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Posts: 6,262
02:48 Wed 31 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Sorry dgen just don't like to see people putting blame elsewhere and needlessly putting other members down
Posts: 38,097
02:50 Wed 31 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
yeah i see what you mean

bumping this up...

far as i know these has cropped up past 5 pages or so....

naming - should we get rid completely, not name at all or keep it as it is now with captains written permission?

punks idea about having a week or 2 at end of season for all games to be completed what went to defaults

bonus points - 10 for win, 10 for no defaults, 5 for draw?

defaults complaints committee - defaults team decide what action to take if any major problems come up

golden cue - possible frames percentage

site + logging - keep google but hopefully logging will be sorted at later date unless horse idea comes into play

horse -

i suggested this a while back to try and do away with defaults.

For game 1 you would have approx 12 weeks to complete down to 3 weeks for last set of fixtures. If nearly all games get completed hopefully league is won and relegation sorted even if a few games didn't get played. Teams should still want to get all games done by deadline as they miss out on bonus points if they don't.

I have always said this is the best way and it would hopefully almost get rid of defaults.

Also would suggest changing cup to 2 weeks per fixture same as league as if 5 games aren't completed by then, teams involved should be warned or even face point deduction from league. We have time for 2 weeks per fixture so lets use it.

^^ explanations on page 44-45

feedback on these and anymore ideas you may have
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03:30 Wed 31 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Naming get rid

Dont like either punks or horse plans for the league structure fine as it is.

Bonus point change seems fair enough

On defaults, said since day 1 i think each clan should have 1 representative but i know wont happen...
Posts: 968
03:36 Wed 31 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
I personally found the no naming rule pointless, as it doesn't stop players joining clans does it and only postpones something that is going to happen anyway.

I like punks idea, a flaw i see however is if a player deacts/banned by the end of the season...

Bonus points - for no defaults sure, but for a win/draw no, as it just adds another number to the total tally. At the end of the season, the best team is going to be at the top of the league regardless. Defaults is different, as it is about reliability, not the way a player plays, something which should definately be rewarded IMO

Agree with "comittee" if unbiased people can be found!

Never really been interested in the golden cue, so no comment.

Again, not my area, so no comment on the site/logging

Thats my input
Posts: 7,940
04:30 Wed 31 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
the_diamond said:
I personally found the no naming rule pointless, as it doesn't stop players joining clans does it and only postpones something that is going to happen anyway.

I like punks idea, a flaw i see however is if a player deacts/banned by the end of the season...

Bonus points - for no defaults sure, but for a win/draw no, as it just adds another number to the total tally. At the end of the season, the best team is going to be at the top of the league regardless. Defaults is different, as it is about reliability, not the way a player plays, something which should definately be rewarded IMO

Agree with "comittee" if unbiased people can be found!

Never really been interested in the golden cue, so no comment.

Again, not my area, so no comment on the site/logging

Thats my input

Wrong, the reason bonus points for a win were introduced is because a clan went the whole season unbeaten and lost the league by 6 points, the team that won the league couldn't beat the team in 2nd so whos the best team ?, the team that won the league or the team that went unbeaten ?.

The best team is the one that beats all others.

Win bonus was brought in because no team should go unbeaten and lose the league
Posts: 968
04:31 Wed 31 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
The reason for their victory?
Posts: 7,940
04:34 Wed 31 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
All im saying is its a team event, if a team beats all other teams and go unbeaten they shouldnt lose the league.

Take away the win bonus and it could happen again.
Posts: 968
04:38 Wed 31 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
But i'm guessing (bare in mind i wasn't around) the reason the winning team won, because majority of their players, won more frames in total? Doesn't this mean that the best team won?
Posts: 7,940
04:44 Wed 31 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
So say they take away the bonus points and next season TFS beat MVP twice and MVP beat a weaker team by a few more points than you do then MVP go on to win the league by 6 points will you turn round and say well done MVP, you are the best team, I don't think so, I wouldn't class us as the best team if we lost twice to another clan.
Posts: 11,057
05:04 Wed 31 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
New Zealand were the only unbeaten team at the last World Cup.
That was my constructive input on the subject.

I have to say I'm slightly with sam here, although both points stand. Whichever clan wins the most frames by the end of the season takes the prize. Marathon, not a sprint!
Posts: 7,940
05:14 Wed 31 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
fair point, the way the rules were the other clan rightly so won the league, just because they got a few more points against a weaker team does'nt make them the best team tho, the team that beats all others is the best team.

Maybe the point system is all wrong, football teams don't win the league by scoring the most goals, rugby by scoring the most points in a game or cricket by scoring the most runs, they win by getting the most points by win or draw.

Edited at 02:36 Wed 31/08/11 (BST)
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06:15 Wed 31 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
You deserve bonus points for getting a victory in a close game but it has to be proportional 20 points is too much whether it's 2 teams at the top or bottom of the division battling it out if you lose a match by a point you are massively out of touch straight away.
10 points rewards the winning team proportionally I think.
With all the rules for squad sizes, subs and swaps giving more and more options to captains there really aren't many excuses to have defaults now. 10 points rather than the negligible 5 points now gives a fair incentive and reward for clans who get their games done.
Posts: 1,381
06:17 Wed 31 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Naming - I agree with Alan on this one, proposed this to James in offline message the other day.

Bonus Points - Like the idea for this seems fair.

Default Committee - Agree with Sam's view on this.

Website - I would prefer Kenny's to be scrapped as a new league runner i need to have access and i dont at all, Kenny wont hand it over to Dextr even i have tried, that means he can kill it when ever. Make a new one like Kenny's or use back up.

My view on the default thing Keith and Punk suggested, defaults are there for a reason why give extra time for them to be completed? Hand in any info on a default it help's if you dont hand it in dont moan about it. That info could win you that match and the fixture.
Posts: 1,381
06:26 Wed 31 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Also this rubbish about biased Leage Runner's has to be stopped, they do their job an un-paid job at that and its there time they use. Fair enough some bad judgement calls been made, people learn from mistakes! I aint been banned (Proof that people learn haha).

I am now a league runner or will be at start of next season, i will be playing for TFS . Even then if a situation crops up between the clan i play for and another clan i will take action on my clan if they are in the wrong like any league runner should do. Hope you don't mind Sam haha
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06:31 Wed 31 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
I'm pretty sure you can do everything with the google sites except the loggings.
Obviously as me and kev use them more we'll work out more and more but i'm sure you can set them up so captains get permissions to update their teams results and all the other little extras.
The logging system must have been done with some assistance from nick before surely? Can't see how you could do it without some link to the information his server collects.
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06:32 Wed 31 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
flawless said:
Also this rubbish about biased Leage Runner's has to be stopped, they do their job an un-paid job at that and its there time they use. Fair enough some bad judgement calls been made, people learn from mistakes! I aint been banned (Proof that people learn haha).

I am now a league runner or will be at start of next season, i will be playing for TFS . Even then if a situation crops up between the clan i play for and another clan i will take action on my clan if they are in the wrong like any league runner should do. Hope you don't mind Sam haha

Diamond said you do and you're dropped lol
Posts: 1,381
06:40 Wed 31 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Typical haha look's like i need a new clan Haha nah i know he will be cool with it
Posts: 5,201
07:04 Wed 31 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Maybe league runners should stick to running the league and not play in a team , cant be accused of being bias towards your own team then .
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07:12 Wed 31 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Nobody is totally impartial even if they didn't play in clans they'd be accused of doing favours for mates by people who can't take losing.
3 league runners does work out better though as you should always have somebody not directly involved in the situation.
Posts: 19,967
07:17 Wed 31 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Shouldn't really matter if a league runner is in a clan or not, if they're prone to bias in a clan - then they'd always be prone to bias not in one, best way is to have more than one person and minimise the potential for them to express any bias they have
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