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Posts: 9,926
23:12 Tue 30 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
dgeneratio said:
ah so 3 weeks for each round (2 weeks for bonuses) but overlapping with new set?

at end of those 3 weeks rest go to default?

Yes but in week 3 all players who have not played in fixture can play anyone from opposing team who have not played in fixture, this should increase the chances of two players meeting and games getting done dramatically.
Posts: 38,097
23:14 Tue 30 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
quick question, can quarantined players who couldnt play, play that 3rd week?
Posts: 9,926
23:15 Tue 30 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
dgeneratio said:
quick question, can quarantined

players who couldnt play, play that 3rd week?

No just all players who were available on day 1 of that fixture set
Posts: 38,097
23:17 Tue 30 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
ah coolies.

ill wait for more feedback, if its popular by most members then ill probably trial it next season see how it goes.

meanwhile still need a logger just in case it goes to defaults.
Posts: 9,926
23:24 Tue 30 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
dgeneratio said:
ah coolies.

ill wait for more feedback, if its popular by most members then ill probably trial it next season see how it goes.

meanwhile still need a logger just in case it goes to defaults.

Thats why rather than 3 weeks i prefer letting it go to the end as chances are that between start of season and end of season enough games will be completed that league is won and relegation decided without defaults taking any part as hopefully their is a very small or hardly none that haven't been completed.

Clans who let games from early fixture remain unplayed start penalising them so if game is unplayed after 3 weeks they lose 5 points, after 4 weeks another 5 points etc so someone not playing a fixture from first 3 weeks could lose 35 points if it remained unplayed till end of season. If it is proven that one clan are choosing not to play and suitable proof can be provided this deduction would only apply to the team that are choosing to not play the game and not both.
Posts: 38,097
23:26 Tue 30 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
seems logical, i don't mind which one we use, ill leave that for dex, jay, defaults team and majority of members to decide
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23:42 Tue 30 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
my team is call top pool aces

when i started my clan up the league site was not working
so how am i meant to read the rules if the league site was down for over a month or more
now they are penalising for something that i could not even look at or read
iv not been in a clans for a few seasons i think this is out of order by the league runners when their site was down
so theres no chance for me to read the rules
Posts: 38,097
23:45 Tue 30 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
league runner.

i did give you advice yesterday, soon as you saw my message i expected you to edit name out and i would have done the same and nothing more would have been said.

was Kev who gave you warning, i just gave you friendly advice

blame kenny for site being down, we have had a back up for few weeks now.
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23:48 Tue 30 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
well i cant read a blank screen which inst even there or a blank site
Posts: 38,097
23:51 Tue 30 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
backup has been yola/google mate been on my profile for a good 2 weeks now.

your not alone about warning, snooker squad, MVP, TPA all got one was kevs choice alone all 3 times about the warning.

if it was me i would have given some friendly advice (like i did) then a warning if it continued.
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00:22 Wed 31 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
big_mouse said:
my team is call top pool aces

when i started my clan up the league site was not working
so how am i meant to read the rules if the league site was down for over a month or more
now they are penalising for something that i could not even look at or read
iv not been in a clans for a few seasons i think this is out of order by the league runners when their site was down
so theres no chance for me to read the rules
i do believe you were v.c for mouseketeers this season for a while , and you knew all of the rules then
Posts: 7,940
00:26 Wed 31 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
dgeneratio said:
backup has been yola/google mate been on my profile for a good 2 weeks now.

your not alone about warning, snooker squad, MVP, TPA all got one was kevs choice alone all 3 times about the warning.

if it was me i would have given some friendly advice (like i did) then a warning if it continued.

Thats what most people would do
Deleted User
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00:31 Wed 31 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
1/ Naming-Don't really see the harm in naming players, scrap it

2/ Bonus Points-definitely be better 10 for a win and 10 for no defaults much fairer

3/ Defaults commitee-The system in place should cover this really if 1 team avoids playing a fixture there is going to be evidence and they would get hammered on defaults

4/ Totally against this we've got the default games down and with the clan sizes, rules on subs and swaps and 2 weeks to complete there really isn't much excuse
How many players come and go in clans through a season? I think it's a total non-starter

5/ Horse's idea-Think the league would lose all structure.

We've had a really good competitive season that's been ruined a bit by Kenny disappearing with the sites..we don't need massive changes just the bonus points change mainly, hopefully we can get a computer whizz to sort out a logging system again and scrap the naming or leave it as with captains permission not fussed on that.
Deleted User
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00:35 Wed 31 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
hi teams

i thought you all best to know this i broke a small rule in naming a player as you can see this was a small mistake on my behalf but kev give me a warning for it

but kev when you break rules yourself as a league runner is it different you let in mouseketeers which there captain is annoeeemouse was not even in viper for half a season to be a captain you have to have a full season behind you which in there case they did not
or be in clan long time
so that is breaking a rules

as we are all talking about rules that one was a big rule breaking
Deleted User
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00:37 Wed 31 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
i think you will find i was a viper for a full season
Deleted User
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00:43 Wed 31 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
anoneeemouse said:
i think you will find i was a viper for a full season

if you look back on the thread your fine out you was only in for a few games
Deleted User
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00:45 Wed 31 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
no bonus points wat so ever ,,,just straight points for a win .,,,simples ,,and deduction of points for a default too ,,and name if u want with a posted captains permission
Posts: 8,149
00:50 Wed 31 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
dgeneratio said:
backup has been yola/google mate been on my profile for a good 2 weeks now.

your not alone about warning, snooker squad, MVP, TPA all got one was kevs choice alone all 3 times about the warning.

if it was me i would have given some friendly advice (like i did) then a warning if it continued.

Can this(bold) be explained please?
Posts: 11,057
00:55 Wed 31 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
He was hopefully just saying that all of those clans got a warning for the same reason.
Posts: 38,097
00:57 Wed 31 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
just my views about these warnings so don't bite my head off.

Snooker Squad - in this scenario i believe you was right to give out a warning as we named more than once but at the time we had inexperienced captain.

MVP - soon as i saw antione did give permission i would have got rid of the warning straight away as it was a misunderstanding between rules, MVP and ant

TPA - im 50-50 here, you were part right about warning rick but with access to no rules until last week i would have said, if you name 1 more time then i will warn you.

I do think i should be informed before you make a warning though and all info should be looked at before making a choice (like with defaults you wait for messages etc).

Just think that warnings should be used as a LAST resort instead of 1 name as we want MORE clans NOT LESS.

thats just my non biast view
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