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Posts: 7,164
20:28 Tue 30 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
make fun in your kangerooo court youve got nothing youve named and shamed on here

then laugh

Edited by forum moderator horse10000, at 17:51 Tue 30/08/11 (BST)
Posts: 11,057
20:29 Tue 30 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Tratter was playing the games and no one should stop others from playing. You pressured him into quitting the games with me. That is wrong.
The evidence are your posts on the cup thread as well as screenshots of my conversations with you and tratter
Posts: 2,530
20:29 Tue 30 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
doubted2 said:
rubber_duck said:
Ive got a vein on my next trying to stop myself getting involved.....

do it

Nooooo stop trying to get me involved Im a good boy now
Posts: 7,164
20:30 Tue 30 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
whocares8x8 said:
He was playing the games and no one should stop others from playing. You pressured him into quitting the games with me. That is wrong.

after the deadline 12 hours later

why shouldnt i stop him playing a non existant fixture which you wanted to use in case there was an extension

i ask how did you no as a non-league runner that was going to happen

hmmmm inside information
Posts: 11,057
20:30 Tue 30 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
They were debating an extension on the threads. Everyone could see it.

Edited by forum moderator horse10000, at 19:17 Tue 30/08/11 (BST)
Posts: 7,164
20:31 Tue 30 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
your screen shot rubbish

tell me was this during the fixture or 12 hours after deadline had passed
Posts: 38,097
20:31 Tue 30 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
like i said they was playing knowing my might not count so theres no harm in it.

hope you don't do this in normal friendlies.
Posts: 11,057
20:33 Tue 30 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
doubted2 said:
your screen shot rubbish

tell me was this during the fixture or 12 hours after deadline had passed
We were playing IN CASE there was an extension. You pressured him to stop playing. I have screenshots of that.
Posts: 7,164
20:36 Tue 30 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
no i dont

however you say it might count

explain this ----------why in league defaults does this not happen

the following day or days players play out supposed fixtures have friendlies that may count

to right they dont why because they dont count

this hasnt got anything to with the fact your a league runner has it
Posts: 7,164
20:36 Tue 30 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
whocares8x8 said:
doubted2 said:
your screen shot rubbish

tell me was this during the fixture or 12 hours after deadline had passed
We were playing IN CASE there was an extension. You pressured him to stop playing. I have screenshots of that.

so as ive said it was after deadline a min of 12 hours after

Edited by forum moderator horse10000, at 17:52 Tue 30/08/11 (BST)
Posts: 11,057
20:37 Tue 30 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Jeeeeez, I'm off.

New idea for next season:
There should be a test for all clan captains.

Edited by forum moderator horse10000, at 18:33 Tue 30/08/11 (BST)
Posts: 9,926
20:37 Tue 30 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
This is a league discussion thread, please can we observe the forum rules, temporarily capped.
Posts: 9,926
21:38 Tue 30 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Uncapped, please can everyone observe the forum posting rules as failure to do so could mean posting rights are revoked.
Posts: 38,097
21:52 Tue 30 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
cheers horse

far as i know these has cropped up past 5 pages or so....

naming - should we get rid completely, not name at all or keep it as it is now with captains written permission?

punks idea about having a week or 2 at end of season for all games to be completed what went to defaults

bonus points - 10 for win, 10 for no defaults, 5 for draw?

defaults complaints committee - defaults team decide what action to take if any major problems come up

golden cue - possible frames percentage

site + logging - keep google but hopefully logging will be sorted at later date unless horse idea comes into play

horse -

i suggested this a while back to try and do away with defaults.

For game 1 you would have approx 12 weeks to complete down to 3 weeks for last set of fixtures. If nearly all games get completed hopefully league is won and relegation sorted even if a few games didn't get played. Teams should still want to get all games done by deadline as they miss out on bonus points if they don't.

I have always said this is the best way and it would hopefully almost get rid of defaults.

Also would suggest changing cup to 2 weeks per fixture same as league as if 5 games aren't completed by then, teams involved should be warned or even face point deduction from league. We have time for 2 weeks per fixture so lets use it.

^^ didn't understand fully so pasted it.

feedback on these and anymore ideas you may have

keep it clean
Posts: 7,940
22:32 Tue 30 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
My thoughts on the above

naming - should we get rid completely, not name at all or keep it as it is now with captains written permission?
I say keep it to naming with captains permission but if a captain gives permission they post once in say clan news and its for all clans to name.

bonus points - 10 for win, 10 for no defaults, 5 for draw?
I like this idea.

defaults complaints committee - defaults team decide what action to take if any major problems come up
Strongly disagree, the default panel at the moment contains the 2 league runners and thier captains for next season, that would need looked at first.

punks idea about having a week or 2 at end of season for all games to be completed what went to defaults
problem is that people could avoid playing during the set fixture time.

golden cue - possible frames percentage
Should go back to most frames won.

horse10000's idea
I need more info on that one before I comment
Posts: 38,097
22:40 Tue 30 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
im not sure entirely about it but i think.

you have all season to complete the games.

say 10 weeks in a season (5 fixtures)

Fixture 1 (10 weeks to complete all games) - 2 weeks deadline for bonus points (games can still be completed after deadline but no bonus points)

Fixture 2 (8 weeks to complete all games) - 2 weeks deadline for bonus points (games can still be completed after deadline but no bonus points)

Fixture 3 (6 weeks to complete all games) - 2 weeks deadline for bonus points (games can still be completed after deadline but no bonus points)

Fixture 4 (4 weeks to complete all games) - 2 weeks deadline for bonus points (games can still be completed after deadline but no bonus points)

Fixture 5 (2 weeks to complete all games) - 2 weeks deadline for bonus points (games can still be completed after deadline but no bonus points)

maybe wrong but its how i understood it.

im sure horse could explain better than i could
Posts: 9,926
23:01 Tue 30 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
dgeneratio said:
im not sure entirely about it but i think.

you have all season to complete the games.

say 10 weeks in a season (5 fixtures)

Fixture 1 (10 weeks to complete all games) - 2 weeks deadline for bonus points (games can still be completed after deadline but no bonus points)

Fixture 2 (8 weeks to complete all games) - 2 weeks deadline for bonus points (games can still be completed after deadline but no bonus points)

Fixture 3 (6 weeks to complete all games) - 2 weeks deadline for bonus points (games can still be completed after deadline but no bonus points)

Fixture 4 (4 weeks to complete all games) - 2 weeks deadline for bonus points (games can still be completed after deadline but no bonus points)

Fixture 5 (2 weeks to complete all games) - 2 weeks deadline for bonus points (games can still be completed after deadline but no bonus points)

maybe wrong but its how i understood it.

im sure horse could explain better than i could

Yes basically that with an extra week at the very end.

Clans who choose to not play games by deadlines lose the 10 point bonus for not completing so it is not in their interest to not play.

At the moment their is a very small amount at end of each fixture that go to default (2 or 3 games max per set) I would also implement that at end of the deadline all players who have not played in fixture are listed and any clan member who sees an opposing player online can play him immediately with no captains input for subs.

Basically the captains lose all control over the fixtures after the 2 week period as at the end of the day it is poor captaining that causes games to go to defaults.
Posts: 7,940
23:02 Tue 30 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
I think giving 10 weeks to complete fixture one and 8 weeks for fixture 2 and so on is giving teams the chance to hold off games, you could end up in the last 2 or 3 weeks of the season with teams still to play games from fixture set 1 and 2, must admit that would be a bit extreme if that did happen but its possible.
why not make it a little bit simpler, if theres unplayed games at the end of a fixture set (2weeks) the clans involved get a 1 week extension before it goes to default, clans would still get the win bonus but wouldn't get the no defaults bonus after the original deadline.
Posts: 9,926
23:04 Tue 30 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
ab_rfc said:
I think giving 10 weeks to complete fixture one and 8 weeks for fixture 2 and so on is giving teams the chance to hold off games, you could end up in the last 2 or 3 weeks of the season with teams still to play games from fixture set 1 and 2, must admit that would be a bit extreme if that did happen but its possible.
why not make it a little bit simpler, if theres unplayed games at the end of a fixture set (2weeks) the clans involved get a 1 week extension before it goes to default, clans would still get the win bonus but wouldn't get the no defaults bonus after the original deadline.

Do the extra week but captains lose the right to sub and any 2 players online can play at anytime in the 3rd week etc.
Posts: 38,097
23:09 Tue 30 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
ah so 3 weeks for each round (2 weeks for bonuses) but overlapping with new set?

at end of those 3 weeks rest go to default?
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