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Posts: 7,164
16:25 Sat 1 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
i think you get the rules up first,,, stop tinkering ,, with what is what isnt and stop having needless debates

the rules state 20 seconds so there really isnt a debate

i dont rermember seeing the rules state if both players agree or disagree it states 20 seconds is the game format

im sorry the rules are there for a purpose, any grey areas will be exploited and more arguments occur

i wouldve thought that was obvious after last seasons arguments not dicussions of constant breach of the rules

league runners should be closing loop holes not creating more

once more new players to clan games need to view rules and have a clear understanding, not be told you may or you may not do this or that

an example nd sorry to sound condecending but can you imagine a football match were the refree says its upto you you guys either play with no goalies or play for 4 hours its up to you 2 to agree it

sorry close the loop holes and give clear transparent guidance , the league isnt there to suite one or 2 players its there for 100s

just my oppinion
Posts: 38,097
16:50 Sat 1 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
without tinkering with the rules you can't make the league better.

otherwise it would be like 12 people in a team, no way to do defaults as would be no activity logs and if league had problems if you couldn't tinker the problem would carryon into many seasons.
Posts: 11,057
20:30 Sat 1 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
We are between seasons- that's exactly the time to change rules to make them better!!

Using your football example- the FA and FIFA look at rules every single off-season to make them better!

doubted2 said:
im sorry the rules are there for a purpose, any grey areas will be exploited and more arguments occur

What is the purpose of forcing players to play 20 secs even though it might be inconvenient for both??
doubted2 said:
league runners should be closing loop holes not creating more
League runners should be making the rules so that the clan league works as good as possible. In this case, we should leave players to play any time limit they want- unnecessary rules create arguments!
Posts: 9,926
21:11 Sat 1 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
whocares8x8 said:

Part a) - Let players choose the time!
Part b) - If they can't agree, the game is played at 20 seconds.

This is exactly how it should be, as stated above i played mich on a 90 second timer which we both agreed to and the time per shots had no bearing on the game at all, with most shots played after a few seconds.

If i wasn't willing to agree to this it would have been 20.

As per sebs post this covers all cases and should mean no reason to argue and hopefully also allow clan games to be FUN!!!
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22:03 Sat 1 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
In principal would be fine, but as we know there are many that are not willing to act in a sensible manner and I personally can only see problems, as this is something for the less mature among us to exploit and cause trouble over. And as I have stated this is strictly MY OPINION
Posts: 38,097
22:12 Sat 1 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
flawless agrees with the time idea
Posts: 38,097
22:57 Sat 1 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Plan is...

- Start Pre Friendlies on 9th
- ill do who plays who tomorrow evening
- Pre Friendlies end on 23rd
- 1 week to discuss whos through
- do a schedule here before it starts
- start season end of october/beginning of november

Posts: 11,057
23:32 Sat 1 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
mrmtp said:
In principal would be fine, but as we know there are many that are not willing to act in a sensible manner and I personally can only see problems, as this is something for the less mature among us to exploit and cause trouble over.
How do you exploit it?
Either people agree, or it's automatically 20 secs. I just don't see a way how it can be exploited. If you do see a way, it would be good to know, because then we might think of something to fix it.
Deleted User
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23:49 Sat 1 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
give some people the choice they will find a reason to fall out over it, it wont be too long before people are refusing to play their games as the other person doesnt want a 40 second shot clock, and if you think this wont happen then you must have been logging into funkpool with blinkers on as there are a select few on here that will argue over the slightest thing.

oh and another thing, maybe get more people to go onto the defaults team while you are at it as i can see a lot more games not being played.

once again this is only MY OPINION.
Deleted User
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00:17 Sun 2 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
I thought the rules did say the shot clock would be 20 seconds unless otherwise agreed by the players anyway.
Can't see the harm if two people agree to it think maybe the captains need to be advised to put something at the bottom of the fixtures when they post and message them saying...

*shot clock is 20 secs unless agreed by both parties and

*room is private unless agreed by both parties

Think the second one needs pointing out as much because people seem to ignore it and it's only recently i've started insisting on a private room and I know for certain there are loads of players who would prefer no spectators but don't realise they can insist on it.
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00:28 Sun 2 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
whoops wrong thread lol

Edited at 21:31 Sat 01/10/11 (BST)
Posts: 7,164
02:02 Sun 2 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  

instead of pulling my thoughts apart,,,,, why isnt there a clamour for the clock to be changed

i dont see 100s of players saying or asking for it to be changed do you

and as ive said until the RULES are posted,,, what can be said

nd more to the point here ppl ,,, the rules should be done as a priority before any friendlies or competitive league games start dont you .... there are alot of new teams and new players

saying that im a captain and thought last seasons rules needed sorting to avoid even more conflict
Posts: 11,057
02:11 Sun 2 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
doubted2 said:

instead of pulling my thoughts apart,,,,, why isnt there a clamour for the clock to be changed
Because setting the clock to any specific time makes no sense. You can't control players. Will you be watching every single clan game to make sure people are playing 20 secs? Don't think so.
Let the players decide- if they can't, then it's 20 secs.
Simple. Painless.
Posts: 7,164
02:34 Sun 2 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
no this league has run for a long long time with no probs over shot time limit like ive said ,,,
i would consider getting the rules of the league posted asap as a priority before trying to change anything just my oppinion

how much support have you had ,,, of the 100s of players to change the clock limit

i rest my case

sort the overall rules first thats my oppinion
Posts: 11,057
03:25 Sun 2 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
doubted2 said:
no this league has run for a long long time with no probs over shot time limit like ive said
Of course nobody has complained, because no one has enforced the rule and people have been breaking it the entire time.
This is only one small rule and was brought up by someone. The rule is obviously non-sense, so why can't we change it?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:28 Sun 2 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
iv an old account - this is new - but yes i agree if 2 players agree to set a time limit i see no problem- if not then 20secs is fair -simples
Posts: 7,940
06:10 Sun 2 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
I can see doubted2's point, since the league started as far as I know theres been no arguments or debates about the time limit so why start now, lets not ask players do you want to change it, lets ask everyone if they have a problem with it and if anyone has lets discuss, if no one has lets move on, surely there must be something more important we can all talk about, like half time oranges or does the winner or loser buy the drinks lol

Posts: 11,057
06:17 Sun 2 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
What happens if we catch someone playing 30 seconds (GASP!!) in the fourteenth frame. Do we make them replay the previous 13? I'm guessing no, which would mean we're ignoring the rule. Why not change the rule to make sense?

Bigger picture- we've had many rule issues, why not find the ones with obvious flaws (like this one) and fix them?
Posts: 19,967
06:54 Sun 2 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
I can't really believe what i'm seeing, quite ludicrous xD

League stance used to (not saying it was in the rules) that the shot clock was to be 20 seconds, but if both players agreed a different time then there would be no problem - Its not like it could be enforced, and that is the key thing, if 20 seconds was set in stone - players could both decide something else which would be counted, which was the reason for a relaxed view on it (I know that players have used a longer shot clock at times when the rules say 20, but the runners quite rightly were not bothered)

Janmb being a very clever person, as a runner said - if you cannot enforce a rule, then you cannot implement that rule (or something along those lines)

Thats probably why it isn't in the rules, there isn't a point to it being in the rules, because people would choose to do a different shot clock if they wanted to, regardless if its in the rules - so why clog up the rules and make them pointlessly longer?
Posts: 11,057
07:09 Sun 2 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Totally agree.
When the issue was brought up by dgen, he mentioned that the current rule sets 20 secs in stone without possibility for player decision. All I'm trying to argue here is that it shouldn't be set in stone.
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