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18:29 Wed 4 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
it has been carefully considered and the change WILL be implemented, you do not have to take on an additional clan member, no one is forcing you to take more than 15, is it just added as some clans might find it useful having another member on the team.

captains run clans differently, i prefer to give all my players the benefit of the doubt and would happily put them all in regardless of their ability unlike you who (correct me if i am wrong) sounds like you only put your best players forward first. Nothing wrong with how either of us do it, it is just a preferred way of doing things and i feel i would still get a pretty decent top place in division 2 using all 15 - 16 members of my team.

seperate divisions are needed to break up the divide between long standing clans who are known to be great and new clans who deserve a chance to prove themselves.
Deleted User
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18:35 Wed 4 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
diamond_jem said:
And Craig, reasons for the increase can be found at the top of the last page. Whether you asked for it or not is irrelevant, its happening!

it aint irrelevant as its the league discussion thread. its only right that we put across what we feel works and what wont work or actually what is irrelevant which is the 1 player increase.

If what is quoted is true we may aswell just lose this thread
Deleted User
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18:36 Wed 4 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
doubted2 said:
dont see any reason at all to increase the size of teams

to win a league you cant play all 15 players anyway or to even have a chance, all clans play their best players or am i wrong,, and all clans have weaker players dont they

Remember this its all about winning no matter who you are
no one likes to get beat and be happy about it

if this wasnt competitive why do all the so called best players join successful teams. and not division 2 teams its all about testing yourself

You are wrong, everyone gets a game at most clans. You don't actually get a cup delivered to your house or press turn up at your door you know
Deleted User
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18:38 Wed 4 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
careful red you will get the 'if you don't like it don't play in the league' speech out of her soon.
Posts: 22,512
18:39 Wed 4 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Like has been said no one is forcing you to take on the extra player, you could play with 12 players if you really want to or even the minimum of 8.

Fact is the decision i made was final, it won't be changed. Passed this topic now.
Deleted User
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18:39 Wed 4 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
lol thanks for the warning
Posts: 38,097
18:39 Wed 4 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
red4ever said:
diamond_jem said:
And Craig, reasons for the increase can be found at the top of the last page. Whether you asked for it or not is irrelevant, its happening!

it aint irrelevant as its the league discussion thread. its only right that we put across what we feel works and what wont work or actually what is irrelevant which is the 1 player increase.

If what is quoted is true we may aswell just lose this thread

part in bold - even if you think its irrelevant, haven't Jay and Jem already decided what action to take? didn't they say it won't be changed? if so then maybe accept the choice they made if you like it or not.

i was 50-50 on the idea, still am in some respects but increasing by 1 isn't going to do much damage, i could understand your point if it was 20 but its not.
Deleted User
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18:41 Wed 4 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
lol sorry but you must have misintepreted what i meant

i never said craigs opinion was irrelevant, i regularly refer to this thread when me and jay are discussing the league for ideas...

but he said he didnt ask for it, that is the irrelevant part, whether you asked for it or not does not matter, it is the decisions of the league runners that ultimately matter and jay has decided +1 increase for team size
Posts: 22,512
18:42 Wed 4 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
It was i that decided the decision on the increase no one else . It won't be changed like i did state in posts last night!
Deleted User
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18:42 Wed 4 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
dgeneratio said:
red4ever said:
diamond_jem said:
And Craig, reasons for the increase can be found at the top of the last page. Whether you asked for it or not is irrelevant, its happening!

it aint irrelevant as its the league discussion thread. its only right that we put across what we feel works and what wont work or actually what is irrelevant which is the 1 player increase.

If what is quoted is true we may aswell just lose this thread

part in bold - even if you think its irrelevant, haven't Jay and Jem already decided what action to take? didn't they say it won't be changed? if so then maybe accept the choice they made if you like it or not.

i was 50-50 on the idea, still am in some respects but increasing by 1 isn't going to do much damage, i could understand your point if it was 20 but its not.

i had the same view on when clans had a max of 12 players
when i said i was against the increase....Now only 1 or 2 seasons down the line been increased to 16 the fact is just find reliable players and you wont get defaults
Posts: 22,512
18:44 Wed 4 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Red, even reliable players can become inactive. I really don't see the problem in the increase of one . If i had decreased it to 14 we would still be having this same discussion on it.

Can't keep everyone happy clearly.
Deleted User
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18:46 Wed 4 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
fair enough was just replying to dgen made my point now its...... yep on to something else
Posts: 38,097
18:46 Wed 4 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
also ive found out that when the clan size has been increased a little over the seasons and the subs rules was amended then they has been less defaults as they are more players to sub in and play games (seen it on snooker and pool), still i don't see an issue with it being raised by one, 3 or more and would be problems but i don't think it should increase again after this unless the fixtures get raised which it won't
Posts: 38,097
18:47 Wed 4 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
red4ever said:
yep on to something else

Deleted User
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18:48 Wed 4 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
dgeneratio said:
red4ever said:
diamond_jem said:
And Craig, reasons for the increase can be found at the top of the last page. Whether you asked for it or not is irrelevant, its happening!

it aint irrelevant as its the league discussion thread. its only right that we put across what we feel works and what wont work or actually what is irrelevant which is the 1 player increase.

If what is quoted is true we may aswell just lose this thread

part in bold - even if you think its irrelevant, haven't Jay and Jem already decided what action to take? didn't they say it won't be changed? if so then maybe accept the choice they made if you like it or not.

i was 50-50 on the idea, still am in some respects but increasing by 1 isn't going to do much damage, i could understand your point if it was 20 but its not.

as people keep refering to the LESSER teams, this is BAD for them as it means they might have got a REALLY good playing to sign for them but now clans are allowed ONE more player they could go out and get that BETTER player form the LESSER team so that means the LESSER team as to go out and find an adequate replacement

so yes it is damage to the LESSER teams as they will lose one of there better players.

this rule is just to help the BIGGER clans out but i guess that just my opinion and no one elses
Posts: 22,512
18:48 Wed 4 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Is there anything else? My brain just went to moosh haha
Deleted User
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18:49 Wed 4 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
dgeneratio said:
red4ever said:
yep on to something else


u git dgen!!! im hungry and now hungrier after reading that lol
Posts: 38,097
18:49 Wed 4 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
bluenose1872 said:
Is there anything else? My brain just went to moosh haha

want some gravy to go with that?
Deleted User
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18:51 Wed 4 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
bluenose1872 said:
Like has been said no one is forcing you to take on the extra player, you could play with 12 players if you really want to or even the minimum of 8.

Fact is the decision i made was final, it won't be changed. Passed this topic now.

It's where the player comes from Jay. Big teams won't find a player they will take a team in the same divisions best player so it does have an isn't to get games done I find it quite ridiculous that people even try to argue you actually need more when you have nearly double the players needed.
It is quite simply to weaken the opposition for the big teams.
Jimmy and liam are also going to have a big bust up now about who gets to make unbeatables 16th character lol...that's gonna be messy be blood and mascara everywhere!!
Deleted User
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18:54 Wed 4 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
bluenose1872 said:
Red, even reliable players can become inactive. I really don't see the problem in the increase of one . If i had decreased it to 14 we would still be having this same discussion on it.

Can't keep everyone happy clearly.

Everyone was happy with 15 except horse but you changed it anyway.
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