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Posts: 22,512
14:12 Thu 29 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
chris said:
I can't see the point on deferring punishments for unplayed games/defaults to the following season. Even if you ban a clan presumably all the players are free to take part under a new name and assuming they pass a trial game will be allowed in?.

Even if they made a new name the one month rule would rule them out for playing in the league.
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14:13 Thu 29 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
I meant under a new clan name!!
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14:14 Thu 29 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Then they would need a new captain I assume as that captain's experience wasn't the best.

Or that is what I am hoping.
Posts: 22,512
14:16 Thu 29 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Should have said that you wally Yeah they could do that, but as this is talking about next season they would have no reason to really just quit there clan and try and make there own clan. Just because you pass a reliability game before the season starts does not mean you wont get a load of defaults through a season which has 10 or more weeks in it.
Posts: 38,097
14:16 Thu 29 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
horse10000 said:
dgeneratio said:
way i see it is, last fixture MVP shouldn't have got the bonus but they did, this fixture they should have had the bonus but they didn't so in theory its still 10 bonus points not 20

homework done

what i could do is give you the bonus this fixture and take away the one last fixture or can leave as it is up to you, either way the table won't be affected.

Edited at 00:50 Thu 29/12/11 (GMT)

On what basis?

because there was a time window where the opponent was online towards end of fixture, bonuses should only be awarded i feel if theres no chance you could have got the fixture played so on that basis.

last fixture No
this fixture Yes
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14:17 Thu 29 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
However, surely their punishment is their eviction from the league and they may have learned from that a second time round if they choose to re enter a clan rather than join another team.

You can't punish someone forever...
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14:18 Thu 29 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
michaelg said:
Then they would need a new captain I assume as that captain's experience wasn't the best.

Or that is what I am hoping.

Then you need another rule change as they would 'successfully' have completed a full season.

Seems to me the best thing all round is scrap the completion bonus, strictly enforce action against players who have defaults and (as I'm sure already happens) make sure default scores fully reflect the facts.

Would need to consider whether the 10 point win bonus is sufficient to stop the situation happening where a team can win every match and not win the league. I think it is touch and go with 10 points hence why it was originally 20 points.
Posts: 22,512
14:18 Thu 29 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
James - yeah there was a time window which Lyle could not make, skiller can't just demand he wants the player online to play him now. I even asked for the times he would be on and he was not even on at those times. haha
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14:19 Thu 29 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
whocares8x8 said:
That's what the default team has to struggle with though: what is enough evidence? Me failing to reply to messages? Me logging out every time you log in? You not being there for 5 days? You having a history of not getting games played? It's a fine line and the default panel struggles with it almost every week.
Most decisions will be relatively simple, but it only takes one to cause the explosion.
I would've asked to be subbed the minute I saw you were the opponent

Edited at 12:26 Thu 29/12/11 (GMT)
Posts: 7,940
14:20 Thu 29 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
yeh and 2 wrongs dont make a right, to not give it because of what happened last time is a joke.
Posts: 22,512
14:21 Thu 29 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
They may win every match but clearly the team that win the league scored more points thanks to their players. Because a team gets a decent amount of good results they don't deserve to win the league?
Posts: 22,512
14:22 Thu 29 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
big_mouse said:
whocares8x8 said:
That's what the default team has to struggle with though: what is enough evidence? Me failing to reply to messages? Me logging out every time you log in? You not being there for 5 days? You having a history of not getting games played? It's a fine line and the default panel struggles with it almost every week.
Most decisions will be relatively simple, but it only takes one to cause the explosion.
I would've asked to be subbed the minute I saw you were the opponent

that what shooter done to me unfair and the player was not told about it i call that a tactical move should not be done as he always turn round says am trying to get game played when both players was not informed

Rick i suggest strongly that you edit your post as that WILL start an argument again, something no one really wants as it was dealt with and is in the past. Please leave it now!
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14:24 Thu 29 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
bluenose1872 said:
Because a team gets a decent amount of good results they don't deserve to win the league?

Discussion from many seasons ago

To my mind, no they don't. The league is a team competition and it should be about teams beating other teams. The Golden Cue already rewards the individuals.

Im sure ab will have something to add.
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14:24 Thu 29 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
bluenose1872 said:
They may win every match but clearly the team that win the league scored more points thanks to their players. Because a team gets a decent amount of good results they don't deserve to win the league?

So you are saying rangers win every game but Celtic score 3 more goals Celtic should win the league?

Thought not.
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14:25 Thu 29 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
if to teams are up the top of the league it should be settle like the premier league against and for
Posts: 22,512
14:26 Thu 29 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
I don't think that is even possible haha but if it went to goal difference then so be it though . Just because im a die hard bluenose does not mean i can't take a beaten like that. Take it on the chin, football is not the most important thing in life
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14:29 Thu 29 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
michaelg said:
bluenose1872 said:
They may win every match but clearly the team that win the league scored more points thanks to their players. Because a team gets a decent amount of good results they don't deserve to win the league?

So you are saying rangers win every game but Celtic score 3 more goals Celtic should win the league?

Thought not.

it only comes in if your on the same points
Posts: 11,057
14:33 Thu 29 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'm actually against the win bonus as well (the clan that wins the most frames in the season should win), but am not planning on pursuing that point.
If any of you try to introduce the win bonus on snooker though, expect heavy resistance.
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14:34 Thu 29 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
I would say let them join the next season as eviction from the league is punishment enough, and to deter clans from signing these when theyare removed then put a transfer window in the middle in which you can't transfer outside of unless your team is low on numbers and you seriously need players.


I posted before, starting to think no one actually reads my posts.

Anyway I think the transfer window could be successful and maybe put a cap on a player can only play for 2 clans per season too. Stop all this chopping and changing. Usuallly it would take more than half the season for a team to accumulate that number of defaults so all players would be unable to join another team anyway.

For teams who are low on numbers, should they need to sign players outside the window they should seek permission from league runners first.

Edited at 13:11 Thu 29/12/11 (GMT)
Posts: 22,512
14:35 Thu 29 Dec 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thats a rule that needs implemented straight away.

This is Pool not Snooker, any more talk of that green massive table and people will be on warnings
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