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Deleted User
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02:47 Wed 25 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Rick you like trouble, the slightest thing you see thats said or done wrong you pick on the runners, get a grip , speak proper english and bow down, Stop!! harrassing the guys and let them run the league,yes its a discussion thread, But its not a arguement thread!!!!!!!!
Posts: 9,926
02:49 Wed 25 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Please can we get back on topic
Posts: 22,512
02:52 Wed 25 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I give up haha

New topic how about bananas while we play?
Deleted User
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03:00 Wed 25 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Nah i ate mine earlier lol il be yellow in the morning
Posts: 22,512
03:01 Wed 25 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Lmao reminded me of the Simpsons there haha
Deleted User
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03:08 Wed 25 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ah i love Homer in the Simpsons lol ----Donuts too lol

Posts: 22,512
03:16 Wed 25 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Lmao, Bart does it for me, he reminds me of me haha except being yellow and weird shorts haha
Deleted User
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03:22 Wed 25 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
lmao, you sound like u need to watch family guy instead of the simpsons
Posts: 22,512
17:54 Wed 25 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hey people,

Just a quick one explaining rules and how some of the stuff will be working next season.

Well first off i have dedicated time and effort in to making up a schedule what i posted not to long ago, it is a tight schedule that i plan on keeping on track of like releasing of fixtures and stuff like that.


Right im going to try and explain this as best as i can.

As you know the default team will consist of one member from each clan (Not sure on how many defaulters to a division though, based on the fact we dont know who will be in the league).

Each member on the default team will be put into either the group of division one or two default panel depending on what division they play for. Example if your on default team and your team play in division two then you will do division one defaults and vice versa.

Carried on next post
Posts: 22,512
17:56 Wed 25 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
The website that has been created for next season is very well done, we can limit the amount of access default panel have along with many others helping out. For example if you are on division one default panel only you and the rest of the division one panel can see on that private thread and same for the division two one also. This stops any division two default panel posting on them, it also stops anyone seeing what is on the thread. If any information is leaked on to funkypool from a default then you can be sure we will be able to find out who has leaked the information which will result in being removed from the panel. Any comments on a default that looks biased will also be taken seriously and looked into.

When i post for default information i will give a set deadline to send in any information, if your information comes in after this deadline then it will not be used at all. I am planning to get defaults done fast and simple so i was thinking along the lines of two days to send in information and then a further two day deadline for the default team to come to a decision.

Posts: 22,512
18:07 Wed 25 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
League Staff

Most of you already know that horse10000 & diamond_jem will be working along side me next season to make the league run smoothly and efficiently.

Other staff now include chris & antione08.

I have spoken to them all and everyone understands there role so i thought should share this in case you have a question about anything before season starts.

Chris - Chris is in charge of the Players Championship this season (new individual league) any questions about that should go to him as he will be running and updating it.

Antione08 - Ant has kindly offered his services to take charge of the Individual League the one we are used to and that i decided we should keep. Anything on that please message Ant, mate if you see this before i forget many have been talking about doing them as fixtures instead of play when you want so maybe look into that.

As for the rest of us, i will be dealing with the fixture releasing and so on but will be also helping out Jem doing the league tables, league table will be updated every day at least once depending on time and things so it should look mostly up to date. Keith can also do this if he has the time to but we can all do subs and things like that.
Posts: 22,512
18:14 Wed 25 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ran out of more space again .

Below in the spoiler is the new website made for the new FCL season.

This does not require anyone to sign up to it, only people that need to sign up are the staff and default team as the default forum is attached to the website (Also private, can't view it unless been authorized by myself of Jem)

Would at this point like to thank chris who has read through the rules of last season and new ones implemented and adjusted them on the site, they are now more clearer and should be easier to understand and follow. Cheers mate.

If at any time you wish to see who is the current staff then please click "rules" and all staff are noted at the top of the page (Default team is not yet complete and may not be up to date)
Posts: 7,940
19:26 Wed 25 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Rule query

1.4 Player transfers
Between each season there is a transfer window during which players may move freely to any other clan without restriction.

After the transfer window has closed clan rosters for the season must be submitted to the League to be registered. From that point onwards any player may transfer from one clan to another clan subject to permission being granted by their current clan Captain. Where permission is granted confirmation must be posted on their clan thread. There is no requirement for such permission to be granted, however Captains are encouraged to allow players to be transferred wherever possible, even if it is only to a clan in a different division.

Players may play for no more than two different clans during the League season. Once a player has played for a clan in a FCL Cup fixture then they are 'cup-tied' and may not play for any other clan in the same competition.

Captains may remove inactive players at any time from their clan roster (the removal must be confirmed by posting on the Team Changes thread as per Rule 1.7) however such players removed are not considered to be free agents. Any inactive player that becomes active again may be brought back in to the clan roster (subject to available space) or may seek a transfer to another clan subject to the Captain's permission being obtained as detailed above. In either event the player is subject to the Quarantine rule (Rule 1.8).

My thoughts
If a player is removed by the captain surely they become clanless so must be classed as free agents ?, also if the captain removed them they are not in that clan anymore so why should they have to get that captains permission to join another clan ?.
If the captain removed them and they have only played for that one clan the player should be able to join another without permission, by removing the player the captain surely gives up the right to decide what that player can or can't do ?.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:24 Wed 25 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Firstly those were only my draft rules - wasn't sure if the league runners have approved them yet.

Re the highlighted bit - it is there to stop someone getting round the transfer rules by engineering that they get dropped from a clan to become a free agent and then simply joining whoever they choose to straight away. For anyone dropped through inactivity then its not going to affect them anyway and on the other hand a player genuinely dropped from the playing roster by a captain because they are no longer wanted/needed really shouldn't have any trouble obtaining captains permission to transfer to another clan.

Last thing this thread needs is a protracted debate on any rule. As I said, until they are all confirmed for next season they were just drafted at this stage for Jay to consider. For example the individual league rules haven't been touched yet. From the point they are all confirmed by the league runners, with any further changes or tweaks, then that's what we all will have to play to whether we like them all or not. Certainly there's still a few I would have changed if I could.

Edited at 23:23 Wed 25/01/12 (GMT)
Posts: 11,056
21:26 Wed 25 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I thought all the rules were debated (at length) and ultimately decided in the past few weeks?
Posts: 8,885
01:02 Thu 26 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
can u annonce players in div 2 even if they still goin?
Posts: 38,097
01:16 Thu 26 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
no has to be by captains permission
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:27 Thu 26 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
bluenose1872 said:
Anything on that please message Ant, mate if you see this before i forget many have been talking about doing them as fixtures instead of play when you want so maybe look into that.

For Ant - might want to check out the suggestion on page 80. Keeps the same general format as now. No set fixtures but with a minimum percentage of games that must be played in a season with the top four qualifying for an end of season play-off competition.
Posts: 8,885
06:49 Thu 26 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
dgeneratio said:
no has to be by captains permission

thought soo thanks james
Posts: 1,594
12:31 Thu 26 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
update division 1 golden cue? have sum1 reliable for next season i take it?
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