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Posts: 2,800
07:21 Wed 31 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
chaos_ said:
Maybe league runners should stick to running the league and not play in a team , cant be accused of being bias towards your own team then .

Totally agree, this has been mentioned before. It would save a lot of hassle an accusations
Posts: 1,381
08:48 Wed 31 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
As far as i am aware, myself, dgeration and dextr will be the league runners in the new season soon approaching. Not too sure Kev will be a league runner next season, im sure he was thinking of leaving runner position. Dont quote me on that though.

Never the less when a situation crops up all league runner's will have there input and something will be done that we agree on. Maybe not getting involved in an issue that involves their clan would help but we would probably still be accused of being biased anyway as you cant keep everyone happy.

League runners not to play in clans? the "biased" accusation would still be made as zante and lee pointed out.
Posts: 11,057
13:03 Wed 31 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
You're right- with these constant accusations flying around after every decision, no matter what you do, you will still be accused of being biased.

If you were not in a clan, they would say that you're being biased towards your friends, so doesn't really matter.

Just make the decisions consistently in accordance with the rules and then stick to them with authority. Always remember that rules exist to make the league run smoothly. I think kev has done a good job with that, especially in regards to the warnings for naming.
Posts: 38,097
13:11 Wed 31 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
ipotalot said:
I'm pretty sure you can do everything with the google sites except the loggings.
Obviously as me and kev use them more we'll work out more and more but i'm sure you can set them up so captains get permissions to update their teams results and all the other little extras.
The logging system must have been done with some assistance from nick before surely? Can't see how you could do it without some link to the information his server collects.

yep and captains can have access by making their own email address in google and me or kev sharing the files to that email address so they can update too.

ill still need to do some tutorials about google docs so they don't update the wrong thing and mess the formulas up.

for logging im not sure if you need a 24/7 computer but i believe that you do, and all you need is a site to base it on, can be anything what uses URL's like my yola on snooker or kevs google site.

logging shouldn't be hard for jan to set up and dex has already agreed to be host for this, its just case of jan getting a free hour to set it up as he works 70+ hours a week now.

Edited at 10:46 Wed 31/08/11 (BST)
Posts: 38,097
13:15 Wed 31 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
and i enjoy playing playing in the FCL, biasm flies around nearly everywhere you look if your in a clan or not. i try to be fair to everyone, if i think a choice is wrong ill speak up like i did about the warnings.

it would be like running this while being banned, just a question here, why would you run something you can't be a part of?
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13:40 Wed 31 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
blueberry said:
And rick for you to try and take over mousekeeters and get your name put down as captain,,, tut tut.Then you leave and revive TPA when you weren't allowed to steal Sarahs clan, just take your loyal followers..

Sarahs done a great job and all you have done is try to put her down, well shes proved you wrong time and time again... Respect Sarah

as i told you before craig your the one that bought this to light about players playing for a full season before they can became a captain of a clan
so it look like it back fired on you craig as you was dead against this rule ...........
as you was trying act silly about me being a captain why ask me to run your team in this name of big_mouse i have on screen save if you like to see it

Edited at 10:52 Wed 31/08/11 (BST)

Edited at 10:52 Wed 31/08/11 (BST)
Posts: 38,097
13:41 Wed 31 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
flawless said:
As far as i am aware, myself, dgeration and dextr will be the league runners in the new season soon approaching. Not too sure Kev will be a league runner next season, im sure he was thinking of leaving runner position. Dont quote me on that though.

sorry but im quoting you anyway

yeah kev will be leaving at end of the season because he will be going to university and won't want to worry about this site (hence folding Globe Potters on Snooker and Cobras on Pool).

kev has done a good job no doubt (back up site, doing cup, updating etc), only minor things i have not agreed with like 1 (maybe 2) of the warnings which should be used as a last resort say you say the rule and if you name 1 more time etc

but i wish kev well at university and not to worry about FCL as its in very capable hands next season

Edited at 10:46 Wed 31/08/11 (BST)
Posts: 38,097
13:56 Wed 31 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
big_mouse said:
blueberry said:
And rick for you to try and take over mousekeeters and get your name put down as captain,,, tut tut.Then you leave and revive TPA when you weren't allowed to steal Sarahs clan, just take your loyal followers..

Sarahs done a great job and all you have done is try to put her down, well shes proved you wrong time and time again... Respect Sarah

as i told you before craig your the one that bought this to light about players playing for a full season before they can became a captain of a clan
so it look like it back fired on you craig
as you was trying act silly about me being a captain why ask me to run your team in this name of big_mouse i have on screen save if you like to see it

1) thats blueberry not craig

2) no i don't want to see it here this is a "discussion" thread
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14:08 Wed 31 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
dgeneratio said:
big_mouse said:
blueberry said:
And rick for you to try and take over mousekeeters and get your name put down as captain,,, tut tut.Then you leave and revive TPA when you weren't allowed to steal Sarahs clan, just take your loyal followers..

Sarahs done a great job and all you have done is try to put her down, well shes proved you wrong time and time again... Respect Sarah

as i told you before craig your the one that bought this to light about players playing for a full season before they can became a captain of a clan
so it look like it back fired on you craig
as you was trying act silly about me being a captain why ask me to run your team in this name of big_mouse i have on screen save if you like to see it

1) thats blueberry not craig

2) no i don't want to see it here this is a "discussion"


they both pointed this out in my thread when i started a new clan as you can all see
Posts: 38,097
14:21 Wed 31 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
i see no reason to do anything, if its about anoneeemouse there is only 4 days left for division 2 and 18 days left for division 1 (unless its longer due to cup).

as for craig sort it out amongst yourselves via clan thread or offline messages
Posts: 19,819
15:48 Wed 31 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
well on my ideal the clan runners could pick at random who plays?
see i dont like defaults as on any night any player could beat anyone so i think the answer is no defaults in a similar to i suggested though yes i do see flaws as p clans could it as a second attempt
Posts: 1,381
19:12 Wed 31 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Defaults are there for a reason why give extra time for them to be completed? You already get two weeks to play the match if it's not played then its going to default. If you hand in info for a default then you give yourself a chance as without info you could lose out on a few points.

Dont like defaults? Get your games done and there wont be any!
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20:01 Wed 31 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
flawless said:
Defaults are there for a reason why give extra time for them to be completed? You already get two weeks to play the match if it's not played then its going to default. If you hand in info for a default then you give yourself a chance as without info you could lose out on a few points.

Dont like defaults? Get your games done and there wont be any!

amen to that, 2 weeks is ages!! i dont understand how games dont get played, just a sheer lack of commitment..
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20:29 Wed 31 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
virtuosomuch said:
flawless said:
Defaults are there for a reason why give extra time for them to be completed? You already get two weeks to play the match if it's not played then its going to default. If you hand in info for a default then you give yourself a chance as without info you could lose out on a few points.

Dont like defaults? Get your games done and there wont be any!

amen to that, 2 weeks is ages!! i dont understand how games dont get played, just a sheer lack of commitment..

Games don't get played now for no other reason than because captains like you refuse to sub out players that are impossible to get games done with till the last minute despite having loads of other eligible, willing clan members itching to play games.
If it was 10 points for no defaults rather than 5 maybe captains would pioritise getting the game played because leaving it to their conscience about the other team's active/willing players being messed around doesn't seem to have any effect in some cases.
Posts: 2,530
20:33 Wed 31 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
What about give fixtures 17 days to be played (so play up till the Wednesday) and then if theres any defaults they can be announced on the Sunday and next set of fixtures released.
Posts: 38,097
20:41 Wed 31 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
by announced you mean what people got or to be processed?
Posts: 2,530
20:46 Wed 31 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Well announce what the defaults are, surely it doesnt take longer than 4 days?
Posts: 38,097
20:48 Wed 31 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
usually takes 3 at most, day or 2 for messages then day for predictions (or 2 if not enough members post)
Posts: 2,530
20:50 Wed 31 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Gives people a chance to have a break from having fixtures thrown in the face all the time aswell
Posts: 38,097
20:52 Wed 31 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
ah so for example:

Clan 1 vs Clan 2

say 1 default by the wednesday

then announce what they was on the sunday along with new fixtures

so would mean a 4 day break between fixtures?

not a bad idea
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