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Tournament Schedule Restructure Proposal

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Posts: 4,751
14:51 Thu 5 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
I welcome thoughts into a restructure of the tournament schedule.

I would like the following:
1) Removing 25 hour schedule and going back to a daily repeating schedule. Now it is too random, I would prefer people to know when tournaments are on, eg there being a consistent 7pm 8 ball tournament.
2) Still have more tournaments during peak time 7pm - 11pm.
3) To accommodate 8 ball arcade and eventually 9 ball arcade.

I will post a proposed new schedule in a while.
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15:02 Thu 5 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
I prefered the set time's before the change so im happier about that.

I realise that 7pm is the actual start of peak time but could extend this to 5 pm and have half hourly torunys from then.
Deleted User
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15:20 Thu 5 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
How about having the speed and random tournaments starting at quarter past rotating?
That would free up plenty of room for arcade and give everyone a lot more choice.
As they're only 1 frame they would be done in plenty of time to join the next hourly and if people didn't want to join an hourly they only have to wait 15 minutes.
Posts: 4,195
15:28 Thu 5 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
To begin with i hated when we didnt have set tournaments but now i love the way it goes round tbh because i get to play a lot more different ones, due to work or being out. I don't think it should be changed back at all, not knowing what tournament is next is sumin i enjoy in fact.
Deleted User
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15:30 Thu 5 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Agree with k1rk on the 25h thing
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15:39 Thu 5 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
With a repeating daily schedule I think it needs to be reviewed and rotated on a regular basis, ie every three months? Otherwise it is possible that players might never get to compete in their favourite tournament type due to other committments which would be a big negative.

The more tournaments of different types that can be accommodated into the schedule - ie more interim speed and micro tournaments - the better. With the greater rewards for winning tournament games against random opponents compared to winning normal ranked games against random/picked opponents, it would be better to maximise the opportunities for all to play more tournament ranked games.

I like ipotalot's suggestion - and it could develop along the lines of 'Major' tournaments on the hour - eg the usual 'classic' length tournaments in all game types with the 20 second shot clock, plus Marathons and Straight. Then the interim tournaments being all the variable tournament types - micros, speed etc. for all game types.
Posts: 8,149
16:01 Thu 5 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
I would very much prefer the daily repeating schedule to come back because it would be great to know what tournament is at what set hour.

We all know that the main tournaments(on the hour) produces the most tournapoints at one time and I think more people would be interested in the setting of the 11pm tournament as this can hold deciders for the day event win.

2 and 3 could be combined Nick?

Bring in the 8 and 9 Arcade tournaments quarter past the hour every hour between 6pm and 11pm?
Deleted User
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16:03 Thu 5 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Chris-Only thing I would do different is keep the micros seperate cos I found them a really good bridge to the full tournaments.
With the speed versions of 8, 9, 8UK, 8 arcade, 9 arcade and random, random speed, straight speed would have enough for a full rotating schedule at quarter past each hour.
Could move the micros to half past.
Deleted User
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16:12 Thu 5 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
joker86 said:
Bring in the 8 and 9 Arcade tournaments quarter past the hour every hour between 6pm and 11pm?

What about non-UK members?

ipotalot said:
With the speed versions of 8, 9, 8UK, 8 arcade, 9 arcade and random, random speed, straight speed would have enough for a full rotating schedule at quarter past each hour.
Could move the micros to half past.

Yep don't mind how it was done - but more 'interim' tournaments each hour as an alternative to only having normal ranked games available.
Deleted User
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16:17 Thu 5 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Yah i remember when i could join the 9 ball tourny every 3 hours i believe
Posts: 8,149
16:38 Thu 5 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
chris said:
joker86 said:
Bring in the 8 and 9 Arcade tournaments quarter past the hour every hour between 6pm and 11pm?

What about non-UK members?

Nick stated more tournaments at peak times and I gave a suggestion. Non-UK members are just as actve at our peak times as we are on here.
Deleted User
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17:16 Thu 5 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
joker86 said:
Non-UK members are just as active at our peak times as we are on here.

Not anyone working or studying on a standard hours day (9 to 5). That's why 6-11 is a peak time for UK.

If Arcade games are included they ought to go into the full schedule on equal billing with the other types I think.
Posts: 4,751
18:16 Thu 5 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
I think we can assume at this stage that each of the main 5 games: Arcade 8 ball, 9 ball, Regular 8 ball, 9 ball and UK pool will have roughly similar usage and deserve equal share of the tournament space.

I agree with having the major tournaments on the hour. I like the idea of having the others rotating at half past but there will be situations where an 8 ball game starts at 8pm and 8:30pm for instance. Don't think it would be too much of a problem?
Deleted User
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18:41 Thu 5 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
If this comes up then it will give you another opportunity to enter and win an 8 ball tourny. If you enter the first and you get knocked out, you would want to enter the next so i dont see any issues. Love the idea of being able to enter a tourny at least every 30 mins.
Deleted User
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19:19 Thu 5 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Don't think they will clash very often there would be that many disciplines circulating.
Will the micros be staying Nick? cos if they were to you would have a choice if the main tournaments did happen to be the same or if you just don't like either.
Posts: 7,164
19:30 Thu 5 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
the fact you have a 24hour non-fixed schedule nick works

fixed .........limits peoples choice
Deleted User
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19:50 Thu 5 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
I say put the main ones at .00 just like it is at the moment ( but yeah, you can have it the same every day, why not ). Put 8 ball Micro to start registering at .15, then have 9 ball Micro at .20 and 8 ball UK Micro at .25. Then have the Arcade tournament at .30

So example: 6:30 pm - Arcade 8 ball, 7:30 pm 9 ball arcade, 8:30 pm 8 ball arcade speed...

And the only thing that changes are the main tournaments, also switching just like arcade ones, 8 ball speed, the next hour 9 ball and the next hout 8 ball uk...
Deleted User
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19:52 Thu 5 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
That way people will easily remember which one is it now. Divisible by 3 are 8 ball UK tournaments, the rest go always the same: horu before is 9 ball, hour after is 8 ball. Doesn't matter if it's speed or marathon, those change every tournament, too :)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:13 Thu 5 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Reason I said speed and randoms to start at quarter past though is because they would be finished before the next hourly starts.
Doing it the other way with the arcades later they probably wouldn't be finished as they're best of 3 frames in each match whereas randoms and speed are 1 frame.
Posts: 4,751
20:16 Thu 5 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
OK, so how about....

4 * 8 ball UK
4 * 8 ball arcade
4 * 8 ball reg
4 * 9 ball arcade
4 * 9 ball reg
2 * straight
2 * random

Half hourly - 25 hour rotating, 13 of which are friendly (so friendly every 2 hours)
1 * 8 ball UK marathon
1 * 8 ball UK speed
2 * 8 ball UK friendly
...same for all 8 and 9 ball disciplines...
1 * straight speed
1 * straight friendly
1 * random speed
2 * random friendly

We'll ignore micro, they will fit around everything else. I like the way this is panning out - it means we keep a similar number of ranked tournaments per event as before arcade was introduced, and much more friendly tournaments which fill the gaps (and can attract newbies to the fun that is tournaments).
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Tournament Schedule Restructure Proposal

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