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15:08 Fri 24 Feb 12 (GMT)
nope rick so don't put words in our mouth please, i agree with seb, every team should play the friendlies because any team can fold even the league winners as it happened in the past with MVP (with MVP it was before the friendlies though but you get my drift).
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15:10 Fri 24 Feb 12 (GMT)
I think everyone should play in them, it's good for captains to check out new players reliability anyway.
15:11 Fri 24 Feb 12 (GMT)
Not even sure why rick brought this up anyway...
15:16 Fri 24 Feb 12 (GMT)
I totally agree with Rick , pre season friendlies should be set up with the clans that have the most defaults in a season and the new clans that want to join the league. either boot teams out for a set amount of defaults in a season or make them prove reliability.
Seb, your winner should play comment made me laugh, MVP had 3 defaults due to players leaving and Shooters had none, I think these 2 clans showed how reliable they are, unlike a certain clan you know very well lol
Rick - "was you not one of the teams with the highest defaults in the season that why you don't like the idea if it"
Seb, your winner should play comment made me laugh, MVP had 3 defaults due to players leaving and Shooters had none, I think these 2 clans showed how reliable they are, unlike a certain clan you know very well lol
Rick - "was you not one of the teams with the highest defaults in the season that why you don't like the idea if it"
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15:17 Fri 24 Feb 12 (GMT)
what ever team does not show reliable then they be up for the friendly games for next season
a lot of players hate playing friendly because its worthless
so this way captain would make sure they teams get there games played
otherwise they team be up for a friendly next season
this could help in away of making sure they no default in a season and its up to the captain to work hard so his team does not face the friendlys for the new season this could be a goal for every team
a lot of players hate playing friendly because its worthless
so this way captain would make sure they teams get there games played
otherwise they team be up for a friendly next season
this could help in away of making sure they no default in a season and its up to the captain to work hard so his team does not face the friendlys for the new season this could be a goal for every team
15:19 Fri 24 Feb 12 (GMT)
its true though alan, teams can fold in the friendlies even the champions. since people like putting words in our mouth so much maybe you like it is because you have to play the friendlies when you didn't used to
15:20 Fri 24 Feb 12 (GMT)
MVP folding had nothing to do with reliability, MVP folding was decided the season before they did fold, it was time for a break and no other reason
dgeneratio said:
nope rick so don't put words in our mouth please, i agree with seb, every team should play the friendlies because any team can fold even the league winners as it happened in the past with MVP (with MVP it was before the friendlies though but you get my drift).
MVP folding had nothing to do with reliability, MVP folding was decided the season before they did fold, it was time for a break and no other reason
15:21 Fri 24 Feb 12 (GMT)
yep i know i just used MVP as an example to show it can happen.
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15:22 Fri 24 Feb 12 (GMT)
It would be good to be able to check out all players indeed and not just for Captains.
Just a question on the logic. We have probably three games that arent likely to be completed in each friendly. One is due to internet problems, another because the player is 8,000 miles from home and a third that maybe due to PC issues but not confirmed.
The League Runners are then presumably going to make a decision on overall reliability based on these games and their default detail but also, according to previous posts, taking into account the new players that have since joined. How can anyone judge the reliability of players that have not been allowed to take part? Surely it is in everyone's interest to see the full picture and how the new players have shown to be integrated in to get games played?
I know its repeating a previous point.
ipotalot said:
I think everyone should play in them, it's good for captains to check out new players reliability anyway.
It would be good to be able to check out all players indeed and not just for Captains.
Just a question on the logic. We have probably three games that arent likely to be completed in each friendly. One is due to internet problems, another because the player is 8,000 miles from home and a third that maybe due to PC issues but not confirmed.
The League Runners are then presumably going to make a decision on overall reliability based on these games and their default detail but also, according to previous posts, taking into account the new players that have since joined. How can anyone judge the reliability of players that have not been allowed to take part? Surely it is in everyone's interest to see the full picture and how the new players have shown to be integrated in to get games played?
I know its repeating a previous point.
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15:23 Fri 24 Feb 12 (GMT)
why cause your team was one with the highest defaults
my only defaults come from your side lol
dgeneratio said:
nope rick so don't put words in our mouth please, i agree with seb, every team should play the friendlies because any team can fold even the league winners as it happened in the past with MVP (with MVP it was before the friendlies though but you get my drift).
why cause your team was one with the highest defaults
my only defaults come from your side lol
15:24 Fri 24 Feb 12 (GMT)
How can you use a clan that folded through choice as an example ?
15:25 Fri 24 Feb 12 (GMT)
its better than using snooker
ab_rfc said:
How can you use a clan that folded through choice as an example ?
its better than using snooker
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15:30 Fri 24 Feb 12 (GMT)
I just think if a clan captan is saying he doesn't want his clan to be playing in friendly as he may miss out cos defaults...
Surely there is a potential issue seen there by the captain?
Surely there is a potential issue seen there by the captain?
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15:35 Fri 24 Feb 12 (GMT)
Personally if im honest, i dont see much wrong with a few defaults, TD got slated last season by a few players, yet from 16 games per set and 5 or 6 sets, only 3 defaults, so in 80+ fixtures, only 3 didnt get played...it becomes a problem if its the same player/s every time or when the amount becomes rediculas.
But i dont see how people can complain when so many games are there to be played and u can count on one hand how many dont get played
I would still like to see clans back to 12 players and a cut on the amount of clans joining. and i think emergancy signings would work wonders if the rule isnt abused
But i dont see how people can complain when so many games are there to be played and u can count on one hand how many dont get played
I would still like to see clans back to 12 players and a cut on the amount of clans joining. and i think emergancy signings would work wonders if the rule isnt abused
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15:37 Fri 24 Feb 12 (GMT)
I hope underdogs other players do get themselves online and get the games played but it's not the rules that are at fault.
We have had this situation with them before on at least 2 occasions during the seasons that they have let their squad numbers get too low and caused massive defaults.
Cold, hard facts are that is down to bad captaincy, the excuses last time were that there weren't the players on the waiting list. Sorry you have to do more as a captain to get players in than just check the waiting list and you have to put in the work to get people replaced who aren't reliable.
It won't be fair on other teams in the 2nd division if this happens during the season again and their opponents in that set get 15-0 default wins.
We have had this situation with them before on at least 2 occasions during the seasons that they have let their squad numbers get too low and caused massive defaults.
Cold, hard facts are that is down to bad captaincy, the excuses last time were that there weren't the players on the waiting list. Sorry you have to do more as a captain to get players in than just check the waiting list and you have to put in the work to get people replaced who aren't reliable.
It won't be fair on other teams in the 2nd division if this happens during the season again and their opponents in that set get 15-0 default wins.
16:01 Fri 24 Feb 12 (GMT)
lee the issuse here is if captains leave games till deadline it dosnt leave much of a chance to do anything as other clans have proved in the past
on another issue the start to the season was rushed, and hasnt really given new teams chance to get many friendlies played and get players interested
you no yourself most teams play 3 or 4 friendlies before the season starts
nothing can be done i appreciate however maybe somthing to be looked at, when considering a team to be admitted into the clan league
on another issue the start to the season was rushed, and hasnt really given new teams chance to get many friendlies played and get players interested
you no yourself most teams play 3 or 4 friendlies before the season starts
nothing can be done i appreciate however maybe somthing to be looked at, when considering a team to be admitted into the clan league
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16:11 Fri 24 Feb 12 (GMT)
You replace players during a season too craig, nobody really shows interest in friendlies apart from the pre-seasons at our clan, might be different at others.
Agree about leaving subs to the last minute, that's why I think scrapping the bonus for no defaults was a bad move.
If this was the first time this had happened with underdogs I would say fair enough but it's not and as you know I always see defaults as the captain's/vice's responsibilities if they haven't got strong enough people running the show it will just keep happening.
Agree about leaving subs to the last minute, that's why I think scrapping the bonus for no defaults was a bad move.
If this was the first time this had happened with underdogs I would say fair enough but it's not and as you know I always see defaults as the captain's/vice's responsibilities if they haven't got strong enough people running the show it will just keep happening.
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16:16 Fri 24 Feb 12 (GMT)
dont know of many clans leavin subs till last min lee, and as for underdogs, it seems a bit of a mess, but havin no internet at such a crucial time is very unlucky and i av sympathy, but wen it is pre season friendlies, subs/swaps should be made asap just to get the game played
i would give them some slack, take a look at who they have signed, and then make a decision on if they will be reliable durin the season
i would give them some slack, take a look at who they have signed, and then make a decision on if they will be reliable durin the season
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16:18 Fri 24 Feb 12 (GMT)
but also, by teams signin new players between start of preseason and start of season, is there much point in pre season friendlies?
reason i ask is cuz a team could av a reliable team pre season, and completely have a different team for durin the actual season for what ever reason
reason i ask is cuz a team could av a reliable team pre season, and completely have a different team for durin the actual season for what ever reason
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