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19:52 Thu 13 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
whocares8x8 said:
therev said:
no i cant tbh mate ya wunt have to use the gerator at all bud.

open note pad, name it Angry Vs Snooker squad

ya get angelas team sheet

copy and paste angelas team sheet there

ya get Snooker Squads team sheet for angry (sorry dnt no capt) then copy and paste them one by one next to the player that was number 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 on the lists so they play each other

then ya save it and when the time comes to release the fixtures ya message them to Angela and the Snooker Squad captain
Then you do that for the 11 other fixtures and your 45 minutes are complete.

it dont take 30mins to copy and paste names to get next to each other at all if it takes ya that long then your defo doing it completely rong.

As soon as Dgen gets the lists whether it monday or friday 12pm (dnt no deadline as i aint a captian anymore) he can copy and paste the fixtures up during the week savin him time on a saturday messaging the names to Jay who uses a generator
Posts: 38,097
19:52 Thu 13 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
plus you would have to open 10-15 tabs which is not what i want.

why would i open 15 tabs when you have a machine what can do it on one page.
Posts: 4,775
19:54 Thu 13 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
whocares8x8 said:
True, but it doesn't help the league much when games don't get played, regardless of whether it's the captain's fault or not.
the job of the league is to do their best so that clans won't fold, so if tagging does something towards that, they do it.

I'm not even a runner here- only on snooker.
But I can tell immediately from the comments in this thread that the time and effort required by runners to keep it running smoothly is massively underestimated.

i dont underestimate the work they do at all, infact what im saying would make the work load easier
Posts: 11,056
19:55 Thu 13 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
therev said:
it dont take 30mins to copy and paste names to get next to each other at all if it takes ya that long then your defo doing it completely rong.

As soon as Dgen gets the lists whether it monday or friday 12pm (dnt no deadline as i aint a captian anymore) he can copy and paste the fixtures up during the week savin him time on a saturday messaging the names to Jay who uses a generator
Point is- no matter what method you use with your apparently amazing lightning speed is still significantly slower than using the generator.
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19:56 Thu 13 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
dgeneratio said:
plus you would have to open 10-15 tabs which is not what i want.

why would i open 15 tabs when you have a machine what can do it on one page.

when all the sheets have been sent in and ya got ya fixtures ready you can copy and paste all the fixtures into just one notepad or Microsoft word document then u copy and paste those fixtures to the corresponding captains who then will tag there players opponents so they can message them straight away
Posts: 38,097
19:58 Thu 13 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
true ang and ive used it in the past but long as i have a generator i can use what tags it for me then ill use it, i know what your saying about not tagging, its much quicker on funky but the reality is i tag on fcl site so it makes it easier for me to update games.

generator - 5 minutes, C+P
hand - 30+ minutes writing MEMBER and names.

also if i send them to jay that night, 9/10 they are done by time i wake up in which case ill check teamsheet, fixture teamsheet and the generator and make edits before i post.

good thing about default forum is you can edit anytime and doesnt say edited at date/time.
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19:58 Thu 13 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
whocares8x8 said:
therev said:
it dont take 30mins to copy and paste names to get next to each other at all if it takes ya that long then your defo doing it completely rong.

As soon as Dgen gets the lists whether it monday or friday 12pm (dnt no deadline as i aint a captian anymore) he can copy and paste the fixtures up during the week savin him time on a saturday messaging the names to Jay who uses a generator
Point is- no matter what method you use with your apparently amazing lightning speed is still significantly slower than using the generator.

the generator makes sure Dgen as got more posts in his inbox than he shud been a league runner, he should only have to deal with peoples problems and the captians teamlists in his inbox other than for his personal use messagin his friends
Posts: 11,056
20:03 Thu 13 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
If dgen didn't mention the generator in the first place, you would never know that one is used. It doesn't affect anyone but the person who releases the fixtures. His workload is greatly decreased.

Assuming the generator works, he will surely be allowed to use it. It doesn't harm the fixtures and only gives advantages.
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20:05 Thu 13 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
whocares8x8 said:
If dgen didn't mention the generator in the first place, you would never know that one is used. It doesn't affect anyone but the person who releases the fixtures. His workload is greatly decreased.

Assuming the generator works, he will surely be allowed to use it. It doesn't harm the fixtures and only gives advantages.

assuming it works aint givin the captains 100% confidence in this generator thing is goin to work every week so its easier to do it by hand as ya no ya wont make any mistakes and have to correct them.

if the generator makes a mistake ya gotta go to the time and effort of puttin the fixtures back to how they should be
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20:07 Thu 13 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
dgeneratio said:
they need to be tagged on the FCL site, yes they dont have to be tagged on funky (yes ive done fixtures like this before) but the fixture generator already has member tags so its a copy and paste deal, less work for me while jay is doing something while serving his ban.

Says it all really it's just an excuse to keep jay as a league runner and no matter how much reason you provide james will ignore it.
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20:08 Thu 13 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
ipotalot said:
dgeneratio said:
they need to be tagged on the FCL site, yes they dont have to be tagged on funky (yes ive done fixtures like this before) but the fixture generator already has member tags so its a copy and paste deal, less work for me while jay is doing something while serving his ban.

Says it all really it's just an excuse to keep jay as a league runner and no matter how much reason you provide james will ignore it.

shunt less work for me be in bold aswell ipotalot

i agree with that statement tho bud
Posts: 4,775
20:10 Thu 13 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
i personally dont see the need in it other than to give jay something to do and to make things look pretty
Posts: 5,224
20:15 Thu 13 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
well to me none of you really like the generator but really it save you time as the FCL staff are the ones that are doing the hard work , so come on let them do there stuff and give them a break

jay is not a cheat as he is a very reliable person that i could always trust and i think you should do the same thing as your not being really unbiased and listening to the other side of the story
Posts: 11,056
20:16 Thu 13 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
poolbiird said:
i personally dont see the need in it other than to give jay something to do and to make things look pretty

If this is about jay, then let's not make it about the generator.

ASSUMING IT WORKS, dgen and I have clearly explained its use.
He takes care of the fixtures, so I think it's hardly fair that others tell him how he should do this work. As long as it works, dgen can do the fixtures however he wants.

While we're at it, let's also tell him that he shouldn;t post "done", but rather "this change has been entered into the system".
He is allowed to do his work the way he wants. You're not affected.
Posts: 4,775
20:28 Thu 13 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
whocares8x8 said:
poolbiird said:
i personally dont see the need in it other than to give jay something to do and to make things look pretty

If this is about jay, then let's not make it about the generator.

ASSUMING IT WORKS, dgen and I have clearly explained its use.
He takes care of the fixtures, so I think it's hardly fair that others tell him how he should do this work. As long as it works, dgen can do the fixtures however he wants.

While we're at it, let's also tell him that he shouldn;t post "done", but rather "this change has been entered into the system".
He is allowed to do his work the way he wants. You're not affected.
ive already said once its not about jay, me and him get on quite well actually so i dont have a problem with him at all

its about keeping things the way they should be and messing about with lists. if i handed my list in and was confident it was handed back without me having to check it incase its been messed with then there wouldnt be a problem
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20:34 Thu 13 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
[QUOTE=bulldog_oc]well to me none of you really like the generator but really it save you time as the FCL staff are the ones that are doing the hard work , so come on let them do there stuff and give them a break

[U][B]jay is not a cheat as he is a very reliable per[/U]son[/B] that i could always trust and i think you should do the same thing as your not being really unbiased and listening to the other side of the story[/QUOTE]

cant be reliable James/Eliot if hes constantly banned can he?
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20:36 Thu 13 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
bulldog_oc said:
well to me none of you really like the generator but really it save you time as the FCL staff are the ones that are doing the hard work , so come on let them do there stuff and give them a break

jay is not a cheat as he is a very reliable person that i could always trust and i think you should do the same thing as your not being really unbiased and listening to the other side of the story

I get on fine with jay but if badger or Ang or anyone was running the league and they got banned I wouldn't agree with them carrying on.
Like I said before if james wants to use him to do lists fair enough (although I don't see any necessity send them to the captains and they can tag them before giving them to the players.)
Just don't agree with someone who isn't allowed on the site making decisions over us all.
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20:36 Thu 13 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
my argument aint against the generator at all it was about a BANNED user still been able to run this league when he aint even allowed on funkypool at all.

Dgen or whoever it was brought up the generator that as caused even MORE arguments about how the league is run
Posts: 38,097
20:36 Thu 13 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
therev said:
ipotalot said:
dgeneratio said:
they need to be tagged on the FCL site, yes they dont have to be tagged on funky (yes ive done fixtures like this before) but the fixture generator already has member tags so its a copy and paste deal, less work for me while jay is doing something while serving his ban.

Says it all really it's just an excuse to keep jay as a league runner and no matter how much reason you provide james will ignore it.

shunt less work for me be in bold aswell ipotalot

i agree with that statement tho bud

fine you run a clan league on your own for 5 seasons see where it gets you... i thought so because im running pool (when i first entered i was only doing defaults) then jan left for good reason, then kenny then kev which only leaves me, how do you expect me to run 2 leagues by myself........exactly so i give league runners jobs to make it easier for me, the soul reason why i asked them was because i wanted to do less not more and help seb on snooker because the poor thing is running snooker by himself while i try and keep the lot of you happy here.
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20:39 Thu 13 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
im all for you giving people jobs to help ya run the league smoothly Dgen.

what i have got against it is cos this person is banned he shunt be able to have ANY involvement until he comes back from his ban
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