time
Do you know what pages the discussion was on? bluenose1872?
Posts: 22,512
03:50 Sun 15 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
EDIT - it did appear to be favoured by most people who were in on the discussion at the time
Do you know what pages the discussion was on? bluenose1872?

Jema looked it out, sure she said it was on page 28? i think that was the page she said anyway, not sure if it was this thread or the old one though.
Posts: 11,056
Posts: 38,097
04:05 Sun 15 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
yup every clan at the time was invited and if they didn't comment then its no ones fault but there own, in a poll if you don't vote then its your fault if someone you dislike is taking charge.

this was decided at start of season and was implemented just wasn't updated on site (easy mistake to do). all this agro over a newish clan player who got his teams mixed up (once again easy to do if your new) so your not only punishing yourself and Jay but that clan player as well.
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04:13 Sun 15 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
yup every clan at the time was invited and if they didn't comment then its no ones fault but there own, in a poll if you don't vote then its your fault if someone you dislike is taking charge.

this was decided at start of season and was implemented just wasn't updated on site (easy mistake to do). all this agro over a newish clan player who got his teams mixed up (once again easy to do if your new) so your not only punishing yourself and Jay but that clan player as well.

Was I asked for my vote on this or ANY issue........NO!!!

No one fault but my own? Are you serious? I make an effort to only follow the rules. Wether they were updated or not I was not asked fore a 'vote' or notified of the result.

I do not have an agenda against Jay. I think our history with each other both shows and speaks volumes to this extent.

This thread should be used to DISCUSS and decision should be put directly to every clan captain!!!!!!!!!
Posts: 11,056
04:16 Sun 15 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
At the time, there was so much arguing going on, that jay made the decision as the league runner.

You were in favor of 'no permission needed' by the way:
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04:17 Sun 15 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I would also like to add I do not read this thread unless directed by a member of my clan!

It is not a remit of being a captain I should read this!

We do not all trawl through every forum and moan about hving to do it after. Again to make it perfectly clear, I no longer have an interest in threads until it is made compulsory.
Posts: 38,097
04:17 Sun 15 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
it was discussed, Jay posted on clan thread either before or during pre friendlies to take a look at this thread, those who could be bothered or seen it did and liked the idea you can't blame anyone if you missed it.

looking at Seb's link you posted about the subject, not everything has to go through the clan captains.
Posts: 22,512
04:18 Sun 15 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Notification was placed on each clan thread at the time to have a vote, so in return if you never voted then you were not heard really. Not only this but if my memory is correct it was brought up a few days before the pre season was due to end so again would have been a waste of time even if people liked the idea.

It has always been said that league runners can and have the authority to change rules as and when they see fit, if it is for the good of the league. That was done.

Your example of the pre season was also spoken about on the discussion thread, i myself liked the idea but again it would have broken the rule that no new player can play in an on going fixture (which includes the pre season). That was the reason the idea was binned.
Posts: 9,926
04:20 Sun 15 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
At the time, there was so much arguing going on, that jay made the decision as the league runner.

You were in favor of 'no permission needed' by the way:

Looks like you wanted the rule that you don't want to be enforced now, very weird
Deleted User
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04:20 Sun 15 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
At the time, there was so much arguing going on, that jay made the decision as the league runner.

You were in favor of 'no permission needed' by the way:
What i was in favour of or not is not the argument. The issue is the rules!

The rules stated in black and white permission was needed.

A league runner then said regardless of permission by me or the vices, it would go ahead anyway. This is the issue.

I would also say a new big one for me is the changes through a season. New and wrong.
Posts: 22,512
04:22 Sun 15 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I would also like to add I do not read this thread unless directed by a member of my clan!

It is not a remit of being a captain I should read this!

We do not all trawl through every forum and moan about hving to do it after. Again to make it perfectly clear, I no longer have an interest in threads until it is made compulsory.

I don't see it as my job to tell each and every member or captain where to look on the threads. If you decide not to look then that is your choice but you can't then weeks or months down the line complain about something which was written on your clan thread very clearly. Those votes in question where voted on by more than 50% of the league members (around the percentage). The other half of the members where either offline through out the vote, didn't want to look or they are the type of members that do not read the forums. In return they can't really moan about it or what ever.
Posts: 22,512
04:25 Sun 15 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
At the time, there was so much arguing going on, that jay made the decision as the league runner.

You were in favor of 'no permission needed' by the way:

Looks like you wanted the rule that you don't want to be enforced now, very weird

Just to add to this - a rule that was being enforced even though the mistake was made that it was not on the league website.
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